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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 1: 1807-1827: to Aet. 20. (search)
I have, and I should like Seyfert; 6th, Mr. Rickly tells me that as I have a taste for geography he will give me a lesson in Greek (gratis), in which we would translate Strabo, provided I can find one. For all this I ought to have about twelve louis. I should like to stay at Bienne till the month of July, and afterward serve my apprenticeship in commerce at Neuchatel for a year and a half. Then I should like to pass four years at a university in Germany, and finally finish my studies at Paris, where I would stay about five years. Then, at the age of twenty-five, I could begin to write. Agassiz's note-books, preserved by his parents, who followed the education of their children with the deepest interest, give evidence of his faithful work both at school and college. They form a great pile of manuscript, from the paper copy-books of the school-boy to the carefully collated reports of the college student, begun when the writer was ten or eleven years of age and continued with li
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 3: 1828-1829: Aet. 21-22. (search)
ched upon before in our correspondence, which should now be fully discussed. 1st. You remember that when I first left Switzerland I promised you to win the title of Doctor in two years, and to be prepared (after having completed my studies in Paris) to pass my examination before the Conseil de Sante, and begin practice. 2d. You will not have forgotten either that you exacted this only that I might have a profession, and that you promised, should I be able to make my way in the career oflay since M. Cuvier, to whom I sent it in the same way, has acknowledged its arrival. I inclose his letter, hoping it will give you pleasure to read what one of the greatest naturalists of the age writes me about it. Cuvier to Louis Agassiz. Paris, Au Jardin du Roi, August 3, 1829. . . You and M. de Martius have done me honor in placing my name at the head of a work so admirable as the one you have just published. The importance and the rarity of the species therein described, as well
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 4: 1829-1830: Aet. 22-23. (search)
e thought of until the spring. 1 could not bear the idea of interruption before the first number of my Fishes is finished. The artist in question was Mr. Dinkel. His relations with the family became of a truly friendly character. The connection between him and Agassiz, most honorable to both parties, lasted for sixteen years, and was then only interrupted by the departure of Agassiz for America. During this whole period Mr. Dinkel was occupied as his draughtsman, living sometimes in Paris, sometimes in England, sometimes in Switzerland, wherever, in short, there were specimens to be drawn. In a private letter, written long afterward, he says, in speaking of the break in their intercourse caused by Agassiz's removal to America: For a long time I felt unhappy at that separation. . . . He was a kind, noble-hearted friend; he was very benevolent, and if he had possessed millions of money he would have spent them for his researches in science, and have done good to his fellow-cre
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 5: 1830-1832: Aet. 23-25. (search)
23-25. Year at home. leaves home for Paris. delays on the road. cholera. arrival in PaParis. first visit to Cuvier. Cuvier's kindness. his death. poverty in Paris. home letters conce small means he could devote to his studies in Paris should be consumed on the road. To his mothreat French capital. To his sister Olympe. Paris, January 15, 1832. . . .My expectations in ers I have found all that I knew must exist in Paris (indeed, my anticipations were rather below thlts for me. I think I told you when I left for Paris that my chief anxiety was lest I might not be letter to your brother that you see no one in Paris; the reason seems to me a sad one, but it is to your own country. You have already seen in Paris all those persons whom you thought it essentiamore than one earns. . . . To his mother. Paris, March 25, 1832. . . . .It is true, dear mo collections. These I can have nowhere but in Paris, since even if he would consent to it I could [15 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 6: 1832: Aet. 25. (search)
as desired. From Humboldt to Mme. Agassiz. Paris, April 11, 1832. I should scold your son, Mier had intervened. Agassiz to Humboldt. Paris, May, 1832. . . . I would not write you untis says to me, Go to Neuchatel; do not stay in Paris. But I speak in riddles; I must explain myseld individual development than in this restless Paris, where obstacles or difficulties may not perhas in Switzerland and work them up there. From Paris, also, it would not be so easy to transfer myshappy conclusion. Agassiz to Louis Coulon. Paris, June 4, 1832. I have received your kind leill still detain me for four or five months at Paris,—my time being after that completely at my disderstand that the brilliant offers made you in Paris strongly counterbalance a poor little professogassiz not to accept the offers made to him at Paris since M. Cuvier's death, and his decision has pleted the comparison of the fossil species in Paris, I wanted, for the sake of an easy revision of[6 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 7: 1832-1834: Aet. 25-27. (search)
rmer lithographer in Munich. I have therefore written him to come, and expect him after New Year. With my salary I can also henceforth keep Dinkel, who is now in Paris, drawing the last fossils which I described. . . . No answer to this letter has been found beyond such as is implied in the following to M. Coulon. Humboldt the hope of selling his collection at Neuchatel, and thus freeing himself from a heavy burden. Agassiz was now threatened with a great misfortune. Already, in Paris, his eyes had begun to suffer from the strain of microscopic work. They now became seriously impaired; and for some months he was obliged to abate his activity, hout the summer, notwithstanding the trouble in his eyes, Agassiz had been still pressing on these works. His two artists, Mr. Dinkel and Mr. Weber, the former in Paris, the latter in Neuchatel, were constantly busy on his plates. Although Agassiz was at this time only twenty-six years of age, his correspondence already shows t
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 7: 1834-1837: Aet. 27-30. (search)
in Oxford, and that I shall be most happy to receive you and give you a bed in my house if you can come here immediately. I expect M. Arago and Mr. Pentland from Paris tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. I shall be most happy to show you our Oxford Museum on Thursday or Friday, and to proceed with you toward Edinburgh. Sir Philip Enearly two months, and I hope before leaving to finish the description of all that I brought together at the Geological Society last year. Knowing that you are in Paris, however, I cannot resist the temptation of going to see you; indeed, should your stay be prolonged for some weeks, it would be my most direct path for home. I sh of some fifteen copies. . . . My work advances fairly; I shall soon have described all the species I know, numbering now about nine hundred. I need some weeks in Paris for the comparison of several tertiary species with living ones in order to satisfy myself of their specific identity, and then my task will be accomplished. Next
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 9: 1837-1839: Aet. 30-32. (search)
a, you would be the happiest, the most honored. Look at ——, who shone as a star of the first magnitude at Geneva, and who is but a star of second or third rank in Paris. This, to be sure, would not be your case; nevertheless, I am satisfied that at Geneva, where you would be a second de Saussure, your position would be still morels known hitherto only by the shell. I have made a plaster collection of them for the Geological Society. They have been packed some time, but my late journey to Paris has prevented me from forwarding them till now. As soon as I have a moment, I shall make out the catalogue and send it on. When you go to London, do not fail to exat he had given in his youth to his friend's scheme for establishing a permanent scientific summer station in the high Alps. In a short visit made by Agassiz to Paris in the spring of 1838 he unfolded his whole plan to Guyot, then residing there, and persuaded him to undertake a certain part of the investigation. During this ve
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 10: 1840-1842: Aet. 33-35. (search)
ell you anything of my own poor and superannuated works? The sixth volume is wanting to my Geography of the Fifteenth Century (Examen Critique). It will appear this summer. I am also printing the second volume of a new work to be entitled Central Asia. It is not a second edition of Asiatic Fragments, but a new and wholly different work. The thirty-five sheets of the last volume are printed, but the two volumes will only be issued together. You can judge of the difficulty of printing at Paris and correcting proofs here,—at Poretz or at Toplitz. I am just now beginning to print the first number of my physics of the world, under the title of Cosmos: in German, Ideen zur einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. It is in no sense a reproduction of the lectures I gave here. The subject is the same, but the presentation does not at all recall the form of a popular course. As a book, it has a somewhat graver and more elevated style. A spoken book is always a poor book, just as lectures r
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 11: 1842-1843: Aet. 35-36. (search)
advance for a strict determination of these fossils. Having them for some time before my eyes, I shall become familiar with all the details. When I know them thoroughly, and have compared them with the collections of skeletons in the Museums of Paris, of Leyden, of Berlin, and of Halle, I will then come to England to see what there may be in other collections which I cannot have at my disposal here. The winter of 1843, apart from his duties as professor, was devoted to the completion of t copies may help me to rise again. And yet I have not much hope of this, since all the attempts of my friends to obtain subscriptions for me in France and Russia have failed: because the French government takes no interest in what is done out of Paris; and in Russia such researches, having little direct utility, are looked upon with indifference. Do you think any position would be open to me in the United States, where I might earn enough to enable me to continue the publication of my unhappy