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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 154 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 33 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 24 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 22 2 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 14 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 12 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 6 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 6 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 6 0 Browse Search
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n with these movements, Comb-sawing machine. and the pointers cut nicks as starting-points for the saws, which act subsequently. Com′et-seek′er. A cheap equatorial, with coarsely divided circles, and a large field in comparison to its aperture. Its name suggests its use, and the resultant find is subjected to the more accurately graduated and more powerful instruments of comparatively limited fields. The comet-seeker of the Washington Observatory was made by Merz and Mahler, of Munich. It has an object-glass of about 4 inches in diameter and a focal length of 32 inches. Low powers are used, that it may embrace a large field and collect the greatest possible quantity of light. It cost $280. Com-mand′er. 1. (Nautical.) A large wooden mallet, used in the sail and rigging lofts in driving the splicing-fid. 2. (Hat-making.) A string on the outside of the conical hat-body, pressed upon it down the sides of the block, to bring the body to the cylindrical form. <
overies previously made by others, for many important discoveries of his own, and for the courage and perseverance which he manifested, in endeavoring to render his system of practical utility to mankind by bringing it prominently to the notice of the public; and he lived to see it adopted in its essential features throughout the civilized world. In the mean while Gauss and Weber, and after them Steinheil, in Germany, were at work, and constructed a short line between the Royal Academy at Munich and the observatory; this, by means of right and left hand deflection-needles, was caused to print dots on a continuous slip of paper, moved by clock-work. While making experiments in connection with this work, Steinheil made the important discovery that the earth might be used as a part of the circuit, thus enabling him to dispense with one half the length of wire which was thought requisite. The attention of Wheatstone, in England, appears to have been drawn to the subject of telegra
on columns were liable to give way suddenly, owing to the expansion and contraction by heat and jets of water. Mr. Mullett, the supervising architect of the Treasury Departmnent, indorses the statement, and prefers sound oak timber to cast-iron, especially if it be treated with a liquid silicate. Fire-proofing by rendering the timber of the structure incombustible has been frequently attempted. Payne's process consists of immersion in a solution of barium or calcium. Professor Fuchs of Munich recommends as a material for rendering wood fireproof a composition of potassa or soda, 10 parts; siliceous earth, 15 parts; charcoal, 1 part, fused and formed into a water-glass and applied in solution. It forms a vitreous coating. An English composition is as follows: Fine sand, 1 part; wood ashes, 2 parts; slaked lime, 3 parts. Grind in oil, lay on with a painter's brush, the first coat thin and the next thick. Fire-proofing may be said to be accomplished when—1, the building is o
e. In a few minutes the lid is opened and the paper removed, bringing with it the adhering gelatine, which, with the coloring matter, forms the picture. See Woodbury process; nature-printing; Heliotype; Albertype, — so named from Herr Albert of Munich. Gem. A precious stone, as a diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, topaz, opal, etc. Some of those in the following list are only semi-precious, and are not strictly gems. In a mechanical point of view, they have about equal interest. Some cor on the wheel, then replaced the mass in the furnace, so that the vitreous matter might expand and fill up the spaces. He thus combined good pieces of glass, so as to build up lenses of flintglass of fine quality. Guinand joined Frauenhofer in Munich in 1805, and returned to his native canton in 1814, where he died, and was succeeded in his business by his sons. Glass-spin′ning. Brunfaut of Vienna works a process in which he makes curled or frizzled yarn of glass. The composition is a
It represents him as tied to the mast while he listens to the songs of the sirens. f is the modern Greek peasant's cap, introduced for comparison. g is from a parian marble bust of Paris, wearing the Phrygian cap, and now in the Glyptothek, Munich. h is from a coin of the Emperor Verus, now in the British Museum, and representing Armenia capta. The captive wears a plug hat. i represents Dacia in mourning, with a puddingcrown hat on. It is the obverse of one of Trajan's coins. j isal used a very thin film in working by the Poitevin method, but failed to make the gelatine withstand the pressure. They also substituted alkaline trichromates for acid bichromates, and proposed the addition of reducing agents. Herr Albert of Munich next produced some results by a similar method. His plan of working is somewhat as follows: instead of a lithographic stone, a glass plate is employed, of considerable thickness. On this is placed a layer of gelatine and bichromate, which, when
ds of this noble quarternion of philosophers with a few yards of red tape applied by some seedylooking individual, with a pen behind his ear and no speculation in his eye. Munich at last carried the palm; her skill being originally derived from Guinand, a poor peasant of Neufchatel, Switzerland, who was brought up to the watch-trade. He made experiments, and gradually shifted himself into the manufacture of optical instruments, finally allying himself with Utzschneider and Frauenhofer of Munich, whose establishment yet has a world-wide reputation: he succeeded in soldering glass. Pure disks of flint-glass were exhibited in London in 1851, having a diameter of 29 inches and weighing 224 pounds. Guinand's mode of making lenses is stated by Mr. Pellatt to have consisted in stirring the glass while at the highest point of fusion; cooling down the entire contents of the pot in a mass, and when annealed and cooled, separating unstriated portions by cleavage, afterwards softening the
er has been proposed in the bromine test, which removes from gas the vapors upon which its luminosity depends. See Ure, Vol. I. p. 439, American edition. Photo-mi-cog′ra-phy. At the time when photography began to attract attention, efforts were made by Donne to depict microscopic objects by the Daguerrean process, which did not, however, yield satisfactory results. The new process of photography, however, in the hands of such experimenters as Professor Gerlach of Erlangen, Albert of Munich, and Dr. R. L. Maddox of Southampton, was more successfully employed for this purpose. In America, the chief experimenters have been Professor O. N. Rood of Columbia College, Mr. Lewis N. Rutherford of New York, and Colonel J. J. Woodward of the United States Army Medical Museum. The latter has devoted much attention to the subject, and has succeeded in carrying the process to a high degree of perfection. In 1861, Professor Rood, in a paper published in Silliman's journal, described the p
g power is equal to the focal length of the object-glass divided by the focal length of the eyeglass. Galilean telescope. Re-frac′tion-cir′cle. (Optics.) The refractioncircle of the Washington Observatory was made by Ertel and Son, of Munich. The telescope has a clear aperture of 7 inches, and is 8 1/2 feet in length. It is supported in the middle of the axis between two piers, and it has two circles of 4 feet diameter, one on each end of the axis, divided on gold into arcs of 2′ the grooves being straight and intended merely to prevent fouling of the bore and facilitate cleaning. The grooves were made spiral by Koster of Birmingham, England, about 1620. In Berlin is a rifled cannon of 1664, with 13 grooves, and one in Munich of perhaps equal antiquity has 8 grooves. The French Carabineers had rifled arms in 1692. Pere Daniel, who wrote in 1693, mentions rifling the barrels of small-arms, and the practice was apparently well known at that time. Rifles were ear
of a peculiarly fine and delicate quality, for ornament rather than use. Berlin, Dresden, and Munich have national ceramic works. Sew′age. The surface drainage, slops, excrementitious matter,aration and application of water-glass or soluble glass, we are indebted to Dr. Johann Fuchs, of Munich. He announced his success in 1825, and published a pamphlet shortly before his death, in 1856. e in various combinations. It makes a very strong and adhesive compound. The theater of Munich, Bavaria, was painted with a composition in which 10 per cent of yellow clay was added to soluble glia, is 54 feet high, and erected on a pedestal 30 feet in hight, in front of the Ruhmeshalle, at Munich. A winding staircase in the interior leads to the head, wherein is a chamber large enough to cors against atmospheric influences. From Ott we learn that Echter and Kaulbach, the artists of Munich, proceed as follows:— The wall to be painted is first coated with a layer of ordinary lime mo
phere a circle corresponding to that in which any heavenly body appears to move. The circles increase or diminish as the telescope is moved upon its horizontal pivot, changing the angle between the line of sight and the inclined axis, just as the circles apparently described by the heavenly bodies increase or diminish according to their polar distance. Refracting-telescopes. Telescope mounted on a pillar and claw-stand. The equatorial of the Cincinnati Observatory was purchased in Munich by Professor O. M. Mitchell, the originator and director of the observatory. The object-glass has a diameter of nearly 12 inches. The death of this talented and Christian gentleman in the service of his country has been a great loss to science and to the social circle, where he was highly esteemed for his modesty and merit. Telescope with motion in altitude and azimuth. Large refractors are now universally mounted equatorially, and are made of dimensions which but a few years ago wer