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e is not politically identified with his masters, promotion is denied, and the press so effectually gagged that no word of commendation may escape it. Sigel, Major-General Franz Sigel has proved himself an excellent soldier; and if he had been untrammelled by those in power, or given a distinct command away from Fremont and other incapables, he would have made a great name for himself long ere this. He was born in Baden in 1824, and graduated with much honor in the military college of Carlsruhe; and, in 1847, was considered one of the ablest artillerists in Europe. When the revolution broke out in Germany, he threw up his command and joined the insurgents. At one time he was in command of the insurgent army, and successfully retreated with thirty thousand, despite all the traps and snares laid for him by an army of eighty thousand. His generalship drew forth praise from some of the best soldiers in Europe. When the rebellion was crushed, Sigel emigrated to America, and settle
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 78: the commencement and completion of the Rise and fall of the Confederate States of America.—the death of Jefferson Davis, Jr.—Honors Awarded by Mr. Davis's countrymen. (search)
r himself and family when they should be with him, furnished it, put up shelves for his books and papers, and with his servant settled himself there for the work, having written previously to an assistant to join him and establish himself at some convenient distance on the coast. Mrs. Dorsey offered her clerical services at stated hours during the day, and thus a part of the first volume was written. As soon as it was considered advisable, ill April of 1878, leaving my little girl in Carlsruhe, I returned home. After a short time spent with our daughter, Mrs. Hayes, and our only remaining son Jefferson, now grown a strong, sober, industrious, and witty young man, who was exceedingly intimate with his father, and loved him devotedly-indeed they were like two young friends together — I joined my husband at Beauvoir. As Mr. Davis had lost all his papers, the history of the Confederacy was unwritten save by the deeds of its defenders, and he soon felt he could not attempt to gi
ed leader of Colored troops. George H. Gordon led a charge at Cedar Mountain. Charles P. Stone, later distinguished in the service of Egypt. Albert Ordway, promoted at the close of the War. N. A. miles commanded a brigade at Chancellorsville and later led a division in the Army of the Potomac. Henry L. Eustis, originally Colonel of the 10th regiment. Major-General Franz Sigel was born in Sinsheim, Baden, November 18, 1824, and was graduated from the Military School at Carlsruhe, becoming a champion of German unity and minister of war to the revolutionary Government of 1848, which was overthrown by Prussia. Later, having withdrawn to Switzerland, the Government expelled him, and he emigrated to America in 1852. He taught in a military institute in St. Louis and edited a military periodical. When the Civil War broke out, he organized the Third Missouri Infantry and an artillery battery, and after assisting Captain Lyon in the capture of Camp Jackson, he served i
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Schott, Charles Anthony 1826- (search)
Schott, Charles Anthony 1826- Civil engineer; born in Mannheim, Germany, Aug. 7, 1826; graduated at the Polytechnic School in Carlsruhe in 1847; came to the United States in 1848, and secured a place on the coast survey; was made assistant in 1856; elected a member of the National Academy of Science in 1872. His publications include Magnetical observations in the Arctic seas; Tables and results of the precipitation in rain and snow in the United States, and at some stations in adjacent parts of North America, and in Central and South America; Tables, distribution, and variations of the atmospheric temperature in the United States and some adjacent parts of America; Magnetic charts of the United States, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sigel, Franz 1824- (search)
Sigel, Franz 1824- Military officer; born at Sinsheim. Baden, Nov. 18, 1824; graduated at the military school of Carlsruhe; entered the Baden service, but resigned in 1848, when he became a champion of German unity and republicanism. The revolutionary government appointed him secretary of war. At the head of a beaten and dispirited force, after a defeat by the Prince of Prussia, he made a skilful retreat within the walls of the fortress of Rastadt. Upon the flight of the provisional government, in July, Sigel withdrew to Switzerland, and, being expelled by the Swiss government, he came to New York in 1850, taught mathematics, interested himself in the State militia, became major of a regiment, and in September, 1858, removed to St. Louis and became superintendent of public schools there. When the Civil War broke out he organized a regiment of infantry and a battery, assisted Franz Sigel. Lyon in the capture of Camp Jackson, and afterwards did signal service in southwester
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treaties. (search)
eJuly 10, 1853 Treaty of Friendship, commerce, navigationSan JoseJuly 27, Austria: Treaty of Commerce, navigationWashingtonAug. 26, 1829 Treaty of Commerce and navigationWashingtonMay 8, 1848 Convention of ExtraditionWashingtonJuly 3, 1856 Austria-Hungary: Convention of Rights of consulsWashingtonJuly 11, 1870 Convention of NaturalizationViennaSept. 20, 1870 Convention of Trade-marksViennaNov. 25, 1871 Baden: Convention of ExtraditionBerlinJan. 30, 1857 Treaty of NaturalizationCarlsruheJuly 19, 1868 Bavaria: Convention of Abolishing droit d'aubaine and taxes on emigrationBerlinJan. 21, 1845 Convention of ExtraditionLondonSept. 12, 1853 Treaty of Citizenship of emigrantsMunichMay 26, 1868 Belgium: Treaty of Commerce and navigationBrusselsNov. 10, 1845 Convention of Peace, amity, commerce, etcWashingtonJuly 17, 1858 Convention of Completing treaty of 1858BrusselsMay 20, 1863 Treaty of To extinguish Scheldt duesBrusselsJuly 20, 1863 Convention of NaturalizationBrus
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wyant, Alexander H. 1836-1892 (search)
Wyant, Alexander H. 1836-1892 artist; born in Port Washington, O., Jan. 11, 1836; studied in Carlsruhe, Dusseldorf, and London; opened a studio in New York City in 1864; was elected an associate of the National Academy of Design in 1868, and an Academician in 1869. Among his pictures are Staten Island from the Jersey Meadows; Scene on the Upper Susquehanna; Fort at New Bedford; A midsummer retreat; New England landscape; Scene on the Upper little Miami, etc. He died in New York City, Nov. 29, 1892.
ultices to horses' legs. It is made of soft leather for the sides and a heavy sole-leather bottom. Poul′try-feed′er. A device to feed grain to fowls in quantity as used. It is upon the principle of the fountain-inkstand or the water-bottle for bird-cages, grain falling down into the trough as the latter is emptied. Pounce. Pounded gum-sandarach and cuttlefish bones. Used on freshly written manuscript instead of blotting-paper. Pounce-pa′per. A tracing-paper prepared at Carlsruhe without oil. Hat-pouncing machine. Pouncing-ma-chine′. (Hat-making.) A machine for raising a nap upon hat-bodies by a grinding action. In Fig. 3929, the sand-paper or other rubbing surface has a rising or falling motion in an inclined direction, so as to act in a conical form; the former revolves on its axis and also traverses to and fro horizontally; it may also be raised and lowered. The india-rubber cushion allows the rubbing surface to yield and thus avoid the wearing o
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 21: Germany.—October, 1839, to March, 1840.—Age, 28-29. (search)
son in the place, so simple is every thing here. Indeed, Mr. Thibaut called me the grand seigneur. Farewell. Remember me, as ever, to Mrs. Story (whom I hope to find well) and the children, and believe me, As ever, affectionately yours, Charles Sumner. P. S. A friend of mine here, Dr. Bissing, Dr. Frederic Bissing died about 1874. He was second Burgermeister (Vice-Mayor) of Heidelberg, and for many years represented the district of Heidelberg in the Diet of Baden, meeting at Carlsruhe. who has already translated Chancellor Kent on our Constitution, thinks of translating your great work on the Constitution. He is now studying it with great delight. Dr. Julius says, in his book on America, that your work has gone to a second edition in four volumes. Is this true? A Dr. Buss, of Tubingen, has already translated the historical part, and intended to go on with it; but he has recently experienced a political change against democratic institutions, and has thrown up the wo
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 1: 1807-1827: to Aet. 20. (search)
it soon became the habit for him to pass the holidays with his new friend at Carlsruhe. For a young man of his tastes and acquirements a more charming home-life thas in danger for many days. As soon as he could be moved, Braun took him to Carlsruhe, where his convalescence was carefully watched over by his friend's mother. hysiology of plants, and what do you make of it? . . . Braun to Agassiz. Carlsruhe, Whitsuntide, Monday, 1827. . . .I am in Carlsruhe, and as the package hasCarlsruhe, and as the package has not gone yet, I add a note. I have been analyzing and comparing all sorts of plants in our garden to-day, and I wish you had been with me. On my last sheet I send will watch to see whether they are turned inward. . . . Braun to Agassiz. Carlsruhe, August 9, 1827. . . . This is to tell you that I have determined to leaved Schnapski with me, and write also when we are to see you in Heidelberg and Carlsruhe. Remind me then to tell you about the theory of the root and poles in plants