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C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War 84 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 8 0 Browse Search
The picturesque pocket companion, and visitor's guide, through Mount Auburn 4 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 2 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 2. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 2 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 2 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson). You can also browse the collection for Treviri (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) or search for Treviri (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) in all documents.

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C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caligula (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 8 (search)
any historical work, but Martial, Pliny, and others, describe him as a respectable poet. says that he was born at Tibur; Pliny the younger, in the country of the Treviri, at a village called Ambiatinus, above Confluentes;Supra Confluentes; The German tribe here mentioned occupied the country between the Rhine and the Meuse, and gave their name to Treves (Treviri), its chief town. Coblentz had its ancient name of Confluentes, from its standing at the junction of the two rivers The exact site of the village in which Caligula was born is not known. Cliverius conjectures that it may be Cafelle. and he alleges, as a proof of it, that altars are there shown witTreviri), its chief town. Coblentz had its ancient name of Confluentes, from its standing at the junction of the two rivers The exact site of the village in which Caligula was born is not known. Cliverius conjectures that it may be Cafelle. and he alleges, as a proof of it, that altars are there shown with this inscription: "For Agrippina's child-birth." Some verses which were published in his reign, intimate that he was born in the winter quarters of the legions, In castris natus, patriis nutritius in armis, Jam designati principis omen erat. Born in the camp, and trained in every toil Which taught his sire the haughtiest foes to
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caligula (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 9 (search)
It was to the jokes of the soldiers in the camp that he owed the name of Caligula,The name was derived from Caliga, a kind of boot, studded with nails, used by the common soldiers in the Roman army. he having been brought up among them in the dress of a common soldier. How much his education amongst them recommended him to their favour and affection, was sufficiently apparent in the mutiny upon the death of Augustus, when the mere sight of him appeased their fury, though it had risen to a great height. For they persisted in it, until they observed that he was sent away to a neighbouring city, According to Tacitus, who gives an interesting account of these occurrences, Treves was the place of refuge to which the young Caius was conveyed.-Annal. i. to secure him against all danger. Then, at last, they began to relent, and, stopping the chariot in which he was conveyed, earnestly deprecated the odium to which such a proceeding would expose them.