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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To E. Carpenter. (search)
t will appear and reappear through all time, always influencing the destiny of the human race for good or for evil. Has not the one idea that rose silently in Elizabeth Heyrick's To Elizabeth Heyrick, of England, a member of the Society of Friends, belongs the honor of having been the first to promulgate, in a pamphlet published by her in 1825, the doctrine of Immediate, not Gradual Emancipation. The abolitionists of Great Britain, then struggling for the overthrow of slavery in the West Indies, speedily adopted it as their key-note and cry, and Mr. Garrison, in establishing the Liberator, declared it to be the only impregnable position to assume in agitating for the abolition of slavery everywhere. mind spread, until it has almost become a World's idea? Have not the stern old Calvinists of Charles's time, despised as they were, given their character to nations? Who can predict the whole effect on habit and opinion in New Rochelle, fifty years hence, of the spiritual warfare n
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Reminiscences of Dr. Channing by Mrs. Child, written after his death and published in his memoirs. (search)
t a copy to Dr. Channing, and a few days after he came to see me at Cottage Place, a mile and a half from his residence on Mt. Vernon Street. It was a very bright sunny day; but he carried his cloak on his arm for fear of changes in temperature, and he seemed fatigued with the long walk. He stayed nearly three hours, during which time we held a most interesting conversation on the general interests of humanity, and on slavery in particular. He told me something of his experience in the West Indies, and said the painful impression made by the sight of slavery had never left his mind. He expressed great joy at the publication of the Appeal, and added, The reading of it has aroused my conscience to the query whether I ought to remain silent on the subject. He urged me never to desert the cause through evil report or good report. In some respects he thought I went too far. He then entertained the idea, which he afterwards discarded, that slavery existed in a milder form in the Unite
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Reply of Mrs. Child. (search)
om your own white population, prove how little reliance you have on the strength of your cause. In this enlightened age, all despotisms ought to come to an end by the agency of moral and rational means. But if they resist such agencies, it is in the order of Providence that they must come to an end by violence. History is full of such lessons. Would that the veil of prejudice could be removed from your eyes. If you would candidly examine the statements of Governor Hincks of the British West Indies, and of the Rev. Mr. Bleby, long time a missionary in those islands, both before and after emancipation, you could not fail to be convinced that Cash is a more powerful incentive to labor than the Lash, and far safer also. One fact in relation to those islands is very significant. While the working people were slaves, it was always necessary to order out the military during the Christmas holidays; but, since emancipation, not a soldier is to be seen. A hundred John Browns might lan
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), List of Mrs. Child's works, with the date of their first publication as far as ascertained. (search)
ren. 1855. The Progress of Religious Ideas through Successive Ages. New York, 1855. 3 vols. 8vo. Autumnal Leaves: Tales and Sketches in Prose and Rhyme. New York, 1856. 16vo. Correspondence between L. M. Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason (of Virginia). Boston, 1860. 12vo. The Duty of Disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act. An Appeal to the Legislators of Massachusetts. Boston, 1860. 12vo. (Anti-Slavery Tracts, No. 9.) The Patriarchal Institution, described by Members of its own Family. New York, 1860. 12vo. The Right Way the Safe Way, proved by Emancipation in the West Indies and elsewhere. New York, 1860. 12vo. The Freedmen's Book. Boston, 1865. 16vo. A Romance of the Republic. Boston, 1867. 12vo. Looking towards Sunset. From Sources Old and New, Original and Selected. Boston, 1868. 8vo. An Appeal for the Indians. New York (1868?). 12vo. Aspirations of the World. A Chain of Opals. With an Introduction by L. M. Child. Boston, 1878. 16vo.
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
Grimke, Sarah M., her testimony against slavery, 129. H. Hampton Institute and General Armstrong, 241. Hedrick. Professor, expelled from North Carolina, 108. Henry the Eighth and the Protestant reformation, 187. Heyrick, Elizabeth, promulgates the doctrine of Immediate Emancipation, 23. Higginson, T. W., his biographical account of Mrs. Child, VI., XIII.; sermon to the people of Lawrence, Kans., 84; speech at an anti-slavery meeting, 149. Hincks, Governor, of the West Indies, 134. History of women, VII. Hoar, Samuel, expelled from South Carolina, 108. Hobomok, Mrs. Child's first story, VII. Hopper, Isaac T., 43; Mrs. Child's Life of, XIII. Hosmer, Harriet, 68. Hovey, Charles F., 82. I. Indians, treatment of the, 218-220. J. Jack, Captain, the Modoc chief, 220. Jackson, General, Andrew, and the Seminole War, 219. Jackson, Francis, 260. Jay, John, 188. Jefferson, Thomas, testimony of against slavery, 133. John Brent, by Th