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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), The conflict with slavery (search)
point. 1. A distinguished scientific gentleman, Mr. Coulomb, the superintendent of several military works in the French West Indies, gives it as his opinion, that the slaves do not perform more than one third of the labor which they would do, provject will I think fully justify me in advancing this general proposition. Wherever, whether in Europe, the East and West Indies, South America, or in our own country, a fair experiment has been made of the comparative expense of free and slave la you find them in the emancipation of the South American Republics In Hayti? In the partial experiments of some of the West India Islands? Does history, ancient or modern, justify your fears? Can you find any excuse for them in the nature of the handle not, from henceforth forever. Besides, the plan of gradual abolition has been tried in this country and the West Indies, and found wanting. It has been in operation in our slave states ever since the Declaration of Independence, and its
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Zzz Missing head (search)
um for the African market. The slaves were usually taken to the West Indies, although occasionally part of a cargo found its way to New EnglHaving ascertained that the exports of sugar and spices from the West Indies have diminished since emancipation,—and that the negroes, havingourse to facts and figures) that the emancipated class in the West India Islands are universally idle, improvident, and unfit for freedom; thatells us that the blacks have no right to use the islands of the West Indies for growing pumpkins and garden stuffs for their own use and beh a maker of books. Does it become such a one to rave against the West India negro's incapacity for self-civilization? Unaided by the arts, sissenters under Charles II. consigned others of the sect to the West Indies, where their frugality, temperance, and thrift transmuted their avagances of conduct and language, he spent several years in the West Indies, where he became deeply interested in the condition of the slave