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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 18 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 14 0 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 12 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 12 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 10 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1862., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley 6 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
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T. Maccius Plautus, Aulularia, or The Concealed Treasure (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 5, scene 1 (search)
get it hence of me The rest of this Play is unfortunately lost. From the Acrostic Argument which is prefixed to the Play, we learn that Lyconides obtained the gold, and gave it up to Euclio, who presented it to him as a marriage-portion with his daughter. In some of the Editions there is a Supplement to the last Scene, written in a very meagre style by some unknown author, which is not worth presenting to the reader The Supplementby Antonius Codrus Urceus, a learned scholar and professor at Bologna, is certainly somewhat superior, and, such as it is, a translation of it is here presented to the reader. Its chief fault is, that it indicates a greater change in the nature of the miser than is consistent with probability. Though Plautus doubtless depicted him as giving up the gold to his new son-in-law, it was probably on some other ground than a change of disposition. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE AULULARIA BY CODRUS URCEUS. STROBILUS ---- the pot belonging to the old fellow, which I've not got
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 17 (search)
C. 723 And to make it known to the world how far Antony had degenerated from patriotic feelings, he caused a will of his, which had been left at Rome, and in which he had nominated Cleopatra's children, amongst others, as his heirs, to be opened and read in an assembly of the people. Yet upon his being declared an enemy, he sent to him all his relations and friends, among whom were Caius Sosius and Titus Domitius, at that time consuls. He likewise spoke favourably in public of the people of Bologna, for joining in the association with the rest of Italy to support his cause, because they had, in former times, been under the protection of the family of the Antonii. And not long afterwards he defeated him in a naval engagement near Actium, which was prolonged to so late an hour, that, after the victory, he was obliged to sleep on board his ship. From Actium he went to the isle of Samos to winter; but being alarmed with the accounts of a mutiny amongst the soldiers he had selected from th
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 4 (search)
ith weeds; and you are brought to think how some woman once took an interest in the flowers, and saw that they were properly kept. These little things appeal more pointedly to you than great ones, because they are so easily understood. In the few days' fighting I have seen, I have come to be entirely unmoved by the appearance of the horrible forms of wounds or death; but to-day I had quite a romantic twinge at finding in a garden a queer leaf, with scallops on it, just like one I found in Bologna and put in your scrapbook. . . . At Anderson's I saw quite a galaxy of generals, among others the successor of General Stevenson, Major-General Crittenden. He is the queerest-looking party you ever saw, with a thin, staring face, and hair hanging to his coat collar — a very wild-appearing major-general, but quite From Polopotamoy Creek to Chickahominy river. a kindly man in conversation, despite his terrible looks. . . . The waggoners and train rabble and stragglers have committed gr
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Instructions to Hon. James M. Mason--letter from Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Secretary of State, C. S. A. (search)
ece, from the dominion of the Sultan; and of Belgium from Holland. In the opinion of Her Majesty's Government, the reasons adduced in favor of these separations were not stronger than those which have been alleged at Florence, Parma, Modena and Bologna in justification of the course the people of those States have pursued. Were the reasons alleged in the States of Florence, Parma, Modena and Bologna, whose people are thus assumed to be the judges in a matter so nearly touching their happinessBologna, whose people are thus assumed to be the judges in a matter so nearly touching their happiness as their internal government, at all stronger than those alleged by the people of the eleven sovereign States now confederated together for withdrawing from a Union formed by a voluntary compact upon conditions which were persistently violated and with covenants essential to their domestic repose openly threatened to be broken? But appended to this letter of instructions you will find more extended extracts from the letters here referred to, for your especial reference. There is yet another
ties of enameled glass are strikingly shown in Prince Rupert's drops and the Bologna vial. The former are prepared by allowing melted glass to drop into water, where the drops which are not broken by contact with the water form irregularly elongated globular bodies tapering to a tail at one extremity. These will bear a considerable blow on the thick end without breaking, but if a small piece be snapped off the tail the whole immediately falls into powder, emitting a cracking sound. The Bologna vial is a rude flask of some three or four inches in length by about one in diameter, and from 1/10 to 1/8 of an inch in thickness. If a leaden bullet be dropped into it from a height of three or four feet, or it be struck a smart blow on the outside with a stick, it will not break, but the dropping of a grain of sand or a small sharp fragment of flint into it will cause it to crack and fall to pieces. Upon the proper annealing of glass much of its utility for many purposes entirely d
r cutwaters, and the raft — for such it is — is sometimes from 20 to 25 feet long and 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet wide. They land and push off through surfs, on the Madras coast, which would swamp even the country boats. In moderate weather they carry matting sails by means of an outrigger. They may be seen on the west coast of South America many miles out at sea, carrying Indians employed in fishing. b. The incendiary rafts prepared by Sir Sidney Smith for destroying the French flotilla at Bologne, 1804, were called catamarans. The flotilla was constructed for the invasion of England by Bonaparte; the floating carcasses were a failure; but for his own reasons the general broke up his camp and transported his troops to the Rhine. The capitulation of Ulm and the battle of Austerlitz soon followed. Catamaran. Cata-me′ni-al-sack. A receptacle for the catamenia. Cat′a-pult. An ancient engine for hurling stones or darts. It is usually represented as a cross-bow on a la
ut all we have; rather look for the charlatans among those who pretend to have penetrated the arcana. Among the galvanic appliances may be cited bands, belts, chains, combs, rings, soles, spectacles, etc. Gal-van′ic Bat′ter-y. Galvani, of Bologna, first observed the motion of the muscles of a frog under dissection, when the latter, lying upon a copper plate, were touched by a steel scalpel, exciting an electric current. He pursued the subject by specific experiments. Volta, of Como, reervation made at Marseilles by Pytheas in the time of Alexander the Great showed that the gnomon at that place was as the meridian shadow at the summer solstice, as 213 1/2 to 600. Cassini's celebrated gnomon in the Church of St. Petronius at Bologna was eighty-three French feet in hight. Goaf. (Mining.) An excavated space from which the ore has been removed. It is sometimes made the receptacle for the deads and attle of the mine to avoid sending them up to the surface, and to suppo<
are dried. A drying-chamber for cloths or paper, starch, etc. Hot-gild′ing. A name applied to amalgam gilding, in which the mercury is driven off by heat. Hot-house. 1. (Pottery.) A room where strong heat completes the drying of green ware, previously to placing in seggars and firing in a kiln. 2. (Horticulture.) A plant-house where a relatively high artificial temperature is maintained in order to facilitate vegetable growth. The botanic gardens of Pisa, Padna, and Bologna, established from 1544 to 1568, did not contain hot-houses. In the thirteenth century, however, Albertus Magnus, who was equally active and influential in promoting natural knowledge and the study of the Aristotelian philosophy, possessed a hot-house in the convent of the Dominicans at Cologne. This celebrated man, who had already fallen under the suspicion of sorcery on account of his speaking-machine, entertained the king of the Romans, Wilhelm of Holland, on the 6th of January, 1249, i
e surrounding the disk a, which in falling to its seat is prevented from coming immediately in contact with the metal, the water acting as a cushion. The disk and seat therefore are not distorted by hammering, and the valve is almost noiseless in its action. Wa′ter-clock. An instrument to indicate the time by the passage of water into or from a vessel. See clepsydra. A more modern form of water-clock was invented in the seventeenth century, probably by an Italian ecclesiastic at Bologna; or by a pewterer at Sens, in Burgundy. It consists of a cylinder divided into several small cells, and suspended by a thread fixed to its axis, in a frame on which the hour distances, found by trial, are marked out. As the water flows from one cell into the other, it changes very slowly the center of gravity of the cylinder and puts it in motion, much like the quicksilver puppets invented by the Chinese. Beckmann refers to an alarm-apparatus attached to one of these clocks which cons
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Lowell (search)
liked the Niobe statues; so Lowell said, Now come back with me, and I will sit on you. Accordingly we all returned to the Niobe hall, where Lowell lectured us on the statues without, however, entirely convincing Miss Felton. Then we went to the hall in the Uffizi Palace, which is called the Tribune. Mrs. Lowell had never been in the Tribune, where the Venus dea Medici is enshrined; so her husband opened the door wide and said, Now go in --as if he were opening the gates of Paradise. At Bologna he wished to make an excursion into the mountains, but the veturino charged about twice the usual price, and though the man afterwards reduced his demand to a reasonable figure Lowell would not go with him at all, and told him that such practices made Americans dislike the Italian people. It is to be feared that a strange Italian might fare just as badly in America. Readers of Lowell's Fireside travels will have noticed that the first of them is addressed to the Edelmann Story in Rome.