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or's permission. It was I who settled the campaign with him at Chamber, and his last recommendation was that if the matter was to be done let it be done quickly." In a letter which Victor Emanuel wrote a short time since to the King of Naples at Gaeta, he said, speaking of Garibaldi, "try to beat him; try to catch him, and, above all, hang him!" The correspondent is assured that the King of Naples repeated these words to a great personage now or lately at Gaeta. With all this, Victor Emanuel manuel wrote a short time since to the King of Naples at Gaeta, he said, speaking of Garibaldi, "try to beat him; try to catch him, and, above all, hang him!" The correspondent is assured that the King of Naples repeated these words to a great personage now or lately at Gaeta. With all this, Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi will probably be the best friends in the world when they meet; but the "Re Galantuomo" occasionally passes through phases of temper not quite in keeping with his designation.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
Further by the Persia. New York, Nov. 6. --By the Persia we learn that the Warsaw Conference was adjourned on account of the illness of the Dowager Empress of Russia. It is reported that the English Admiral will protect the flight of the King of Sardinia from Gaeta. The Emperor of Austria will be crowned King of Hungary next spring. Warlike preparations on the Mincio are increasing.