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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,016 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 573 1 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 458 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 394 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 392 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 384 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 304 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 258 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 256 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 244 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik. You can also browse the collection for Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) or search for Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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he larger part of the most valuable Lincolniana in existence. Out of this store the major portion of the materials of the following volumes has been drawn. I take this, my first general opportunity, to return thanks to the scores of friends in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and elsewhere for the information they have so generously furnished and the favors they have so kindly extended me. Their names are too numerous for separate mention, but the recompense of each one will be the consciousness oand information. He has for several years been indefatigable in exploring the course of Lincoln's life. In no particular has he been satisfied with anything taken at second hand. He has visited — as I also did in 1865--Lincoln's birthplace in Kentucky, his early homes in Indiana and Illinois, and together, so to speak, he and I have followed our hero continuously and attentively till he left Springfield in 1861 to be inaugurated President. We have retained the original Mss. in all cases, and
nalism. A number of such traditions are extant in Kentucky and other localities. Mr. Weik has spent considerg the truth of a report current in Bourbon county, Kentucky, that Thomas Lincoln, for a consideration from one over other men. Hence the charge so often made in Kentucky that Mr. Lincoln was in reality the offspring of ah was conducted with such unrelenting prejudice in Kentucky that in the county where Lincoln was born only sixtion for the Presidency Mr. Lincoln received from Kentucky many inquiries about his family and origin. This f Virginians had started across the mountains for Kentucky, and in the company, besides their historian, Willhis death within two years after his settlement in Kentucky at the hands of the Indians; not in battle, as hisrtle, letter, June 17, 1865, Ms. both remaining in Kentucky, became the heads of good-sized families, and althHankses were peculiar to the civilization of early Kentucky. Illiterate and superstitious, they corresponded
aher. dissatisfaction of Thomas Lincoln with Kentucky. the removal to Indiana. the half-faced camaccompanied her to school while they lived in Kentucky, but as he was only seven, and as she had notife during those seven years of residence in Kentucky. One man, John B. Helm, June 20, 1865. who afterwards a preacher of some prominence in Kentucky, relates how he and Abe on one occasion ran arolled around, reverted to its former owner. Kentucky, at that day, afforded few if any privileges, by sentimental writers, that his father left Kentucky to avoid the sight of or contact with slaverycured a place for his home he trudged back to Kentucky--walking all the way — for his family. Two herant preacher whom Mrs. Lincoln had known in Kentucky, happened into the settlement, and in respons his first wife a year until he reappeared in Kentucky at Elizabethtown in search of another. His aw weeks of schooling under Riney and Hazel in Kentucky, but it is hardly probable that he could read[1 more...]
ver the loss of his stock, proposed a move further westward. Returning emigrants had brought encouraging news of the newly developed state of Illinois. Vast stretches of rich alluvial lands were to be had there on the easiest of terms. Besides this, Indiana no longer afforded any inducements to the poor man. The proposition of Dennis met with the general assent of the Lincoln family, and especially suited the roving and migratory spirit of Thomas Lincoln. He had been induced to leave Kentucky for the hills of Indiana by the same rosy and alluring reports. He had moved four times since his marriage and in point of worldly goods was not better off than when he started in life. His land groaned under the weight of a long neglected incumbrance and, like many of his neighbors, he was ready for another change. Having disposed of his land to James Gentry, and his grain and stock to young David Turnham, he loaded his household effects into a wagon drawn by two yoke of oxen, and in Ma
in shaping Lincoln's fortunes. It is Denton Offut, a brisk and venturesome business man, whose operations extended up and down the Sangamon river for many miles. Having heard glowing reports of John Hanks' successful experience as a boatman in Kentucky he had come down the river to engage the latter's services to take a boat-load of stock and provisions to New Orleans. He wanted me to go badly, observes Hanks, but I waited awhile before answering. I hunted up Abe, and I introduced him and Joagine; but be assured he turned up after leaving New Salem. On meeting the name it seemed familiar, but I could not locate him. Finally I fished up from memory that some twenty-five years ago one Denton Offut appeared in Baltimore, hailing from Kentucky, advertising himself in the city papers as a verterinary surgeon and horse tamer, professing to have a secret to whisper in the horse's ear, or a secret manner of whispering in his ear, which he could communicate to others, and by which the mos
m and up to the day of Anne's death Mr. Lincoln was all life and animation. He seemed to see the bright side of every picture. James Rutledge, the father of this interesting girl, was one of the founders of New Salem, having come there from Kentucky in 1829. He was born in South Carolina and belonged to the noted Rutledge family of that State. I knew him as early as 1833, and have often shared the hospitality of his home. My father was a politician and an extensive stock dealer in that ele whom he met in Illinois. Besides his business interests in the store and mill at New Salem, he kept the tavern where Lincoln came to board in 1833. His family, besides himself and wife, consisted of nine children, three of whom were born in Kentucky, the remaining six in Illinois. Anne, the subject of this chapter, was the third child. She was a beautiful girl, and by, her winning ways attached people to her so firmly that she soon became the most popular young lady in the village. She w
y remaining a month, she lingered long enough to make an impression on Lincoln; but returned to Kentucky and did not reappear in New Salem till 1836. Meanwhile Anne Rutledge had died, and Lincoln's eyes began to wander after the dark-haired visitor from Kentucky. Miss Owens differed from Miss Rutledge in early education and the advantages of wealth. She had received an excellent education, her second time he would marry her; that a report of this came to her ears, whereupon she left her Kentucky home with a pre-determination to show him if she met him that she was not to be caught simply essage I ever received from him was about a year after we parted in Illinois. Mrs. Able visited Kentucky, and he said to her in Springfield, Tell your sister that I think she was a great fool because great friend of mine, being about to pay a visit to her father and other relatives residing in Kentucky, proposed to me that on her return she would bring a sister of hers with her on condition that
The vigor and enterprise of New England fusing with the illusory prestige of Kentucky and Virginia was fast forming a new civilization to spread over the prairies! ctly, and from the standpoint of conscience, he abhorred slavery. But born in Kentucky, and surrounded as he was by slave-holding influences, absorbing their prejudiong line of distinguished ancestry. The established families were mainly from Kentucky. They re-echoed the sentiments and reflected the arrogance and elegance of a t the means of hiding his poverty, he represented yet another importation from Kentucky which is significantly comprehended by the terms, the poor whites. Springfiel encouraged Lincoln to continue in the study of law. Stuart had emigrated from Kentucky in 1828, and on account of his nativity, if for no other reason, had great inf in the newcomer's welfare, enquired after his history and business. I'm from Kentucky, answered Stuart, and my profession is that of a lawyer, sir. What is the pros
ride. a crazy groom. Speed takes Lincoln to Kentucky. restored spirits. return of Lincoln to Illlinois, remaining three months. I returned to Kentucky, remaining till 1839, when I again set out fo General Lewis of the State. He emigrated to Kentucky, was a lieutenant in the campaigns conducted ver twenty years was president of the Bank of Kentucky of Lexington. He died July 16, 1849. To re and quick temper, and had left her home in Kentucky to avoid living under the same roof with a stsed to contend when a girl, to her friends in Kentucky, that she was destined to marry a President. ingfield, induced Lincoln to accompany him to Kentucky. Speed's parents lived in a magnificent placatter started on his journey from Illinois to Kentucky. It bears no date, but was handed him Januar do not let her. I do not think I can come to Kentucky this season. I am so poor and make so little into Illinois with the early immigrants from Kentucky and Tennessee, and had at one time or another[1 more...]
aging business with him, for we find him in another letter apologizing for his failure to visit Kentucky, because, he says, I am so poor and make so little headway in the world that I drop back in a mtter to Joshua Speed, who had written him of a favorable reference to him by Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, Lincoln had asked Speed to see Crittenden (then Governor of Kentucky) and secure from the lKentucky) and secure from the latter a recommendation for Baker, who wanted a first-class foreign mission. Crittenden did not approve of Baker, but suggested that he would favor Lincoln, whom he regarded as a rising man. Speed sugWashington. Lincoln used to relate of this last-named journey an amusing incident illustrating Kentucky hospitality. He set out from Ransdell's tavern in Springfield, early in the morning. The onlyetizer besides. His tall and uncommunicative companion declined this last and best evidence of Kentucky hospitality on the same ground as the tobacco. When they separated that afternoon, the Kentuck