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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,788 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 514 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 260 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 194 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 168 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 166 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 152 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 150 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 132 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 122 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds). You can also browse the collection for Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) or search for Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 4 results in 3 document sections:

Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), EDITOR'S PREFACE. (search)
art of his life in that city and vicinity, in literary pursuits. He often mentioned the name of Professor Ross, and said something of having assisted him in the compilation of his Latin Grammar. While acting as an instructor in the interior of Pennsylvania, he contracted an unfortunate marriage, in a state, as he said, of partial insanity; no wonder he thought so, when he found himself surrounded by evils which his imprudence had brought upon him. Glass tried to make the best of his situation, bct. He did all he could for his wife and rapidly-increasing family, but his efforts procured for them but a scanty subsistence. With all ambition prostrated, and with a deadly sickness at his heart, he, somewhere in the year 1817 or '18, left Pennsylvania for the West, and settled in the Miami country. From that time to the period I became acquainted with him, he had pursued the business of school-keeping, in various places, where a teacher was wanted, subject to the whims of children and the
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT OCTAVUM. (search)
subsequebatur. Priusquam Princetoniam venerat, nuncium accepit, “ Cornwallis, copiis auxiliaribus multis munitum, Brunsvico diversis itineribus proficisci, et in aciem postremam impetum facere velle. ” Celeri receptu opus fuit, et, die Decembris octavo, Americani, ad unum incolumes, flumen Delawariense transiêre. Scaphas omnes Washingtonius ad ripam alteram fluminis deligatas, occupari, pontesquePontesque, &c., “ and the bridges on the roads leading to the opposite shores ” (of Jersey and Pennsylvania.) in viis ad ripas contrarias ducentibus, rescindi, copiasque ad vada omnia constitui et collocari jussit. Adeo acriter insequebantur hostes, ut priùs eorum acies prima Acies prima, “ their van. ” in conspectum venit, quàm exercitûs recedentis agmen novissimum scaphas et navigia conscendisset. Britones exercitu Americano de novâ Cæsarea expulso, copias ad flumen Delawariense, huc illuc, disponebant, et eorum manipuli omnes in partes impùne ibant redibantque. Ut scaphas aut nav
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT UNDECIMUM. (search)
s vexabant, intraque fines exiguos sese continere cogebant. Velitationibus nonnullis duos inter exercitus aliquandiù factis, hiems reliqua traducta est. Etsi jam anteà, hoc libro, satis multa de hujus anni rebus gestis dicta sint, pauca, tamen, disserere, et paullo altiùs quædam repetere, tempus admonuit. Magnæ crant difficultates cum quibus conflictandum erat Washingtonio, ob exercitum sustentandum ac vestiendum. Hæ, autem, non solæ erant quæ heroi nostro, hoc tempore, undique instabant. Pennsylvania et Cæsarea Nova eum enixè et magnoperè flagitabant, ut hostium incursiones a domibus suis propulsaret. His in civitatibus plures fuère, qui damnorum pristinorum memores, et periculum ob hostium proximitatem capitiCapiti, “ their lives. ” aut fortunis timentes, cujusvis opes contra illius potentiam crescere malebant, adeoque præjudicio ac invidia cæci fiebant, ut culpâ et incuriâ Washingtonii, omnia mala, quæ obtingebant, evenisse et accidisse aiebant. QuiQui, &c., “ a