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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,604 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 760 0 Browse Search
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 530 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 404 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 382 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 346 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 330 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 312 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 312 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 310 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) or search for Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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ving nearly all deserted it some time ago. One or two families were still there, and from them we learned that there were about four hundred cavalry, and two companies of infantry stationed there to guard the rebel supplies. One cavalry company was from Memphis, Tenn., and was finely equipped. All of them were armed with Sharp's carbines and sabres. They were apprised of our coming the night before, scouts having seen us as we took dinner on Thursday, 17 miles back. Capt. Alexander, of Tennessee, who commanded the post, at once sent a messenger to the rebel Camp Baldwin, on the Allegheny mountains, and also despatched couriers through the country to collect and bring in the militia, who met them to the number of two or three hundred, swelling the rebel force to seven or eight hundred. We had not more than five hundred men, when we got to Huntersville, having only seven hundred originally, and at least two hundred of these had been left to guard various points in our rear. Capt.
nals, and party leaders, giving up the claim of Union, and proclaiming the extinction of slavery and the subjugation of the South. Can you join in this enterprise? The South would never in any event consent to a reconstruction. She is contending with unconquerable spirit, with great military power, with unbroken success, for constitutional freedom and for her own national government. Where is your spirit of other days, that you do not rush to her victorious standard? Shall the sons of Tennessee, Virginia, Mississippi, and other Southern States, with whom you have gathered the laurels on other battle-fields, win them all in this war of Independence, while you are inactive and lost in slothful indolence? May the proud genius of my native Kentucky forbid it. In these mountains, where freedom and patriotism stir the human heart, can you sleep with the clarion of a glorious war ringing in your ear? True, you have refused to bear the arms and wear the livery of Northern despotism.
to this encampment. Loring. Estill is a colonel, from Middle--Tennessee. Fulkerson is a major, and one of the big-heads of the secession party, in Tennessee. It seems that there was opposition in the camp, to the move on to this side of the river, but old Zollicoffer, the hea of Kentucky, had been exhausted, and the neighboring counties of Tennessee could furnish nothing to the support of the army. The condition counties on the left and right, and the northern counties of East-Tennessee, were too poor to support the army one day. With a vastly superio marches. From this point, if the enemy should advance into East-Tennessee, an attack could be made on his flank and rear, while passing thrnfident of bagging this little army, it is ready yet to save East-Tennessee, and to bag any force venturesome enough to invade. Volunteer. oops suffered the most. Side by side the gallant Mississippi and Tennessee regiments stood up against the overwhelming force of the enemy.
r,) and the Senator from New-Hampshire, (Clark,) and even the Senator from Pennsylvania, (Wilmot,) and the Senator from Tennessee, (Johnson,) were afflicted by his presence here as not loyal enough for them. Oh! he must have degenerated in ten yearer, as a remedy for any supposed grievance. But how different was the tone of the speech of the honorable Senator from Tennessee, (Mr. Johnson.) Causes of complaint I know he has, and I sympathize with him in his afflictions. Would I had the powerompanions, the Senators from Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, with all their heresies. The Senator from Tennessee has done one great injustice. Smarting under blows inflicted by the conduct of those he called a close corporation whesee here, to Southern Senators to remain in their seats and give the incoming Administration a trial. The Senator from Tennessee knows I had no part or lot in any movement having for its object the disruption of this land. In replying to the reque
Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River, near the boundary line dividing the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, was the point aimed at; indeed, I believe I intimated as much in some of my previous letters,ws: Brig.-Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, of Kentucky, commanding the district; Capt. Jesse Taylor, of Tennessee, Chief of artillery and Commander of the Fort; Lieut. W. O. Wotts, artillery; Lieut. G. R. G. ., some of them containing valuable information. The letters were mostly from Mississippi and Tennessee, indicating the quarter from which the troops came. Many of them are written in rather a despl observe that the two rivers are very near together at the dividing line between Kentucky and Tennessee. Two important points were selected on those rivers, near the State line, strong natural posit issued at any moment. Another important result of the Fort Henry victory is the opening of Tennessee to the army under Gen. Grant, and the seizure and perhaps the destruction of the Nashville and
ive an official history of the rebel floating preparations on the Mississippi, Cumberland, and Tennessee. Lieut. Brown had charge of the construction of gunboats. At night on the seventh we arrivet proper to give you. We have met with the most gratifying proofs of loyalty everywhere across Tennessee and in the portions of Mississippi and Alabama we visited. Most affecting instances greeted un time, would have hailed us as deliverers, and gladly enlisted with the National force. In Tennessee, the people generally, in their enthusiasm, braved secessionists and spoke their views freely,d of an official history of the rebel floating preparations on the Mississippi, Cumberland and Tennessee. Lieut. Brown, it appears, had charge of the construction of the rebel gunboats. At night, on, Capt. Phelps says that he met with the most gratifying proofs of loyalty everywhere across Tennessee and in the portions of Mississippi and Alabama visited by him. Most affecting instances greete
ral order no. 2. headquarters District of West-Tenn., Fort Donelson, Feb. 17, 1862. The General ady purged Kentucky of treason, and restored Tennessee to the confederacy of our fathers. All honorst brigade, Third division, Department West-Tennessee, Fort Henry, February 18, 1862. To Capt Fredird division of the army, Department of West-Tennessee, Fort Henry, February 18, 1862. Captain: Brigade, Third Division, Department of West-Tennessee. To Capt. Fred. Knefler, A. A.A. General, Thmand of Lieut.-Col. McGavock, Col. Voorhies', (Tenn.,) Col. Hughes', (Ala.,) and Col. Head's (Tenn.eyes that flashed along the rifle-barrels of Tennessee and Kentucky, allowed no Federal invader to of eighteen thousand, composed of the men of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Texas, Mississippi and d's brigade and several from Mississippi and Tennessee. It was in one of these charges that LieuR. Johnson. Most of the regiments were from Tennessee and Mississippi, but Virginia, Alabama, Texa[2 more...]
na--Mr. Davis and Mr. Dortch. South-Carolina--Mr. Barnwell and Mr. Orr. Tennessee--Mr. Haynes and Mr. Henry. Texas--Mr. Oldham. Virginia--Mr. Hunter and Mrns. The nomination of candidates for Speaker being in order, Mr. Foote, of Tennessee, offered a resolution declaring the Hon. Thomas S. Bocock, of Virginia, the ce presiding officer appointed Messrs. Boyce, of South-Carolina, and Foote, of Tennessee. After assuming the chair, the new Speaker delivered the following patriotDixon, of Georgia. Mr. Pryor, of Virginia, nominated Mr. M. W. Cluskey, of Tennessee, and supported the nomination earnestly. Mr. Lyons, of Virginia, nominatedolina. Robert Toombs,*R. W. Barnwell,* B. H. Hill.*James L. Orr.* Kentucky.Tennessee. H. C. Burnett,G. A. Henry, William E. Sims.L. C. Haynes. Louisiana.Texas. 2.R. A. Hilton.5.James Farrow, Georgia.6.W. W. Boyce.* 1.Julian Hartridge,Tennessee. 2.Chas. S. Munnerlyn,1.J. B. Heiskill, 3.Hines Holt,2.W. G. Swann, 4.A. H
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 51.-Gov. Harris's General orders: issued February 19, 1862. (search)
Doc. 51.-Gov. Harris's General orders: issued February 19, 1862. To the Commanders of the Militia: 1. The State of Tennessee has been invaded by an enemy that threatens the destruction of the rights and liberties of her people — to meet anda. 9. Lucius J. Polk, of the county of Maury, is appointed Acting Brigadier-General for the Twenty-fourth brigade of Tennessee militia. 10. As rapidly as it can be done after proper arrangements are made, as ordered herein, the forces hereby cour commands. By command of Isham G. Harris. W. C. Whitthorne, Adjutant-General. Proclamation — to the people of Tennessee. Executive Department, February 19, 1862. The fall of Fort Donelson, so bravely and so gloriously defended, andus dead — by the sacred names of our wives and children — by our own faith and our own manhood, no! Forbid it, sons of Tennessee; forbid it, men of the plains and of the mountains. I invoke you now to follow me; I am of the army of Tennessee, det
vigation of the Tennessee River, through which channel he had reached the southern boundary of Tennessee, and the fall of Fort Donelson left the Cumberland River open to his gunboats and transports, ently aroused to a full sense of the dangers with which it was menaced. While it is true that Tennessee has sent large numbers of her sons to the field who are performing their duty nobly, and her penable the Executive to fill promptly all requisitions made by the confederate government upon Tennessee for her just proportion of troops, but also give full power to discipline and prepare for effi hours than any we have known, yet they did not falter until their independence was achieved. Tennessee holds her fate in her own hands; a fixed and unalterable resolve, a bold, firm and united effo our aid, our sister States of the South are rallying their gallant sons to the rescue. Let Tennessee remember that the invader is on her soil; that the independence and freedom of her people from