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us is our Populace, and it is relieved of the pressure and false ideal of our Barbarians. It is generally industrious and religious, as our middle class. Its religion is even less invaded, I believe, by the modern spirit than the religion of our middle class. An American of reputation as a man of science tells me that he lives in a town of a hundred and fifty thousand people, of whom there are not fifty who do not imagine the first chapters of Genesis to be exact history. Mr. Dale, of Birmingham, found, he says, that orthodox Christian people in America were less troubled by attacks on the orthodox creed than the like people in England. They seemed to feel sure of their ground and they showed no alarm. Public opinion requires public men to attend regularly some place of worship. The favorite denominations are those with which we are here familiar as the denominations of Protestant dissent; when Mr. Dale tells us of the Baptists, not including the Free Will Baptists, Seventh Day
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.5 (search)
urrounding our home of lowliness. We could take no part in public rejoicings, or grieve in its sorrows; we knew no Royal or State occasions, shared in no jubilant celebrations, and were equally ignorant of public panics and disturbances, as of the pomp and woes of war. In the Crimea there might be a million of men gathered together to play at the dangerous game of cannon-balls, and to batter one another into shapeless fragments; London might roar day and night with its thunderous traffic; Birmingham might be suffocating under the fumes of its furnaces; and Manchester might vibrate under the force of its accumulated mechanisms,--to us it mattered as little as though we were in another planet. Year after year we noted the passing of the seasons by the budding blossoms, the flight of bees, the corn which changed from green to gold, the fall and whirl of leaves, followed soon after by white snow, and blasts of nipping winds, which stiffened our muscles, and sent us shivering to the fir
angered by the impatience of petty ambition, the promptings of sectional interest, or the goadings of fanatic hate? Shall the good of the whole be surrendered to the voracious demands of the few? Shall class interests control the great policy of our country, and the voice of reason be drowned in the clamor of causeless excitement? If so, not otherwise, we may agree with him who would reconcile us to the evils of war by the promise of emancipation from the manufacturers of Manchester and Birmingham; or leave unanswered the heresy boldly announced, though by history condemned, that war is the purifier, blood is the aliment, of free institutions. Sir it is true that republics have often been cradled in war, but more often they have met with a grave in that cradle. Peace is the interest, the policy, the nature of a popular government. War may bring benefits to a few, but privation and loss are the lot of the many. An appeal to arms should be the last resort, and only by national ri
e of a contract that was perfectly lawful, or whether there was any intention in the port of Liverpool, or any other English port, that the vessel should be fitted out, equipped, furnished, and armed for purposes of aggression. Now, surely, if Birmingham, or any other town, may supply any quantity of munitions of war of various kinds for the destruction of life, why object to ships? Why should ships alone be in themselves contraband? I asked the Attorney-General if a man could not make a vesst? That appears to be a matter of course. The statute is not made to provide means of protection for belligerent powers, otherwise it would have said, You shall not sell powder or guns, and you shall not sell arms; and, if it had done so, all Birmingham would have been in arms against it. The object of the statute was this: that we should not have our ports in this country made the ground of hostile movements between the vessels of two belligerent powers, which might be fitted out, furnished,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alexander, William, 1726-1783 (search)
n and Monmouth, commanding the left wing of the American army in the last-named engagement. He was one of the most faithful of Washington's soldiers during the war. William Alexander married a daughter of William Livingston, of New Jersey, and had been, like his father, surveyor-general. He was also an excellent mathematician and astronomer. He was one of the founders of the New York Society Library, and also of King's College (now Columbia University). Alexander Humphreys, born in Birmingham, England, in 1783, claimed the earldom of Stirling. In 1824 he obtained the royal license to assume the name of Alexander, because he had a maternal grandfather of that name, and his deceased mother was a great-great-granddaughter of John Alexander, fourth son of William Alexander, the last earl of Stirling, and all intermediate heirs had become extinct. For a short time he exercised the privileges of an earl, and he even claimed vast possessions in Nova Scotia; but after a legal investigati
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brandywine, battle on the. (search)
ar from Sullivan's right, before that officer discovered him. The surprised general informed Washington of his peril, and immediately prepared to attack the enemy. Before he could do so, Cornwallis, with his rested troops, fell upon Sullivan, and a severe conflict ensued. For a while the result was doubtful. Finally the right wing of the Americans, under General Deborre, gave way; then the left, under Sullivan; but the centre, under Stirling, remained firm for a while. Then it, too, Birmingham meeting-house. broke and fled in confusion. Lafayette, who was with this corps, fighting as a volunteer on foot, was badly wounded in his leg. the scattered troops could not be rallied, excepting a few who made a stand at Dilworth. They, too, soon joined the fugitives in the flight towards the main army, closely pursued by the victors, Cornwallis's cannon having made dreadful havoc in the ranks of the Americans. Meanwhile Washington, with Greene and two brigades, had hastened to the aid
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 (search)
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 Reformer; born in New Britain, Conn., Dec. 8, 1810. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. In order to read the Scriptures in their original language, he learned Greek and Hebrew, and read these with so much ease that he continued his studies and mastered many other languages. He was called the learned blacksmith. He became a reformer, and went to England in 1846, where he formed the League of universal Brotherhood, for the abolition of war, slavery, and other national evils. He was appointed United States consul at Birmingham in 1865, and returned home in 1870. He died in New Britain, March 9, 1879.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Census, United States (search)
722 Youngstown, O.44,88533.22011,665 Houston, Tex44,63327,55717,076 Covington, Ky42,93837,3715,567 Akron, O.42,72827,60115,127 Dallas, Tex 42,63838,0674,571 Saginaw, Mich.42,34546 322*3,977 Lancaster, Pa41,45932,0119,448 Lincoln, Neb40,16955,154*14,985 Brockton, Mass.40,06327,29412,769 Binghamton, N. Y 39,64735.0054,642 Augusta, Ga39,41133,3006,141 Pawtucket, R. I.39,23127.63311,598 Altoona, Pa38,97330,3378,636 Wheeling. W. Va 38,87834,5224,356 Mobile, Ala38,46931,0767,393 Birmingham, Ala 38,41526,17812,237 Little Rock, Ark38,30725,87412,433 Springfield, O.38,25331,8956,358 Galveston, Tex 37,78929,0848,705 Tacoma, Wash37,71436,0061,708 Haverhill, Mass. 37,17527,4129,763 Spokane. Wash36,84819,92216,926 Terre Haute, Ind.36,67330,2176,456 Dubuque, Ia 36,29730,3115,986 Quincy, Ill. 36,25231,4944,758 South Bend, Ind.35,99921,81914,180 Salem, Mass. 35,95630,8015,155 Johnstown, Pa35,93621,80514,131 Elmira, N. Y 35,67230,8934,779 Allentown, Pa 35,41625,22810,188
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chamberlain, Joseph 1836- (search)
Chamberlain, Joseph 1836- Statesman; born in London, England, in 1836; educated at the University College School, in London: and was mayor of Birmingham in 1870-75. He was elected to Parliament from Birmingham as a Liberal Unionist in 1875, and has since held his seat; was president of the Board of Trade in Joseph Chamberlain. 1880-85; president of the Local Government Board in 1886; one of the British commissioners to settle the North American fisheries dispute in 1887, and lord rectoBirmingham as a Liberal Unionist in 1875, and has since held his seat; was president of the Board of Trade in Joseph Chamberlain. 1880-85; president of the Local Government Board in 1886; one of the British commissioners to settle the North American fisheries dispute in 1887, and lord rector of Glasgow University. In 1895 he became Secretary of State for the Colonies, and has since held the post. During 1898, and especially when the international troubles concerning China were thickening, he made several notable speeches, voicing a widespread sentiment in Great Britain that there should be a closer understanding between the United States and Great Britain touching their various commercial interests. In 1888 he married Mary, daughter of William C. Endicott, Secretary of War in P
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Darlington, William, -1863 (search)
Darlington, William, -1863 Scientist; born of Quaker parents in Birmingham, Pa., April 28, 1782; studied medicine, languages, and botany, and went to Calcutta as surgeon of a ship. Returning in 1807, he practised medicine at West Chester with success; was a Madisonian in politics, and when the war broke out in 1812 he assisted in raising a corps for the service in his neighborhood. He was chosen major of a volunteer regiment, but did not see any active service. He was a member of Congress from 1815 to 1817 and from 1819 to 1823. In his town he founded an academy, an athenaeum, and a society of natural history. Dr. Darlington was an eminent botanist, and a new and remarkable variety of the pitcher plant, found in California in 1853, was named, in his honor, Darlingtonica California. He wrote and published works on botany, medicine, biography, and his.. tory. Dr. Darlington was a member of about forty learned societies in America and Europe. He died in West Chester, Pa., Ap
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