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history. Increase, which can only bring beggary to the North, will, in turn, make the South the wealthiest and most powerful nation on this continent. It has suffered like the patriarch John; but, like him, its latter days will be better than the beginning. The war of the American Revolution reduced whole communities to beggary and scourged the face of the earth, but from their ashes there sprung up a greatness which the world has rarely equalled. So it will be with our own country. Our independence once secured, and our ports opened the great staples of the South will give her the command of the commerce of the world. Norfolk will become the New York of the continent, and the Peninsula, now so down-trodden and cheerless, will resound with the hammer of enterprise and activity. Even in manufactures, the genial climate and unlimited water course of the South will build up many a Manchester and Birmingham. Let us be patient and hopeful. A day rich with compensation is coming.
From Northern Mississippi. Okolona April 15 --Our cavalry engaged the enemy yesterday at Birmingham. The fight lasted two hours and a half. The enemy were completely routed. Fifteen were killed and a large number wounded Col. Hatch, of the 24 Iowa cavalry, was seen to fall from his horse, which ran into our lines and was captured. Our loss was one killed and twenty wounded. The destruction of a bridge prevented pursuit.
The Daily Dispatch: August 27, 1863., [Electronic resource], Shocking death of another Female Blondin. (search)
Shocking death of another Female Blondin. A shocking occurrence took place near Birmingham, England, on the 23d. A woman, calling herself the "Female Blondin," fell from a rope suspended thirty yards above the greensward, and was killed on the spot, death being instantaneous. The London Herald gives the following account of the accident: The poor creature had been engaged to go through her perilous performance on the occasion of a fete held in the park, in aid of the funds of the n recently spliced, and gave way at that part. Upon that point it is to be hoped there will be a searching inquiry at the inquest. At the moment of this shocking occurrence and actual spectators of it there were many thousands of persons from Birmingham and the back country, and so little effect did it produce that the jete was continued, terminating with a display of fireworks at midnight; the Foresters' Committee, who had the conduct of the proceedings, having at a meeting after the accident
Great Britain and Ireland. --The census of Great Britain and Ireland for 1861, recently published, shows the population of the cities and towns, containing above 80,000 inhabitants, to be as follows: London 2,803,989; Liverpool and Birkenhead 495,587; Manchester and Salford 460,423; Glasgow 394,864; Birmingham 296,076; Dublin 258,328; Leeds, 207,165; Sheffield 285,172; Edinburg 168,121; Bristol 154,093; Wolverhampton 147,676; Plymouth and Davenport 127,382; Newcastle 109,108; Bradford 106,218; Cork 101,534; Stoke 101,207; Hull 97,661; Portsmouth 94,799; Oldham 93,344; Dundee 90,417; Brighton 87,317; Sunderland 85,797; Merthyr Tydvil 83,875; Preston 83,985. No country in the world, out of Asia, contains so many large cities as the British Isles.
ifax on the eighth instant, with two days later news. There was considerable mystery connected with the escape of Stephens, the Fenian Head Centre, the particulars of which have not been as yet disclosed. The Government offers a reward of one thousand pounds for his recapture, and three hundred pounds for information that shall lead to his arrest, with a free pardon to any person or persons giving such information. The opinion was, that Stephens made his escape through the assistance of some of the prison officials. The question of parliamentary reform was being agitated with increased interest and vigor, a reform meeting having been called at Birmingham, at which it was announced that John Bright would address the people on the great interests involved in the question. The reported increase of the cattle plague in England is confirmed by the arrival. Dr. Hunter, the American physician, on trial in London for an alleged assault on one of his female patients, had been acquitted.
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