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E Ward, Nottoway, bread, biscuit, crackers, bandages, rags, and feathers. C Barksdale, Mattoax Depot, shirts, old linen, butter, biscuit, 11 dozen eggs, and hominy. Mrs M A Fowikes, Burksville, fresh meat, eggs, bread and biscuit, and butter. W B Jones & Co, one tierce rice. Ladies of Bacon Ford. Culpeper, pillows and pillow cases, sheets, towels, shirts and drawers, rags, bandages, and lint, wines, rasp. vinegar, jellies, &c. Mrs Benj E Pope and other ladies of Southampton, feather pillows, shirts and drawers, pants, sheets, socks, lint, and bandages. Misses Jones, Mattoax, America, blackberries and cherries. Wylliesburg Soldiers' Aid Society, pillows, rags, &c. From --, barrel cooked provisions, &c. Congregation of Sugar Creek Church, Mecklenburg, N C, bandages, crackers, lint, &c. From--, oil-cloth, ticking, and bed tick. Mrs J L Lyon, Edgecomb, N C, lint, bandages, wool, rags, &c. Mrs Ro J Smith, biscuit. Citizens
Franklin in Southampton. --The Petersburg Express publishes a letter from Col. Marshall commanding at Franklin Southampton county, Va., in which he says the enemy had been driven back on the having attacked him in the morning with gunboats, and made a demonstration on his front in the evening. The Express says: Arizona , it was said that Graham's battery, of the bay, had suffered severely. Inquiries made minority quarter yesterday where we thought it possible to obtain information, failed to furnish any satisfactory details. We hear that three gunboats came up to Blackwater river, and fired several shot and shell; that they were replied to by Graham's battery, and finally repulsed. We hear, also, that our sharpshooters along the banks of the river annoyed the crews of the gunboats very much, and that six of the vandals are known to have been killed.
ely was, was considered out of doors far too private for the interest which the public took in every event connected with the royal family; but the sad bereavement which has so recently taken place made it imperative in this case that the, utmost seclusion should be preserved. So much are people inclined to disbelieve in the actual privacy of royal movements, that the completeness with which it was preserved will hardly receive credence from the public. But so it was; and neither in Southampton, nor Portsmouth, nor Cowes, nor within a hundred yards of Osborne House, was there the slightest indication that the second daughter of the Queen of England was about to be married, or that any event of the slightest importance was about to disturb the daily current of events. It certainly was a strange and solemn sight for a few of the public who flirted about the Osborne road, to see no indication of life about the park beyond a few servants, in the deepest morning, passing almost stea
brigade, 34; Cumberland, 122; Nottoway, 127; Chesterfield, 3; Amelia, 118; Branch's battery, 20. Total, 576. The county of Goochland and a few military companies are yet to hear from. Greenbrier.--Flournoy's reported majority about 100. Giles.--For Lieutenant Governor, Price received nearly all the votes. Fry elected to the House of Delegates over Eggleston, late member. In the Prince Edward Senatorial District Dickinson's majority is double his opponent's vote. Southampton.--For Governor: Flournoy 166, Munford 124, Smith 20. Lieut. Governor: Price 110, Imboden 52.--Congress: Whitfield 269, Parham 47, Hume 19, Mahone 14. Senate: Urquhart 84, Beaton 67. House of Delegates; Prince 164, Pretlow 214. Dinwiddie Senatorial District.--Jones's majority over Thompson, 79. Brunswick.--Meade's majority over Mallory, for the House of Delegates, 27. Charles City County.--For Governor: G. W. Munford, 5; W. Smith, 26; Thos. S. Flournoy, 46. For Lieut.-Gove
Two hundred dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for the arrest and delivery to me (or delivery in any jail so that I may get him) or my two negro boys George and Stephen who left my place in Halifax county. Va. on Tuesday, 21 inst. George is about twenty years of age. 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, black, well formed, large nose, and pleasant countenances. Stephen is about 5 feet 2 inches high, dark copper color, very short legs, and long bodied for his height; moves well, and is about nineteen or twenty years of age. They were purchased from sassed and Southampton counties, and may try to make their way to those places. One hundred dollars each will be paid for their apprehension and delivery at above stated. T H Hanbirton, Jr. Blx 9th Richmond P O. Oc. Welf Trap Depot Hell'ax co. je 11--C*
: The Persia's news caused increased excitement in England and cotton further advanced. The London Times says that it shows nothing much can be accomplished before the fall, and hopes that means may be devised to end the conflict between the North and South. The Chambers have adjourned that the Emperor is re-considering the principles of the Mexican expedition, and the embarkation of troops has been provisionally suspended. The steamship Hausa, which was to have left Southampton on the 25th of June, was compelled to put back to Bremen, owing to an accident to her machinery. The steamship City of New York, from New York, arrived at Queenstown on the 25th, and reported only one of her boilers working. The ship Sailor's Home, formerly the Independence, had reached Liverpool from Havana with nearly two thousand three hundred bales of cotton. France is about to construct reduced models of the Monitor and the Merrimac, in order to test their merits.
Major-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. --It has been already stated that this individual, who is now connected with Rosecrans's army, is a native of Southampton county, Va. A lady who resides at Jerusalem, the county seat of Southampton, informs the editor of the Spirit of the Age that Thomas distinguished himself in the war with Mexico, and on his return home was presented by the ladies of his native county with a handsome sword.--After the beginning of the present war, and Thomas had determined to array himself against the South, he wrote to his sister to send him that sword. The true hearted, patriotic woman, replied that he could not have a sword presented by the women of Virginia to turn against their brave fathers, sons, and brothers, who were fighting in defence of the land whose birth-place he had disgraced, and that instead of sending the sword to him she would prefer seeing it thrust through his traitorous heart. --Petersburg (Va.) Express.
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Army of Tennessee, Missionary Ridge, Nov. 22. (search)
A Proctor. High Street — A. G. Brown. Blandford Mission — James A Crowder. City Mission — E. M. Peterson. Chesterfield — A M. Halt, W. G. Hammond, N Thomas, and J K Powers, sup'y. Coalfield G N Guy. Dinwiddie — T L Williams, Jos E Martin, and R L Scott, Sussex.--I R Finley, B R Duval, James A Riddick, sup'y. Greensville — Wm. L Daiby, R. O. Burton. Northampton — E F Witson, J C Garlick, sup'y. Bertle — Joseph J Edwards, Geo W Robertson, Robert I Carson. Murfreesboro'--J H Riddick. Southampton — The A Pierce, Jos Arnold, sup'y. Southampton Colored Mission — John W White. Smithfield W. E. Allen. Surry-- J M. Connaully, Alexander Stewart, sup'y. Prince George--M S. Colonna, B B Wondward, sup'y. Military Post in Chesterfield-- T S Campbell. Roanoke Colored Mission — Wm. Grant. Missionary to Camps and Hospitals around Petersburg — W C Blount. Lynchburg District.--P A Peterson, Presiding Eider. Centenary --L M Lee. Colored Mission — Francis M Edwards. Co
The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1864., [Electronic resource], Another movement of the enemy from the Peninsula. (search)
is constituents at Bury Lancashire, and referred at length to the American war. He pointed out the magnitude of the undertaking, the burdens the North was imposing on itself, and the necessity for England's neutrality. Adverting to the Alexandra case, he said the policy of the Government would be to do as it would be done by, and he hoped when the war was over both sides would acknowledge that England's conduct had been eminently fair. It is announced that the steamer Germania, from Southampton, on the 14th, for New York, took out several heavy siege guns of large calibre from the Low Moor iron works. It is presumed for Federal uses. In the Liverpool Police Court, on the 15th January, three persons, named Jones, Highat, and Wilding, engaged in the ship chandlery business, were summoned to appear and answer a charge of attempting to enlist men to serve in the sea service of the Confederates. The defendant, Highat, was the only one who attended. The prosecution concluded o
The Daily Dispatch: April 2, 1864., [Electronic resource], Calculating the old and New currency. (search)
Recaptured. --A Yankee prisoner, who had escaped from Danville, was recaptured in Southampton within the last few days, together with a negro who was guiding him to the Yankee lines. They were both landed in the Libby yesterday.
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