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, 1606. repeated his voyage, and made a more accurate survey of Maine. Enterprises for discovery were now continuous. Bartholomew Gilbert, Purchas, IV. 1656—1658. returning from the West Indies, made an unavailing search for the colony of Raleigh. It was the last attempt to trace the remains of those unfortunate men. But as the testimony of Pring had confirmed the reports of Gosnold, the career of navigation was vigorously pursued. An expedition, pro- 1605. moted by the Earl of Southampton and Lord Arundel, of Wardour, and commanded by George Weymouth, who, in attempting a north-west passage, had already explored the coast of Labrador, now discovered the Penobscot River. Weymouth left England in March, and, in about six weeks, came in sight of the American continent near Cape Cod. Turning to the north, he approached the coast of Maine, and ascended the western branch of the Penobscot beyond Belfast Bay; where the deep channel of the broad stream, the abundance of its spac
King James, nominating four candidates, one of whom he desired should receive the appointment. The company resisted the royal interference as an infringement of their charter; and the choice of the meeting fell by acclamation upon the earl of Southampton, the early friend of Shakespeare. Having thus vindicated their own rights, the company proceeded to redress former wrongs, and to provide colonial liberty with its written guarantees. In the case of the appeal to the London company from sen company merits the praise of having auspicated liberty in America. It may be doubted whether any public act during the reign of King James was of more permanent or pervading influence; and it reflects glory on Sir Edward Sandys, the earl of Southampton, and the patriot party of England, that though they were unable to establish guarantees of a liberal administration at home, they were careful to connect popular freedom inseparably with the life, prosperity, and state of society of Virginia.
vileges in consequence of a wrong done to the original patentees, and now suffered no greater injury than had been Chap V} 1622 Before inflicted on others for their benefit. Smith, II. 107. At the meeting for the choice of officers, in 1622, King James once more attempted to control the elections, by sending a message, nominating several candidates, out of whom they were to choose their treasurer. The advice of the king was disregarded, and a great majority reflected the earl of Southampton. Burk, i. 257. 1623 Unable to get the control of the company by overawing their assemblies, the monarch now resolved upon the sequestration of the patent; and raised no other question, than how the unjust design could most plausibly be accomplished, and the law of England be made the successful instrument of tyranny. The allegation of grievances, set forth by the court faction in a petition to the king, was fully refuted by the com- May 7. pany, and the whole ground of discontent wa
But we only, going aboard, gave them a volley of small shot and three pieces of ordnance; and so, lifting up our hands to each other, and our hearts for each other to the Lord our God, we departed. A prosperous wind soon wafts the vessel to Southampton, and, in a fortnight. 1620 Aug. 5. the Mayflower and the Speedwell, freighted with the first colony of New England, leave Southampton for America. But they had not gone far upon the Atlantic before the smaller vessel was found to need repaiSouthampton for America. But they had not gone far upon the Atlantic before the smaller vessel was found to need repairs; Chap. VIII.} 1620 and they entered the port of Dartmouth. After the lapse of eight precious days, they again weigh anchor; the coast of England recedes; already they are unfurling their sails on the broad ocean, when the captain of the Speedwell, with his company, dismayed at the dangers of the enterprise, once more pretends that his ship is too weak for the service. They put back to Plymouth, and agree to dismiss her, and those who are willing, return to London, though this was very gri
ip-owners, by the contributions of Puritans in England, but mainly by the resources of the emigrants themselves, there were employed during the season of 1630, seventeen vessels, which brought over not far from a thousand souls, Chap. IX.} 1630. beside horses, kine, goats, and all that was most necessary for planting, fishing and shipbuilding. As the hour of departure drew near, the hearts of some, even of the strong, began to fail. On the eighteenth of March, it became necessary at Southampton to elect three substitutes among the assistants; and of these three, one never came over. Even after they had embarked, a court was held on board the Arbella, and Thomas Dudley was chosen deputy governor in the place of Humphrey, who staid behind. It was principally the calm decision of Winthrop which sustained the courage of his companions. In him a yielding gentleness of temper, and a never failing desire for unity and harmony, were secured against weakness by deep but tranquil enthu