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General Assembly of Virginia. Senate. Tuesday, December 12, 1865. The Senate met at the usual hour, Lieutenant-Governor Cowper in the chair. Prayer by Rev. O. S. Barten, of Christ Church, Norfolk. A bill was received from the House of Delegates to authorize the County Court of Fauquier to borrow money for county purposes. Referred to Committee on General Laws. By Mr. Kello, of Southampton: "resolved, That the Governor be requested to inform the Senate what steps are necessary to procure arms for militia purposes." Passed. By Mr. Trout, of Augusta: "Resolved, That the Committee on Public Institutions inquire into the expediency of making a special appropriation to discharge the outstanding liabilities of the Western Lunatic Asylum." Passed. Also, a resolution that the same committee inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Directors of the Western Lunatic Asylum to dispense with the office of Treasurer. Passed. By Mr. Cabell, of Ne
The cholera abroad. --The United States Consul at Malta, writing to the State Department under date of November 13, 1865, says that for the last three days there had been no cases of cholera on the island, and that if the public health continued so, clean bills of health would be given to the shipping. He says that the cholera has existed on the island for rather over four and a half mouths. The United States Consul at Sheffield also writes, under date of November 23d that although the cholera had approached very near to England — some cases having been reported at Paris, and even at Southampton — no anxiety was manifested there on that account. Some few sporadic cases had been reported in that vicinity, which were generally found on investigation to be merely cases of diarrhœa.--Washington St
ith evident interest by a large number of whites of both sexes." One hundred and seventy-two bales of cotton, fifty-one hogsheads of tobacco, and some wheat, corn, potatoes, &c., were brought into Petersburg on the Southern railroad, Thursday. The Petersburgers are buying beef for nine and ten cents, and pork for fifteen and sixteen, the country people bringing these articles into the city in abundance. Some "nameless" person has presented the Express man with "half a dozen Southampton hams." Lucky fellow! We hear of more weddings about to come off than ever were known before. We bid the chief operators God-speed. It helps the clerk of the court, does the parson no damage, and gives a new impetus to trade of every kind.--Express. At a late hour last night we received information of Dr. R. E. Robinson's death. His remains will reach this city by the early train from City Point.--Index Robert M. Dunlop, Esq., who, for the past three years, has discharged
at independence, and directing that all the operations of the Bureau be carried on under and through the agency of the army officers. No Asiatic cholera at Southampton. The State Department has received a communication from Mr. John Britton, our Consul at Southampton, England, dated December 1, 1865, stating that, having sSouthampton, England, dated December 1, 1865, stating that, having seen in New York papers an account of the existence of holora at that place, he desired to say that, though there had been a few cases of England cholera, resulting from the too free use of bad fruit and vegetables, there had not been a single case of Asiatic cholera in the town. Important decision. The following decision cholera. The Department of State has received information that the statement in circulation to the effect that the Aslatic cholora had made its appearance at Southampton is without foundation, and that the health of that city is excellent. Circular to National Banks. The Comptroller has just published a circular to nati
A Christmas story. little Teece.related by Mrs. Lirriper's Lodger. The evening was raw, and there was snow on the streets, genuine London snow, half-thawed and trodden and defiled with mud. I remembered it well, that snow, though it was fifteen years since I had last seen its cheerless face. There it lay, in the same old ruts, and spreading the same old snares on the side-paths. Only a few hours arrived from South America via Southampton, I sat in my room, at Morley's Hotel, Charing Cross, and looked gloomily out at the fountains, walked up and down the floor discontentedly; and fiercely tried my best to feel glad that I was a wanderer no more, and that I had indeed got home at last. I poked up my fire, and took a long look backward upon my past life, through the embers. I remembered how my childhood had been embittered by dependence, how my rich and respectable uncle, whose ruling passion was vain-glory had looked on my existence as a nuisance, not so much because he wa
ring attempt to kill Mr. Edward Cloyd, a respectable citizen, residing in the vicinity of Branchville. Some unknown persons went to his house in the night, during his absence, and set fire to his stable. It was soon discovered by the servants on the premises, one of whom ran out in order to put out the fire and save the building. He was fired on, and deemed it prudent to return to his quarters. Another then went out, and he was also fired on by the depredators. Neither, however, sustained any injury, the balls having missed their marks. It is surmised by the neighbors that it was the intention of the desperadoes to kill Mr. Cloyd. Both of his horses were lost. We advise the citizens of Southampton to hold a public meeting, and send a committee to Richmond, to Governor Peirpoint, and request that they be permitted to raise a company of one hundred men, or more if necessary, for the purpose of protecting themselves against a repetition of such outrages.--Norfolk Virginian.
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