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ought obtained for itself free utterance by speech and by the press. Industry was commissioned to follow the bent of its own genius. The system of commercial restrictions between states was reprobated and shattered; and the oceans were enfranchised for every peaceful keel. International law was humanized and softened; and a new, milder and more just maritime code was concerted and enforced. The trade in slaves was branded and restrained. The home of the language of Bacon and Milton, of Chatham and Washington, became so diffused, that in every zone, and almost in every longitude, childhood lisps the English as its mother tongue. The equality of all men was declared; personal freedom secured in its complete individuality, and common consent recognised as the only just origin of fundamental laws, so that the people in thirteen separate states, with ample territory for creating more, each formed its own political institutions. By the side of the principle of the freedom of the indi
, with but one considerable ally on the European continent, with no resources in America but from the good — will of the colonies, he led forth the England which had planted popular freedom along the western shore of the Atlantic, the England which was still the model of liberty, to encounter the whole force of the despotisms of Catholic Europe, and defend the common cause against what he called the most powerful and malignant confederacy that ever threatened the independence of mankind. Chatham Corr., i. 226. The contest, which had now spread into both hemispheres, began in America. The English colonies, dragging England into their strife, claimed to advance their frontiers, and to include the great central valley of the continent in their system. The American question, therefore, was, Shall the continued colonization of North America be made under the auspices of chap. XII.} 1757. English Protestantism and popular liberty, or shall the tottering legitimacy of France, in i
to Canada, perhaps, if we might have Canada without any sacrifice at all, we ought not to desire it. There should be a balance of power in America. And the writer revealed his connections by advising, that, as the war had been an American war, Lord Halifax, one of the few whom inclinations, studies, opportunities, and talents had made perfectly masters of the state and interests of the colonies, should be appointed to negotiate peace. Private letters Almon's Anecdotes of the Earl of Chatham, III. Appendix M. from Guadaloupe gave warning that a country of such vast resources, and so distant as North America, could never remain long subject to Britain. The acquisition of Canada would strengthen America to revolt. One can foresee these events clearly, said the unnamed writer; it is no gift of prophecy. It is a natural and unavoidable consequence, and must appear so to every man whose head is not too much affected with popular madness or political enthusiasm. The islands, fro
ndifferent to his interests and disliked his character; and his ministers had reported that Bute and the British king would advise him to make peace by the sacrifice of territory. How is it possible, such were the words addressed by Frederic Chatham Corr., II. 109, 111, without date. to Pitt, how can the English nation propose to me to make cessions to my enemies; that nation which has guarantied my possessions by authentic acts, known to the whole world? I have not always been succee document had been misplaced or lost. The allusion of Grimaldi, in his letter of September 13, to the stipulations of the treaty between the two courts, is also to the special convention; though the editors of the Correspondence of the Earl of Chatham, in their comment on the passage, refer it to the Family Compact. The accurate knowledge of this transaction is essential to a vindication of the course pursued by Pitt towards Spain. He did not insist on war with that power, till he had evi