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Cornelius Tacitus, The History (ed. Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb), BOOK I, chapter 69 (search)
It is hard to say whether the envoys from Helvetia found the Emperor or his army less merciful. "Exterminate CÆCINA AMONG HELVETIANS the race," was the cry of the soldiers as they brandished their weapons, or shook their fists in the faces of the envoys. Even Vitellius himself did not refrain from threatening words and gestures, till at length Claudius Cossus, one of the Helvetian envoys, a man of well-known eloquence, but who then concealed the art of the orator under an assumption of alarm, and was therefore more effective, soothed the rage of the soldiers, who, like all multitudes, were liable to sudden impulses, and were now as inclined to pity as they had been extravagant in fury. Bursting into tears and praying with increasing earnestness for a milder sentence, they procured pardon and protection for the state
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 21 (search)
He conquered, however, partly in person, and partly by his lieutenants, Cantabria,Cantabria, in the north of Spain, now the Basque province. Aquitania and Pannonia,The ancient Pannonia includes Hungary and part of Austria, Styria and Carniola. Dalmatia, with all Illyricum and Rhaetia,The Rhaetian Alps are that part of the chain bordering on the Tyrol. besides the two Alpine nations, the Vindelici and the Salassii.The Vindelici principally occupied the country which is now the kingdom of Bavaria; and the Salassii, that part of Piedmont which includes the valley of Aost. He also checked the incursions of the Dacians, by cutting off three of their generals with vast armies, and drove the Germans beyond the river Elbe; removing two other tribes who submitted, the Ubii and Sicambri, into Gaul, and settling them in the country bordering on the Rhine. Other nations also, which broke into revolt, he reduced to submission. But he never made war upon any nation without just and necessary cause
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 4: life in Lexington. (search)
he disclosed a knowledge which surprised his auditors, and his criticisms were profound. One instance may be noted among many. In the summer of 1856, he employed his long vacation in a European tour, in which he visited England, France, and Switzerland. During this journey he carefully examined the field of Waterloo, and traced out upon it the positions of the contending armies. When he returned home, he said that although Napoleon was the greatest of commanders, he had committed an error s season of discipline his health suffered seriously, and his friends induced him, in the summer of 1856, to make a European tour, in the hope that the spell might be broken which bound him in sadness. He visited England, Belgium, France, and Switzerland, spending about four months among the venerable architectural remains, and mountain scenery of those countries. This journey was the source of high enjoyment to him. But the opposition of his nature to all egotism was as strikingly shown here
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 9: General view of the campaigns of 1862. (search)
renders the whole sea-shore, wherever harbor or inlets gave access to Federal ships,, a base of operations to their armies. It has made it all an exposed frontier, and brought the enemy upon it all, as though he had embraced its whole circumference with coterminous territories of his own. Popular readers may form to themselves some conception of the disastrous influence of this fact, by representing to themselves the inland kingdom of Bavaria, assailed at once on four sides, by Austria, Switzerland, and the German States, all united under a single hostile will. The similitude is unequal only in this, that the Confederate States have a larger area than Bavaria. The professional reader will comprehend our disadvantage more accurately, by considering that our enemies thus had two pairs of bases of operations, at right angles to each other; whence it resulted, that from whatever interior base a Confederate army might set out, to meet the invading force advancing from one of these side
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
features. From Seville we went to Cordova to visit the famous church of many arches. From Cordova we journeyed to Madrid, the most interesting city in Spain, where there are many art treasures. From Madrid we went to Paris, where we were joined by my son, John A. Logan, Jr., and his family, my son's friend Gallonay, and Mrs. Washington A. Robeling, nee Emily Warren, sister of General Warren, of Gettysburg fame. From Paris our party, with the exception of my son's family, who went to Switzerland, went to Moscow, Russia, to attend the coronation of the Czar and Czarina in May, 1896. This was one of the most remarkable events of the nineteenth century, which beggars description. From Moscow we went to Saint Petersburg, and thence via the Gulf of Finland and the Gottenborg Canal to Stockholm, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and to The Hague, Holland. From Holland we went to London, and finally reached home safely after an experience of nine months of consuming interest and great profit,
fallen officer away in their arms. In an hour afterward their flags on Munson's Hill and at Fall's Church were at half-mast.--Philadelphia Inquirer, September 4. The Fifty-fifth regiment N. Y. S. V., under the command of colonel R. de Trobriand, consisting of five hundred and fifty men, took leave of their encampment at New Dorp, and embarked shortly after three P. M., direct for Amboy, thence to Washington.--N. Y. Times, September 1. A Mass meeting of the citizens of Ohio and Switzerland counties, Indiana, was held at Enterprise, for the purpose of having a fair and candid expression of the people in regard to the difficulties of the nation. Patriotic speeches were made, and resolutions sustaining the National Government and the legally constituted authorities were unanimously adopted.--(Doc. 20.) A brisk skirmish took place this morning between Companies I and K, of the Third regiment, and the rebel pickets near Munson's Hill, Va., in which Corporal Hand, Company I
in the end surrender of famine. The work upon the mines was then relaxed, a sufficient demonstration upon the lines being kept up with rifle and cannon to annoy the inmates. Besides the investing line at the land side of the town, stretching from Haines's Bluff to Warrenton, we had a line of infantry stretched across the base of the. peninsula, which Vicksburgh overlooks. The gunboat Choctaw and the flagship Black Hawk lay far out of range above the town; the Benton, Mound City, and Switzerland below. The Cincinnati was sunk by the upper batteries, having descended the bend to assist General Steele's advance. The principal weapons of offence in use on the river front were the mortars, (thirteen-inch.) Six of these, mounted on rafts built for the purpose, lay moored in front of the city, on the upper side of the peninsula, so sheltered by the high bank that the hostile shells passed harmlessly over. These mortars, which proved to be of such signal service in the reduction of F
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The rear-guard at Malvern Hill. (search)
irst Brigade of Regulars slept on the field on the night of July 1st in line of battle. We were surprised the next morning to find that the entire army had retreated during the night, leaving Averell with his small command as a rear-guard to cover the retreat, which was done in the masterly manner stated by General McClellan, but by Averell, and not by Keyes. United Service Club, Philadelphia, May 25th, 1885. II.--by Erasmus D. Keyes, Major-General, U. S. V. A few days ago, in Switzerland, my attention was called to a communication in the August [1885] number of The century, p. 642, which falsifies history. It is under the heading, The rear-guard after Malvern Hill, and is signed Henry E. Smith. Mr. Smith asserts that it was General Averell who commanded the rear-guard, and that to Averell, and not to Keyes, belongs the credit which General McClellan gives the latter in his article. Mr. Smith cites authorities for his statements, and refers to the Official Records of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 11: operations in Southern Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and Alabama. (search)
Fort Randolph was also evacuated, and Colonel Ellet, whose ram fleet was in advance of the now pursuing flotilla, raised the flag over that stronghold likewise. June 5. The same evening the flotilla of gun-boats Benton, Captain Phelps; Carondelet, Captain Walke; St. Louis, Lieutenant-commanding McGonigle; Louisville, Captain Dove; Cairo, Lieutenant Bryant. anchored at about a mile and a half above Memphis, and the ram fleet These consisted of the Monarch Queen of the West, Lioness, Switzerland, Mingo, Lancaster No. 3, Fulton, Hornet, and Samson, all under the general command of Colonel Ellet. a little farther up the river. The Confederate fleet, It consisted of the General Van Dorn (Hollins's flagship), General Price, General Bragg, General Lovell, Little Rebel, Jeff. Thompson, Sumter, and General Beauregard. now commanded by Commodore Montgomery, in place of Hollins, was then lying on the Arkansas shore, opposite Memphis, with steam up, and ready for action. At dawn on
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
or dispersion of the army of his adversary. Rosecrans, said a Confederate-historian, still held the prize of Chattanooga, and with it the possession of East Tennessee Two-thirds of our niter-beds were in that region, and a large proportion of the coal which supplied our founderies. It abounded in the necessaries of life. It was one of the strongest countries in the world, so full of lofty mountains, that it had been called not unaptly, the Switzerland of America. As the possession of Switzerland opened the door to the invasion of Italy, Germany, and France, so the possession of East Tennessee gave easy access to Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. Pollard's Third Year of the War, Page 128. The incompetency of Bragg, who was the pliant servant of the will of Jefferson Davis, was universally felt, and when his operations in the vicinity of Chattanooga became known, there was wide-spread discontent. Yet few men were bold enough to oppose the will of the Arch-cons