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steamer Theodora, having on board the commissioners sent by the Confederate States of America to London and Paris, ran the blockade at Charleston, arriving safely in Havana. Once arrived there, they well-bred ladies. (Applause.) Now, what will you think of this? When I landed I was sent up to London in a special train. I had previously recommended Mrs. Slidell and her daughters to a hotel in LLondon, believing it to be a quiet hotel, and where they might get apartments en suite. (Hear.) Well, I was sent in a special train to report the circumstances to the Government. On the day after I had arrived in London, I dined with Mrs. Slidell; for on the day on which I did arrive in London I was engaged at the foreign office with Lord Palmerston and the Lords of the Admiralty until a late hourLondon I was engaged at the foreign office with Lord Palmerston and the Lords of the Admiralty until a late hour. I say then that on the day after I dined with Mrs. Slidell. I am somewhat diffident in telling you what took place. You will hardly believe that a gentleman of the Northern States, aye, a so-call
the high seas, and, entering a British ship,, sailing under its country's flag, violated the rights of embassy, for the most part held sacred even amongst barbarians, by seizing our Ministers whilst under the protection and within the dominions of a neutral nation. These gentlemen were as much under the jurisdiction of the British Government upon that ship, and beneath its flag, as if they had been upon its soil; and a claim on the part of the United States to seize them in the streets of London would have been as well founded as that to apprehend them where they were taken. Had they been malefactors, and citizens even of the United States, they could not have been arrested on a British ship or on British soil unless under the express provisions of a treaty, and according to the forms therein provided for the extradition of criminals. But rights the most sacred seem to have lost all respect in their eyes. When Mr. Faulkner, a former Minister of the United States to France, comm
ew were compelled to sign by threats of force. I was also informed that the crew was composed of English and Irish. The chronometer and barometer belonging to the Harvey Birch, were taken by Captain Pegram, who refuses to deliver them up. The Harvey Birch was a ship six years old, and of 1,482 tons register. Before we lost sight of the ship her masts had gone over the side, and she was burnt to the water's edge. W. H. Nelson. Sworn before me in the consulate of the United States at London this 22d day of November, 1861. Captain Nelson stated that Commander Pegram endeavored to compel himself and crew to take the oath of allegiance and not to take up arms against the Southern States. This was denied by Commander Pegram and officers, who stated that the only document that Captain Nelson and officers were requested to sign was one of which the following is a copy: Confederate States steamer Nashville, at sea, November 19, 1861. We, the undersigned, officers and pass