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H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
the naval control of the northern lakes. It is said that British military and steam naval forces will ascend the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario; that to counteract these operations we must build an opposition steam-navy at Pittsburg and Memphis, and collect our troops on the Ohio and Mississippi, ascend the Mississippi and Illinois, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and the Georgian Bay, cross over to the Ottawa by French river and Lake Nipissing, or Moon river and the Muskago, then descend the Ottawa river to Montreal. But as there might be some difficulty in conveying their war-steamers over some twelve or fifteen portages between the Georgian Bay and the Ottawa, and as the upper waters of that river are not navigable by such craft, it has, by some of the military writers before alluded to, been deemed preferable to descend Lake Huron, St. Clair river and lake, run the gauntlet past the British forts on the Detroit, descend Lake Erie and the Niagara How they are to pass the Falls was n
The Ancestry of Gen. Beauregard.--When Col. Fremont became a kind of great man and was a candidate to the Presidency of the United States, the Canadians were loud in claiming the adventurous Pathfinder of the Rocky mountains as a countryman of theirs. He was born in their country, said they, on the lovely banks of the Ottawa River, and Dr. Fremont, of Quebec University, is his uncle. A few years later, when Garibaldi conquered the two Sicilies with a handful of Italian patriots, the Canadians were up once more, stating, with the most comical earnestness, that the Nicean hero was not a white man, but an Indian of mixed breed, born in one of the old parishes near the St. Lawrence, above Montreal, and who had been adopted in a tender age by a missionary, with whom he travelled in many countries, and finally settled in Nice. As a corroborating proof of this piece of startling intelligence, it was said the glorious old chief with the red shirt was keeping a regular correspondence w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Algonquian, or Algonkian, Indians, (search)
orty men. The domain of the Algonkians covered a vast region, bounded on the north and northeast by the Eskimos; on the northwest by the Knistenaux and Athabascas; on the west by the Dakotas; on the south by the Catawbas, Cherokees, Mobilians, and Natchez; and on the east by Nova Scotia. West of the Missipssippi, the Blackfeet and Cheyennes are regarded as a family of the Algonkians. The original land of the Ottawas was on the west side of Lake Huron; but they were seated upon the Ottawa River, in Canada, when the French discovered them, and claimed sovereignty over that region. The Chippewas and Pottawattomies were colsely allied by language and friendship. The former were on the southern shores of Lake Superior; the latter occupied the islands and mainland on the western shores of Green Bay when first discovered by the French. In 1701 they seated themselves on the southern shores of Lake Michigan. The Sacs and Foxes are really one tribe. They were found by the French, in 16
ations, known as Hunters' Lodges, continued quite active for some time. Against the members of these lodges, President Tyler issued an admonitory proclamation, which prevented further aggressive movements. For four years this ominous cloud hung upon our horizon. It disappeared in 1842, when the leaders of the movement were either dead or in exile. In 1841 Upper and Lower Canada were united for purposes of government, the system professedly modified after that of Great Britain. In 1857 Ottawa was selected as the permanent seat of government for Canada, and costly public buildings were erected there. By act of the Imperial Parliament, which received the royal assent March 28, 1867, the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were connected and made one nation, under the general title of The Dominion. Upper Canada was named Ontario, and Lower Canada Quebec. Provision was made for the future admission of Prince Edward Island, the Hudson Bay Territory,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indians, American (search)
Sahaptins, Chinooks, Shoshones, and Attakapas. Others will doubtless be found. The Algonquians were a large family occupying all Canada, New England, a part of New York and Pennsylvania; all New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia; eastern North Carolina above Cape Fear, a large part of Kentucky and Tennessee, and all north and west of those States east of the Mississippi. Within the folds of this nation were the Huron-Iroquois, occupying a greater portion of Canada south of the Ottawa River, and the region between Lake Ontario and Lakes Erie and Huron, nearly all of the State of New York, and a part of Pennsylvania and Ohio along the southern shores of Lake Erie. Detached from the main body were the Tuscaroras and a few smaller families dwelling in southern Virginia and the upper part of North Carolina. Five families of the Huron-Iroquois, dwelling within the limits of the State of New York, formed the famous Iroquois Confederacy of Five Nations. The Cherokees inhabited th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pontiac, (search)
Pontiac, Ottawa chief; born on the Ottawa River in 1720; became an early ally of the French. With a body of Ottawas he defended the French tradingpost of Detroit against more northerly tribes, and it is supposed he led the Ottawas who assisted the French in defeating Braddock on the Monongahela. In 1760, after the conquest of Canada, Major Rogers was sent to take possession of the Western posts. Pontiac feigned friendship for the. English for a while, but in 1763 he was the leader in a conspiracy of many tribes to drive the English from the Ohio country back beyond the Alleghany Mountains. The French had won the affection and respect of the Indian tribes with whom they came in contact, by their kindness, sociability, and religious influence; and when the English, formidable enemies of the red men, supplanted the French in Pontiac. the alleged possession of the vast domain acquired by the treaty of Paris, expelled the Roman Catholic priests, and haughtily assumed to be a
form has a horizontal axis. See also turbine. The motive power exerted by liquids escaping horizontally is illustrated by a device called the hydraulic tourniquet (Fig. 4191), consisting of a vessel pivoted at its upper and lower extremities and having two pipes at bottom whose ends are bent in opposite directions. On filling the vessel with water, it escapes through these tubes, causing the vessel to revolve on its axis. Perley and Pattee's saw-mill, at the Chaudiere Falls, Ottawa River, Canada, has 6 gang-saws, each driven by a Rowe reaction-wheel, 5 feet in diameter, 400 inches sectional area of discharge. The head is 14 feet, and the power of each is about 70 horses. Read′ing-glass. A large magnifying lens, used to assist in reading, etc. Read′y Reck′on-er. A table or an instrument for making simple calculations, as the amount of wages due a workman for a given time, etc. Re′al Ra′di-us. (Gealing.) The radius of the circle touching the crests of
ees. Also the dressing and keeping of Vines for the rich Trade of making Wines there. Together with the making of the Saw Mill, very useful in Virginia for cutting of Timber and making Clapboards to build withall, and its Conversion to other as profitable Uses. In Michigan and Wisconsin, Canada, Maine, and Pennsylvania, the lumber business is carried on upon a large scale. An instance may be given. Perley and Pattee's saw-mill is one of nine situated at the Chaudiere Falls of the Ottawa River, just above the city of Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion of Canada. Five of these mills are on the south side of the river and four on the north side. One, Wright and Batson's, is driven by steam. The united production of the nine mills is about 1,500,000 feet, board measure, is twenty-four hours, running day and night for six months in the year. A general idea of the arrangement of one of these mills may be obtained by a description of that belonging to Messrs. Perley and Patte