Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Hampton (Virginia, United States) or search for Hampton (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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her enemies. This company deserves great credit for the vigilance they have exercised in protecting the adjoining country from marauding bands of Lincoln's soldiery, as also to prevent disloyal Virginians from furnishing supplies to the enemy. Jefferson Davis issued instructions to privateers sailing under his letters of marque.--(Doc. 192.) Gen. Butler, desiring to know the precise lay of the land about Fortress Monroe, Va., concluded to pay a visit to the neighboring village of Hampton. Col. Phelps's regiment of Vermonters were detailed for the reconnoissance, and took up the march across the dyke and bridge leading from the Fortress to the Hampton side of the bay. Observing the movement, the rebels rushed down to the bridge, and, with combustibles ready, prepared to set fire to it. At this the advance guard of the Vermonters took the double quick step, and before the fire had made much headway were down on the burning bridge, and rebels. The latter fled precipitately, a
now about 6,000 men within or under the walls of the fortress. The Quaker City came up to the fortress with a rich prize this morning — the bark Winnifred, of Richmond, from Rio Janeiro, laden with coffee. Gen. Butler, accompanied by acting Adjutant-Gen. Tallmadge, and his aids, made a dashing reconnoissance several miles between the James and York Rivers. A picket guard of rebels fled on their approach. Three fugitives, the property of Col. Mallory, commander of the rebel forces near Hampton, were brought in to Fortress Monroe by the picket guard yesterday. They represent that they were about to be sent South, and hence sought protection. Major Cary came in with a flag of truce, and claimed their rendition under the Fugitive Slave law, but was informed by Gen. Butler that, under the peculiar circumstances, he considered the fugitives contraband of war, and had set them to work inside the fortress. Col. Mallory, however, was politely informed that so soon as he should visit t
June 3. Quartermaster T. Bailey Myers arrived at New York from Fortress Monroe, bringing from that quarter a secession flag as a present to the Union Defence Committee. The flag was captured at Hampton village, near the fort, and when taken was flying from its staff on the roof of John Tyler's country residence. Lieutenant Duryea, the colonel's son, let down the traitorous emblem, and ran up the Stars and Stripes, which are now flying. The scouting detachment brought in the secession colors to Headquarters, and they were forwarded by Major-General Butler. The flag is a dirty looking affair of red, white, and blue flannel, with eight stars. It is roughly made, the sewing having been done by half-taught fingers.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 4. Gen. Beauregard arrived at Manassas Junction, and assumed command of the rebel forces there.--N. Y. Times, June 6. At night twelve volunteers from Camp Lincoln, near Leavenworth, Kansas, headed by Sergeant Decurin, of th
and the scows, manned each by a coxswain and twenty-six rowers from the Naval Brigade, glided out from the fort, and rowed in the harbor to the mouth of Hampton River, and up the stream. At about midnight they were moored on the hither shore in Hampton, and just below the remains of the bridge destroyed in the rebel retreat two weeks previously. The stream at that point is from sixty to one hundred yards in width. In the afternoon orders were given for a concerted movement of forces from Newt the rebels had taken up at or near Great Bethel, in York county, a place about 12 miles northwest of Fortress Monroe. In accordance with the terms of the order three companies of Duryea's regiment, under. Capt. Kilpatrick, went forward from Hampton on the Bethel road at 10 P. M., and soon after the remainder of Duryea's regiment, and the New York Third, Col. Townsend, followed, and were ferried over Hampton Creek by the boats of the Naval Brigade previously taken round from Fortress Monroe
passed onward toward Little Bethel, the force from Newport News came up the road from that place, and took the road from Hampton to Bethel, not far behind the Fifth; but they left at the junction of the roads, under Col. Bendix, a rear guard of one the rear of the Federal troops and cut off the retreat. Almost immediately after, the Third N. Y. Regiment came up the Hampton road. It was still dark, and their colors could not be seen. Their approach also was over a ridge, and as General Pieralmost falling back and with difficulty made to keep their places. All expected that the rebels had flanked around into Hampton, and would fight them at the ferry. The rear of the entire force was covered by the howitzers, which charged upon the pursuing cavalry until they fell back toward the batteries. The news of the retreat arrived at Hampton long before the troops, and the ferry transports were all moored along the shore by the order of Gen. Butler, who was on the Monroe-ward side of t
Regiment sails from Fortress Monroe for Boston this evening in the Steamer Cambridge. They were reviewed by General Butler to-day.--The Sixth Massachusetts Regiment follows to-morrow.--Col. Max Weber's and Col. Baker's Regiments were to occupy Hampton, but the plan has been somewhat changed.--Brigadier-General Pierce returns with the Massachusetts Regiments.--Col. Duryea will be acting Brigadier-General in Hampton.--Several companies went out from Newport News last night to surprise, if possiHampton.--Several companies went out from Newport News last night to surprise, if possible, a body of light horse, which have for some time hovered in the vicinity.--National Intelligencer, July 18. In the House of Representatives at Washington, the Committee on Commerce, in response to a resolution directing inquiry as to what measures are necessary to suppress privateering, and render the blockade of the rebel ports more effectual, reported a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to hire, purchase, or contract for such vessels as may be necessary for a temporary incre
July 19. Last night a party consisting of Capt. Holliday, Capt. Edward W. Jenkins, Lieut. Johnson and private Small, of the Naval Brigade, Maj. T. Edward Rawlings, of the Kentucky Light Cavalry, and R. W. Shurtliff, left Hampton, Va., without permission, on a scout.--They were poorly armed, and but one of them mounted. At 4 1/2 o'clock this morning the party were surprised in the woods, a short distance beyond New Market bridge, by twenty dismounted horsemen, who fired upon them. Rawlings was instantly killed by a bullet through his head. Lieutenant Johnson and Mr. Shurtliff were also seen to fall, and have been carried off prisoners. The rest of the party escaped.--Baltimore American, July 20. By an order from the War Department at Washington, it was forbidden to muster any soldier into the service who is unable to speak the English language. By the same order, Brevet Second--Lieutenants Clarence Derrick, James P. Parker, and Frank A. Reynolds, (having tendered their
ervice to be used on the Sunday preceding the day of thanksgiving fixed by the Confederate Congress, and suggesting to the clergy that in the prayer for the President of the United States, and in the prayer for Congress also, the words United States be omitted, and the words Confederate States be substituted in both places.--(Doc. 127.) A correspondent at Fortress Monroe, Va., in a letter of this date, says: It became apparent, early last evening, that the rebels meditated an attack on Hampton. Gen. Butler determined to abandon the town in case of a formidable advance, and at seven o'clock the order was given for families and goods to be removed. Within one hour, orders were also issued to burn the town rather than have it fall into the hands of the enemy. The General well understands that the possession of Hampton by the rebels will be of no particular importance. A stampede of the colored population took place all night, and to-day the road has been lined with refugees to
July 27. Major-General Robert Patterson, of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was honorably discharged from the service of the United States.--(Doc. 106.) The Odd Fellows' Hall, jail, and four other buildings in Hampton, Va., were burned by the national troops in apprehension of an immediate attack by the secessionists.--N. Y. Times, July 30. In Confederate Congress, at Richmond, Va., documents were read which show the cause of the late flag of truce from the Confederate lines to Washington. One of these was a letter from Davis to President Lincoln, with the threat of retaliation if the privateersmen taken from the Savannah should be hanged.--(Doc. 128.) The Sixty-ninth Regiment N. Y. S. M., arrived in New York from the seat of war.--N. Y. Express, July 27. Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, spoke in the Senate in favor of the joint resolution to approve the acts of the President.--(Doc. 129.)
John C. Breckinridge was serenaded at a hotel in Baltimore, and in response essayed to address those assembled in the street, but was compelled to desist by the uproar of the crowd, who shouted for the Union, Crittenden, Scott, etc.--Baltimore American, August 9. Gen. Magruder, C. S. A., with a force of 7,000 men, including 200 cavalry and eight pieces of artillery, viz., three Parrott guns, four howitzers, and one rifled cannon, took up a position on Back River, three miles from Hampton, Virginia. The intention was to draw out the national forces, attack Camp Hamilton or Newport News if practicable, and at least to destroy Hampton, so as to prevent its use by the U. S. troops for winter-quarters. Gen. Butler at once repaired to Hampton Bridge, where he remained until 11 o'clock P. M. Col. Weber erected a barricade near the Hampton end of the bridge, and placed a strong guard at various points near. A few minutes past midnight, Gen. Magruder, with about 500 Confederates--so