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ohnston's force--Gen. Smith's and Col. Elzey's — had not arrived. Hampton's Legion and Wynder's Sixth regiment of North Carolina had not arr Beauregard halted them, reinforced them with a Virginia regiment, Hampton's Legion, what .of it was in condition for service, some Marylande regiments of the Fourth Carolina, Fourth Georgia, Fourth Alabama, Hampton's Legion, and others were struggling back for a moment's relief, an across it, and back to the woods, one hundred yards below. When Hampton's Legion came with this a charge was made, which drove the enemy btain the truth. The first of these was the taking of a battery by Hampton's Legion. Your readers will now have had some faint conception of retaken during the rout. Falling back upon the position taken by Hampton's Legion, whose prowess can clearly be shown by the heaps of dead this also. Between these two is an orchard of small trees, where Hampton's Legion fought and suffered so severely. Their graves are here.
n to march from Camp Hamilton, Duryea's. Each regiment to be supported by sufficient reserves, under arms, in camp, and with advanced guards out on the road of march. Duryea to push out two pickets at 10 P. M., one two and a half miles beyond Hampton, on the county road, but not so far as to alarm the enemy. This is important. Second picket half as far as the first. Both pickets to keep as much out of sight as possible. No one whatever to be allowed to pass out through their lines. Persons to be allowed to pass inward towards Hampton, unless it appear that they intend to go round about and dodge through to the front. At 12, midnight, Col. Duryea will march his regiment with fifteen rounds cartridges, on the county road toward Little Bethel. Scows will be provided to ferry them across Hampton Creek. March will be rapid, but not hurried. A howitzer with canister and shrapnel to go. A wagon with planks and materials to repair the New Market bridge. Duryea to have t
ffered most and were in the thickest of the fight, were the 7th and 8th Georgia, the 4th Alabama, Fourth South Carolina, Hampton's Legion, and 4th Virginia. The New Orleans Washington Artillery did great execution. Charleston Mercury account. ng, and retiring, who declared that the day had gone against us; that Sloan's regiment, the 4th, was cut to pieces; that Hampton's Legion, coming to the rescue, and the Louisiana battalion, were annihilated; that Gen. Bee and Col. Hampton were mortainspected the division, thus increased, consisting of the 2d and 8th South Carolina regiments, the shattered remnants of Hampton's Legion, about 150 strong, whom we had rescued, (what with the killed, wounded, and those attending them, few were leftaw and Kemper both deserve to be made Brigadier-Generals, as this great victory is undoubtedly due to their commands. Hampton's Legion and Sloan's regiment displayed the utmost gallantry, but, in the face of superior artillery and great odds, wer
nt, while it weakened the posts at Newport News, necessitated the withdrawal of the troops from Hampton, where I was then throwing up intrenched works to enable me to hold the town with a small force, while I advanced up the York or James River. In the village of Hampton there were a large number of negroes, composed in a great measure of women and children of the men who had fled thither withid them in constructing their batteries on the James and York Rivers. I had employed the men in Hampton in throwing up intrenchments, and they were working zealously and efficiently at that duty, saving served out to the men who worked for the support of the children. But by the evacuation of Hampton, rendered necessary by the withdrawal of troops, leaving me scarcely 5,000 men outside the Fortuding the force at Newport News, all these black people were obliged to break up their homes at Hampton, fleeing across the creek within my lines for protection and support. Indeed, it was a most di
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 168.-the burning of Hampton, Va. August 7-8, 1861. (search)
tive of Darien, Conn., and a resident of Hampton, Virginia, for the past five years, carrying on a lock on Wednesday night the rebels arrived at Hampton, and completely surrounded the place. The po little children of a poor man, a resident of Hampton, sitting on the river bank, shivering in theirama of Rebellion. Last night the village of Hampton was laid in ashes by the rebels. Mr. Mahew, Newmarket Bridge, two and a half miles beyond Hampton, arriving there about 11 o'clock A. M. WednesMahew escaped into the woods, made his way to Hampton, swam the creek, and gave himself up to our pnsiderable extent, former leading citizens of Hampton and owners of property, and consequently amon troops here have little idea of wintering in Hampton, but will seek a more genial climate, and, fuand interesting particulars of the burning of Hampton, and of the series of events leading thereto.d very hard to find. The fortifications of Hampton, erected by Butler's troops, and left standin[8 more...]