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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.1, Texas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 34 2 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 25 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 19 3 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 16 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 14 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States 10 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 8 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 8 0 Browse Search
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s attempt to establish military despotism. resistance. Moore's fight on the Guadalupe. capture of Goliad. Bowie's combat at conception mission. Cos surrenders San Antonio. the General Consultation of 1835. Provisional Government. Declaration of independence. David G. Burnet. Santa Anna invades Texas. dissensions of colonists. want of preparation. Mexican atrocities. William B. Travis. the Alamo. the Thermopylae of Texas. its fall. Fannin's massacre. Santa Anna's advance. Houston's retreat. conduct and character of Houston. movements of the armies. battle of San Jacinto. Santa Anna's personal danger. his secret treaty and release; sympathy for Texas in the United States. Houston elected President. Albert Sidney Johnston joins in the Texan Revolution. his motives. On February 18, 1685, the adventurous La Salle, looking for a mouth of the Mississippi, which he had discovered in 1682, landed in Matagorda Bay. Six miles up the Lavaca River he built Fort St. L
f his own spirit, but of that of the Texan people; and, also, as exhibiting the condition of the country, at the mercy, not only of invasion, but even of the rumor of invasion. It is from a letter to Mr. Edward D. Hobbs, of Louisville: City of Houston, December 31, 1837. my dear sir: A few hours after my arrival at this place, news reached us from San Antonio of the approach and investment of that devoted town by a large body of the enemy's cavalry. Immediate measures were taken by the peood for the Comanches to be at peace with everybody. Essowakkenny added, with a humorous look, that he did not make peace with the Mexicans until he had stolen all their horses! To General Johnston's request that he would visit the President at Houston, Essowakkenny replied that he could not go, but that his brother, Essomanny, who was a braver man than himself, would go. He then declared sentiments of the strongest friendship. General Johnston gave them presents of considerable value, and di
tter. Colonization act of 1825. Indian irruption of 1832-88. remonstrances. solemn Declaration of the Consultation. Houston's treaty with Indians. its Nullity. Houston's failure to get it ratified. his relations with the Indians. bad faith Houston's failure to get it ratified. his relations with the Indians. bad faith of the Indians. their conduct in the Revolution. kept down by the presence of United States forces. Yoakum's testimony. secret alliance with Mexico. continued hostilities. plan for a General revolt of the Indians. their butcheries. General Jill not go back. In August, 1839, the new capital was laid out; in September the government offices were removed from Houston; on the 1st of October the officers of government resumed their duties, as directed by law, with very little inconveniennston had in February, 1838, arranged the preliminaries of a treaty with them, and in May they had come into the town of Houston, under protection of a white flag, at the President's invitation, had made a treaty and received presents. Nevertheless
ith General Houston. its adjustment. Arcadian dreams, a letter. resigns Secretaryship of War. visits United States. friends try to make him a candidate for the presidency. Houston elected President. renewal of Mexican invasions. Vasquez captures San Antonio. volunteers assemble to retaliate. disbanded by the President. agents sent to the United States by Houston. his proclamation stigmatizing General Johnston. General Johnston's counter-address. the President's Evasive reply. Houston's do-nothing policy. another Mexican invasion. Woll enters San Antonio and captures the court and bar. bill passed by Congress for the public defense, killed by the President's pocket Veto. massacre of Dawson's force. General Johnston urged to become a candidate for the presidency. his prophetic reply. history of annexation schemes. Texas enters the American Union. marriage to Miss Eliza Griffin. description of China Grove plantation. purchase. consequent embarrassments. Genera
wed. His loss was four killed and ten wounded, all from Terry's regiment except two slightly wounded in Marmaduke's battalion. The Federal loss was ten killed, twenty-two wounded, and eight prisoners. The Texan Rangers had been allowed, at their own request, to report to General Johnston. Terry was his personal friend. They had since been very actively and usefully employed on this front; but in this, their first engagement, they had the misfortune to lose their colonel. They left Houston 1,160 strong, and were augmented during their term of service by 500 recruits; they shared in more than one hundred engagements from first to last ; and finally surrendered, at the close of the war, 244 men in all, with but one deserter during that time! This is a noble record; but their fame was dearly bought with the blood of most of these peerless horsemen, who, following the example of their chivalric leader, rode gayly and dauntlessly down to death. In the second week in October a
rave. From Shiloh to New Orleans. sepulture and public sorrow. General Beauregard's order. President Davis's message. Confederate Congress. Legislature of Texas. honors at New Orleans and Galveston. official Brutality. honors at Houston, Austin, and New Orleans. When it was found that General Johnston was dead, General Preston conveyed his body from the field to the headquarters of the night before, and left it in charge of Captain Wickham and Major John W. Throckmorton. He they may be visited. They will be moved by the pall-bearers and committee tomorrow morning, Saturday, 26th instant, at ten o'clock A. M., from their present resting-place on Central Wharf to the depot, thence to be conveyed by special train to Houston. The friends of the family are invited to attend their removal. This was carried unanimously. While these conferences were going on, Major McKnight says, in his letter to the New Orleans Times: During the conference up-town, thousan
ight without returning thanks to God for his protecting care, and invoking his guidance in future. The following reminiscences of General A. S. Johnston were furnished by Rev. R. M. Chapman: I spent the first half of the year 1839 at Houston, Texas, where I boarded at the house of Colonel Gray, in company with President Lamar, General A. S. Johnston, Secretary of War in Lamar's cabinet, and several other distinguished gentlemen. The opportunity thus afforded me of seeing much of Generaressed my hand and said: Come back; and, if I have only a blanket, you shall have half of it. It was in the spring of that year that Bishop Polk, then missionary Bishop of the Southwest, made his first visitation in Texas. During his stay in Houston he was entertained at Colonel Gray's. His meeting there with General Johnston was particularly gratifying to them both, as they had been contemporaries at West Point, and for a part of the time room-mates. Of course, at such an interview (an
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Life in Pennsylvania. (search)
hat General Lee deeply deplored it as a mistake. His remark, made just after the battle, It is all my fault, meant just what it said. It adds to the nobility and magnanimity of that remark, when we reflect that it was the utterance of a deep-felt truth, rather than a mere sentiment. In a letter written to me by General Lee, in January, 1864, he says: Had I taken your advice at Gettysburg, instead of pursuing the course I did, how different all might have been. Captain T. J. Gorie, of Houston, Texas, a gentleman of high position and undoubted integrity, writes to me upon this same point as follows: Another important circumstance which I distinctly remember was in the winter of 1864, when you sent me from East Tennessee to Orange Court-House with dispatches for General Lee. Upon my arrival there, General Lee asked me in his tent, where he was alone with two or three Northern papers on his table. He remarked that he had just been reading the Northern official report of the battle of
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
antation. Some of the fields were planted with cotton and Indian corn mixed, three rows of the former between two of the latter. I saw also fields of cotton and sugar mixed. We changed carriages at Harrisburg, and I completed my journey to Houston on a cotton truck. The country near Houston is very pretty, and is studded with white wooden villas, which are raised off the ground on blocks like haystacks. I reached Houston at 4.30 P. M., and drove to the Fannin House hotel. HoustonHouston is very pretty, and is studded with white wooden villas, which are raised off the ground on blocks like haystacks. I reached Houston at 4.30 P. M., and drove to the Fannin House hotel. Houston is a much better place than I expected. The main street can boast of many well-built brick and iron houses. It was very full, as it now contained all the refugees from the deserted town of Galveston. After an extremely mild supper, I was introduced to Lieutenant Lee, a wounded hero, who lost his leg at Shiloh; also to Colonel Pyron, a distinguished officer, who commands the regiment named after him. The fat German, Mr. Lee, and myself, went to the theatre afterwards. As a great f
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, May, 1863. (search)
ugh evidently a remarkable and clever man, he is extremely egotistical and vain, and much disappointed at having to subside from his former grandeur. The town of Houston is named after him. In appearance he is a tall, handsome old man, much given to chewing tobacco, and blowing his nose with his fingers. He is reported to have e dead body of the horse shot by the soldier yesterday, and which the authorities had not thought necessary to remove. I got back to General Scurry's house at Houston at 4.30 P. M. The general took me out for a drive in his ambulance, and I saw innumerable negroes and negresses parading about the streets in the most outrageouslas one judge from Louis. iana. One of them produced a pair of boots which had cost him $100; another showed me a common wide-awake hat which had cost him $40. In Houston, I myself saw an English regulation infantry sword exposed for sale for $225 (£45). As the military element did not predominate, my companions united in spea
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