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Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863. 128 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 102 6 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 18 0 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1 17 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 9 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 9 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 6 2 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863.. You can also browse the collection for Fort Gibson (Oklahoma, United States) or search for Fort Gibson (Oklahoma, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 64 results in 15 document sections:

he Army of the Frontier in northwestern Arkansas. An expedition of nearly two thousand men, mostly Indians, and a section of light artillery, were sent out under Col. W. A. Phillips, about the time we left Rhea's Mills, in the direction of Fort Gibson. After a short engagement, Col. Phillips captured and destroyed Fort Davis near Fort Gibson, on which the Confederate Government expended upwards of a million dollars. In point of importance, the success of his expedition deserves to be set dFort Gibson, on which the Confederate Government expended upwards of a million dollars. In point of importance, the success of his expedition deserves to be set down among the splendid achievements of the campaign. Old Year! I bid you adieu. When some future historian writes of the great events which have turned the eyes of the civilized world to this country, he will surely turn to you as having witnessed the greatest events in the history of our Government. You have brought sadness to the hearts of thousands of our people this night. I know, too, that in the hospitals near me there are hundreds of comrades, and among them my brother, whose he
onlight Captain Mefford, Sixth Kansas cavalry, defeats Livingston's band grass sufficient for grazing purposes about Fort Gibson supply train reinforced a bushwhacker killed near camp the people should be better informed by proclamation of the better one could not be selected to deal with Livingston's guerrillas. Several persons who have just arrived from Fort Gibson report that grass is coming up in sufficient quantities on the Arkansas River and lower Grand River bottoms for grazinquently occurs some severe weather the latter part of March. As the season is always about a week further advanced at Fort Gibson, there will be no unnecessary delay in their removal. Information was received here yesterday evening that a rebelenient to retire to the south bank. There is now no prospect of Colonel Phillip's progress being checked this side of Fort Gibson. Yesterday morning (28th) a detachment of thirty men were sent to Neosho with the mail for the North, and instruct
strong reconnoissance Webber's Falls he drives the enemy into the Arkansas River and takes Fort Gibson Description of the place its importance the beautiful Grand and Verdigris Rivers. This ision, particularly the small-pox patients. A skirmish took place yesterday, the 10th, at Fort Gibson between a battalion of our Indian soldiers and a small force of Standwaitie's Rebel Indians, ve occasion to try his valor before the summer is over. Our entire division is to move to Fort Gibson in a few days; but before setting out, Colonel Phillips has deemed, it expedient to thoroughlmorning of the t3th the troops and trains of our division left Camp John Ross, and marched to Fort Gibson, eighteen miles southwest. We passed over a lovely country, probably the finest in the Cheroe timber on several small streams which we crossed. Now that we have pitched our tents at Fort Gibson, and as this place will probably be the centre of our operations during the spring and summer
Chapter 11: Fort Gibson the key to the Indian country the enemy showing signs of activity the troops at Gibson commence to build bake ovens anxiety for the supply train Creek Indians coming in the enemy concentrating at Webber's Falls celebrating the event of hoisting the United States Flag at Fort Gibson a sad accident arrival of supply train from Fort Scott part of Neosho burned the enemy attack Fayetteville and are defeated a young man as a spy caught dressed in a woman's suit the troops commence to throw up fortifications at Fort Gibson strength of the Federal position engagement at Webber's Falls capture of the enemy's camp assassination of Dr. Gillpatrick they are on business in connection with exchanterday, the 17th, was given to festivities in celebrating the event of hoisting the Union Flag at the military post of Fort Gibson, that it may float from the flag staff where it was hauled down in foul dishonor soon after the breaking out of the wa
s being cultivated in Missouri by whom on the march to Fort Gibson a fight with guerillas stopping in a lonely retreat return to Fort Gibson. I have already mentioned Colonel Harrison leaving Fayetteville with his troops and marching to Cassr ourselves in the enemy's country from the time we left Fort Gibson until we reached Cassville, as we had no troops statione Ross's place near Grand Saline, some thirty miles above Fort Gibson. He then bade us good night, and we were soon beyond thether all our horses would be able to make it through to Fort Gibson. A. week's rest, with such attention as we shall endeavins, it is to be regretted that they were not sent on to Fort Gibson, as the situation is getting such that they are much neeoderately well in regard to forage, and we now leave for Fort Gibson. We have found the loyal Arkansas soldiers very clever;alry horses on the march or on the scout. We arrived at Fort Gibson on the afternoon of the 16th, having been absent upwards
Chapter 13: The enemy occupying the heights south of the Arkansas River in sight of Fort Gibson picket firing across the River all day long strength of General Cooper's force he is preparing to capture Colonel Phillips' supply train name of post of Fort Gibson changed to Fort Blunt Colonel Phillips contending singFort Gibson changed to Fort Blunt Colonel Phillips contending single-handed with two Generals of the enemy hard service for the cavalry capture of horses and mules from the enemy activity in the enemy's camp the enemy kill the Federal pickets, and capture a good many animals the battle enemy driven from the field and pursued recapture of some animals large force of the enemy cross the Arkansas River, and march to meet the Federal supply train convalescent soldiers coming in from Tahlequah the troops move inside the fortifications at Fort Gibson the engagement at Rapid Ford, Sunday afternoon Colonel Phillips intended the movement only as a demonstration. After returning to my post of duty at Gibson, I found t
get drowned. The mystery of their deaths, however, will probably be cleared up in a few days, when we shall have been better informed of the operations of the two, opposing forces on the river north of us. The train and escort arrived at Fort Gibson, July 5th, just before twelve o'clock, although .we heard, early in the morning, that they would get in during the day. I made a good many inquiries concerning the cause of delay since they crossed the Neosho River at Hudson's ford. But we mareek after twelve o'clock. The escort continued to move with great caution, as it was not known but that the enemy might receive reinforcements and attempt to make another stand, as there are two rather strong positions between Cabin Creek and Fort Gibson. But our cavalry on the flanks noticed that the trails of the enemy through the high prairie grass did not point to either of the positions from which an attack would most likely be made if intended. It was ascertained that the enemy, after
to campaigning in warm climate Colonel Phillips will be able to cross the Arkansas River and attack General Cooper large quantities of hay should be put up at Fort Gibson salt works at Grand Saline families of English blood cling to their homesteads on the march up the beautiful Grand River country looking out for General Cabry at Webber's Falls, the Rapid Ford, and in the engagement with the enemy on the morning of the 25th May, when they attacked our train four miles northwest of Fort Gibson. His marching here and seizing this post in the face of a large force of the enemy, was a master movement which the military critic would be especially happy trom Cabin Creek, on the east side of Grand River. We went into camp, on the Neosho River, on the 10th. The escort under Lieutenant Colonel Dole returned to Fort Gibson on the evening of the 9th, having accompanied us fifteen miles north of Cabin Creek. The crossing of the Neosho River is just about half way between Forts Sco
a few days, with the view of co-operating with General Blunt, who recently went down to take command of the troops at Fort Gibson. Since General Herron's division was ordered to join General Grant, in the seige of Vicksburg, several months ago, thg that he attacked and routed the forces of General Cooper at Honey Springs, on Elk Creek, twenty-five miles south of Fort Gibson, last Friday morning, July 17th. A detachment of about twenty men came through from Fort Blunt with despatches and thy Springs. I have therefore talked with several of them, to get the particulars of the battle. General Blunt reached Fort Gibson on the 11th, two days after we met him at Cabin Creek. He rested the cavalry and artillery that he took down with him seven or eight miles to the southwest, and then marched up the Arkansas to a point about eighteen miles southwest of Fort Gibson, and forded the river. It was quite deep, coming up to the flanks of the horses. The caissons were detached from the
arry information to the; enemy cholera and small-pox at Fort Gibson probable cause of cholera breaking out a soldier killeonel Phillips from the front the supply train starts to Fort Gibson recruiting of the Fourteenth Kansas cavalry large bounetimes done it. A detachment of cavalry just up from Fort Gibson, report that the cholera has broken out among the troops and travels westward. When we were on short rations at Fort Gibson last month, I suggested that there was some danger of corly all the white men belonging to the garrison force at Fort Gibson, lost from one to several pounds of flesh. Nor is this y system. The small-pox, also, when we recently left Fort Gibson, was still afflicting our troops there-particularly the Colonels Phillips and Wattles came in on the 30th from Fort Gibson, with a smaller escort and a number of the wounded from effort to capture it or not. The latest information from Fort Gibson indicates that General Cooper has been reinforced by Gen