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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 472 144 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 358 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 215 21 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 186 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 124 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 108 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 103 5 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 97 15 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 92 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 83 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) or search for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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d Fort Macon reduced fight at South Mills Foster advances to Kinston fails to carry Goldsboroa. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside and Com. L. M. Goldsborough led an expedition, which had in good part been fitted out in New York, and which left Fortress Monroe at the opening of the year; Jan. 11-12, 1862. and, doubling Cape Henry, moved southward to Hatteras Inlet, whose defenses had been quietly held by our troops since their capture by Gen. Butler and Com. Stringham five months before. Seetant points to guard, that its offensive efficiency was destroyed; and very little more of moment occurred in his department, until he was ordered by telegraph from Washington July 4, 1862. to hasten with all the force he could collect to Fortress Monroe, where he arrived three days afterward. Gen. Foster was left in command of the department of North Carolina, with a force barely sufficient to hold the important positions left him by Gen. Burnside, until late in the Autumn, when, having,
arded as our hereditary foe. The substitution Jan. 13, 1862. of Mr. Edwin M. Stanton for Gen. Simon Cameron, as head of the War Department, caused some further delay, during which an order was once issued to send Gen. Butler's troops from Fortress Monroe to Port Royal; but it was, on his remonstrance, annulled before it had been acted on. Ship Island is one of quite a number of inconsiderable sand-bars which barely rise above the level of the Gulf between the months of the Mississippi andwas a city of the United States, wherein Rebellion had been temporarily dominant, but which had now been restored to its rightful and lawful allegiance, and wherein no authority must be asserted, no flag displayed, but those of the Union. Soule, Monroe, and the mob, could not see the matter in that light; but insisted on regarding our forces as intruders, who ought in simple decency to abscond; but who, since they refused to do this, should in all things consult the feelings and tastes of the p
he ultimately decided, having its base at Fortress Monroe; but either of these, and indeed any apprly secure retreat down the Peninsula upon Fortress Monroe, with our flanks perfectly covered by thehe worst coming to the worst, we can take Fortress Monroe as a base, and operate with complete secuhore in a gale when within a few miles of Fortress Monroe. He Approaches to Richmond. note.-But the enemy ran past, as if heading for Fortress Monroe, and came around in the channel by which oon afterward stood down the Roads toward Fortress Monroe; but the Merrimac and her tenders did noton the 1st of April, arriving next day at Fortress Monroe. Of his army, 58,000 men and 100 guns we Ohio Railroad, to garrison Baltimore and Fortress Monroe, and leave 20,000 for the defense of Washore, that ultimately decided on by way of Fortress Monroe and the Peninsula — involved a division oan's embarking the bulk of his forces for Fortress Monroe, to make a rush upon Washington from behi[10 more...]
eturns to Malvern McClellan withdraws to Fortress Monroe, and embarks his army for Alexandria. wait for what troops I can bring up from Fortress Monroe. But the morale of my troops is now suchy battle, placed the disposable troops at Fortress Monroe at the service of Gen. McClellan, sent fiJames, including those under Gen. Wool at Fortress Monroe; so that to send him even 50,000 was impoor Gen. Burnside's force, then at or near Fortress Monroe. Upon a suggestion July 30. from mbarkation at Yorktown, Newport News, and Fortress Monroe Gen. Victor Le Due, who entered the setreat from before Richmond, and thence to Fortress Monroe, being promoted for eminent efficiency tould have shipped at the same time--one at Fortress Monroe, one at Newport News, and one at Yorktownrked at Yorktown on the 21st; Franklin at Fortress Monroe on the 22d; Keyes had been left at Yorktope. Gen. McClellan and staff embarked at Fortress Monroe on the 23d, and reported at Acquia creek [1 more...]
any effective service whatever, and required, and should have had, some days of rest to put them into anything like condition to perform their duties in the field. Gen. McClellan, we have seen, was ordered on the 3d of August to withdraw his army from the Peninsula. He hesitated, and remonstrated; but the orders were reiterated more peremptorily; and he left Harrison's Bar with his rear-guard on the 16th of August. Having embarked and dispatched his corps successively at and near Fortress Monroe, he left that post on the 23d, arriving at Acquia creek on the 24th, removing to Alexandria on the 27th; on which day Halleck telegraphed him: Porter reports a general battle imminent. Franklin's corps should move out by forced marches, carrying three or four days provisions, and to be supplied, as far as possible, by railroad. Perhaps you may prefer some other road than to Centerville. To this, he replied, at 10:20 A. M.: I have sent orders to Franklin to prepare to march
ways view the matter in precisely this light. Directly after May 22, 1861. Gen. Butler's accession to command at Fortress Monroe, three negro slaves came within his lines from the Rebel lines adjacent; stating that they were held as property by nd, after due debate, the conference terminated fruitlessly. Very naturally, the transit of negroes from Slavery to Fortress Monroe was thenceforth almost continuous. Gen. Butler wrote May 27, 1861. forthwith to Lt.-Gen. Scott, soliciting advaid act be published at length with this order. Your obedient servant, A. Lincoln. In view of the sailing from Fortress Monroe of the Port Royal expedition against the Sea Islands and coast of South Carolina, General Instructions were issued he Rebellion, his name has not been given to the public. Maj.-Gen. Wool, who succeeded Gen. Butler in command at Fortress Monroe, issued oct. 14, 1861. an order directing that all colored persons called contrabands employed by officers or oth
ar-guard of Lee's army, marched past up the valley, and had, of course, followed on its footsteps during the night. No enemy remained to fight; but two days were lost by Meade getting into and out of the Gap; during which, Lee moved rapidly southward, passing around our right flank and appearing in our front when our army again looked across the Rappahannock. So soon as it was known that Lee had started for the North with all the force that lie could muster, Gen. Dix, commanding at Fortress Monroe, was directed to make a demonstration on Richmond. Gen. Keyes was appointed to lead it. Starting July 1. from White House, about 5,000 men of all arms, under the more immediate command of Gen. Getty, with at least as many more behind at call, Keyes moved up to Baltimore Crossroads, whence some 1,500 cavalry were sent forward to burn the Central Railroad bridge over the South Anna, which they effected. There was some skirmishing at various points, with the advantage oftener on the s
rdered to South Carolina, to cooperate with Com. Dupont in an attack on Charleston, steamed Feb. 2. from Beaufort, N. C., with 12,000 excellent troops, landing them at Hilton Head; whence — finding Com. Dupont not yet ready — he ran up to Fortress Monroe in quest of siege-guns. Gen. Hunter--to whom Foster's advent had been a complete surprise-thereupon took command of Foster's men, broke up his corps organization, and — this exercise of authority being demurred to — ordered Foster's staff or, soon afterward, to the Rocky Mount station, proved successful: the railroad being broken in either instance, and considerable property destroyed; Tarborough being captured, and several steamers burned there, during the latter. Gen. Foster was soon ordered July 13. to Fortress Monroe--his command being enlarged to embrace that section of Virginia — but no important movement occurred till he was relieved Oct. 28. by Gen. Butler, and ordered to succeed Gen. Burnside in East T
is expedition was a cause of embarrassment, though not entirely of failure. The command of Maj.-Gen. Steele, which I was informed by Maj.-Gen. Sherman would be about 15,000, was in fact but 7,000 and operating upon a line several hundred miles distant, with purposes and results entirely unknown to me. Feb. 5, I was informed by Gen. Steele that, if any advance was to be made, it must be by the Washita and Red rivers; and that he might be able to move his command, by the way of Pine Bluff, to Monroe, for this purpose. This would have united our forces on Red river, and insured the success of the campaign. Feb. 28, he informed me that he could not move by way of Monroe; and March 4, the day before my command was ordered to move, I was informed by Gen. Sherman that he had written to Gen. Steele to push straight for Shreveport. March 5, I was informed by Gen. Halleck that he had no information of Gen. Steele's plans, further than that he would be directed to facilitate my operations tow
Kilpatrick moved on forthwith to the Pamunkey, which he could not find boats to pass; so he was obliged to move across the White House railroad and thence down the Peninsula; soon striking the track of a cavalry force sent up to his aid from Fortress Monroe by Gen. Butler, and encountering, when near New Kent C. H., a brigade of Black infantry, which lad been likewise sent by Butler on the same errand. Pursuit by the enemy was of course at an end. Kilpatrick had lost 150 men on this raid, had off attacks both front and rear, burning the railroad bridge, and moving to Haxall's; May 14. where he rested three days, and then, moving by White House and Hanover C. H., rejoined the Army of the Potomac. Gen. Butler, commanding at Fortress Monroe, had been reinforced in pursuance of a programme suggested by him and concurred in by Gen. Grant: Gen. W. F. Smith's (18th) corps and Gen. Gillmore's (10th) corps (from South Carolina) having been sent him, raising our effective strength in
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