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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 472 144 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 358 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 215 21 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 186 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 124 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 108 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 103 5 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 97 15 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 92 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 83 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) or search for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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at he and others will have the transports ready as soon as the men can be, waiting until orders come before the vessel is chartered, so as to keep as quiet as possible. And he thinks, with me, that we had better wait for New York, as we can get ready and move quicker; and any forwardness on the part of Massachusetts would be more offensive than that of New York. He urges also to write or telegraph to General Scott, that we can at once send three hundred men to relieve the garrison at Fortress Monroe, if he desires to have the present garrison march to Washington. The cost of steamer per month, with crew, would be three to four thousand dollars, probably. I send a list in order of merit. A very large and respectable meeting of the citizens of Boston was held in Faneuil Hall, on the 5th of February, to indorse the resolutions of Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, in favor of a compromise with the South. J. Thomas Stevenson, Esq., presided, and made a strong and able speech in favor
address of Governor Andrew departure for Fortress Monroe the Sixth Regiment departure forWashingth Regiment the First to land inVirginia Fortress Monroe Big Bethel the Fifth Regiment Battleofs. The Third Regiment was destined for Fortress Monroe; and, the steam transport being ready, thd until the next day. Its destination was Fortress Monroe. It left Faneuil Hall at three o'clock ot and taking in coal, when it started for Fortress Monroe, and arrived there at break of day on the two other regiments were on the seas for Fortress Monroe. After partaking of the generous hospitaegiment on board the transport, bound for Fortress Monroe. The following is its record:— At ng order:— Order no. 55. headquarters, Fort Monroe, Va., April 19, 1861. The Colonel of the Th 1861. The Fourth Regiment arrived at Fortress Monroe on the morning of April 20. The adjutantdnesday, July 11, when we marched over to Fortress Monroe, preparatory to embarking for home. Prev[7 more...]<
us to do, about provisioning our men? Is Fortress Monroe supplied with provisions? Will you authoa vessel was chartered to take the ice to Fortress Monroe. The occupants of Quincy Market, of whomer taking out certain supplies and men at Fortress Monroe, she was to go by the Potomac to Washingtst to the senior Massachusetts officer at Fortress Monroe, and deliver to him such supplies and speesignated for that port. Second, if at Fortress Monroe he should hear from General Butler that thaving arrived to start two regiments for Fortress Monroe, besides those which it was arranged to s the War Department to send his troops to Fortress Monroe via Baltimore by rail. I had heard two m when these two regiments would be due at Fortress Monroe, and also that the charters of the vessel of the S. R. Spaulding to take troops to Fortress Monroe at twelve dollars each. The vessel will transmission of the guns and shells from Fortress Monroe, and that will make some trouble, but wil[3 more...]
the call of the President; the march through Baltimore; the garrisoning of Fortress Monroe; the advance by way of Annapolis and the Potomac River; the saving of Old ce, but which volunteered for three years, and were sent by detachments to Fortress Monroe, while the Third and Fourth three months regiments were still there: on thral of volunteers, to the command of the Massachusetts three months men at Fortress Monroe. General Peirce had command of the expedition against Big Bethel, in May, red men who were recruited in Massachusetts for a military organization at Fortress Monroe, known as the Union Coast Guard, and commanded by Colonel Wardrop, of the A large amount of valuable stores for our troops had been forwarded to Fortress Monroe, in the steamer Pembroke, early in the month of May, 1861. The following giment has been mustered in. I want to know whether they shall be sent to Fortress Monroe, as General Butler wants them to be, or what I shall do with them. They a
nant Palfrey, of the regular army, stationed at Fortress Monroe, and Lieutenant Paine, of the regular army, stacompany the steamers Cambridge and Pembroke, to Fortress Monroe, as the agent of the Commonwealth, with authoriernor wrote a long letter to General Butler, at Fortress Monroe, concerning the Massachusetts troops at that po canteens to supply the Massachusetts troops at Fortress Monroe, although no requisition had been made for themf the kind had reached him from the officers at Fortress Monroe. It would have been absurd to have launched oualso informed the Governor, that there were, at Fortress Monroe, several hundred pairs of thin trousers, which the Massachusetts stores sent to our troops at Fortress Monroe, and particularly of the cargo sent by the bark in the New-York Mozart Regiment, to be sent to Fortress Monroe, to be attached to the seven Massachusetts comsachusetts Volunteer Infantry, now stationed at Fortress Monroe, is the person to whom you had reference, when,
teries were in front of Washington and at Fortress Monroe; five regiments were at Annapolis, ready th; the military hospitals at Washington, Fortress Monroe, and elsewhere being filled to repletion.l, to have his company, which has been at Fortress Monroe ever since May last, changed to a light bening, we left Baltimore in a steamer for Fortress Monroe, and arrived there the next morning. We e New-York Ninety-ninth is stationed near Fortress Monroe, and commanded by my old friend, Colonel o remark, that General Dix, in command at Fortress Monroe, exercises a discretionary power, or revi me of; namely, send to Captain Davis, at Fortress Monroe, and learn what is the present state of ht Regiment, which sailed in transport for Fortress Monroe, Feb. 21, and from Fortress Monroe to ShiFortress Monroe to Ship Island, Department of the Gulf; seven companies, comprising what was known as the Fort Warren Batmpany of Light Artillery was stationed at Fortress Monroe; and the Eighth Company of Light Artiller[9 more...]
well known in Boston, but who at this time was serving on the staff of Major-General Dix at Fortress Monroe. Major Bolles's letter was accompanied by one from General Dix; also, one addressed to him he reception in Massachusetts of a portion of the escaped slaves then within our lines near Fortress Monroe. This plan was represented as very desirable, for reasons both military and humane. It wa as stated, that rebel hordes were coiling their traitorous length for a deadly spring upon Fortress Monroe, and that rebel iron-clads were coming down the river, and that the Union force who opposedg others, a long and interesting report from C. B. Wilder, superintendent of contrabands at Fortress Monroe, showing how the colored laborers at that point were denied their hard-earned wages throughas teaching the classics, modern languages, and gymnastics), in our Third Regiment; went to Fortress Monroe; was, in succession, sergeant-major, adjutant of the Third, and acting brigade-major; when,
up the deficiency, of which we shall speak hereafter. On the twenty-third day of March, the Governor detailed the Adjutant-General to visit Washington and Fortress Monroe, to inquire concerning the feasibility of procuring men of color to enlist in the colored regiments of Massachusetts. At this time, there were a great numbercaptain refused to send it, on the ground that the man was a deserter; to which the Adjutant-General replied,— The man is no deserter. He was sent from Fortress Monroe to New York. You say he was to go to Alexandria; but the poor fellow had to go on the vessel he was ordered to, and he had to go to such port as the vessel taint him with. The first was a letter from Captain Hamlin, of the Thirteenth Battery, which had left Boston on the 31st of January, but which was detained at Fortress Monroe, and, after a very long and tedious voyage, arrived at New Orleans on the 10th of May. The ship was becalmed off the coast of Florida, and, for a time, was s
es in crowded transports. It left North Carolina on June 22, to report at Fortress Monroe, and proceed to Boston. The regiment was mustered out of service at Wenhaay, the regiment was encamped; and, on June 24, embarked on transports for Fortress Monroe, arriving on the 27th; the next day were ordered to Boston, Mass., to be made from it to build fortifications, military roads, &c. It was ordered to Fortress Monroe, to report to General Dix. At the colonel's request, orders were received exception of one hundred and eighty-three sick, the regiment embarked for Fortress Monroe, and proceeded to Cumberland, Va., on the Pamunkey. After their arrival ox, he, finding the term of service so nearly expired, ordered a return to Fortress Monroe, and requisition for transportation to Massachusetts to be mustered out of am glad to say, Major Crowninshield's battalion has been ordered up from Fortress Monroe; so Lowell will have his whole regiment together. Nothing more appears
to telegraph to Major-General Butler, at Fortress Monroe, as follows :– Do you want two compa General Butler an answer, as follows:— Fortress Monroe, Jan. 12, 1864. General Schouler, Boston.r to raise two companies for service at Fortress Monroe, Va., with the condition that the men enlistmpanies of heavy artillery for service at Fortress Monroe be entitled to receive them? In a word, Men for the two artillery companies at Fortress Monroe will not under any circumstances get bounwhenever and wherever ordered,—whether to Fortress Monroe, Nashville, New Orleans, or Texas; and thepartment of Virginia and North Carolina, Fortress Monroe, Jan. 26, 1864, and was addressed to Hon.ilchrist at Richmond, and was returned to Fortress Monroe. Not knowing what to do with it, I have tilities were commenced, having landed at Fortress Monroe on the morning of April 20, 1861. On ters to report to Major-General Butler, at Fortress Monroe. The First Battalion, which had been f[1 more...
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