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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,756 1,640 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 979 67 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 963 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 742 0 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 694 24 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 457 395 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 449 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 427 7 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 420 416 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 410 4 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Washington (United States) or search for Washington (United States) in all documents.

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venth New York Cavalry. The seven companies left for Washington, D. C., November 23, 1861, and remained on duty there till tn the Middle Department, in Maryland and the vicinity of Washington. They proved their efficiency in Stoneman's raid in Apry are no longer raw troopers but have become the eyes of Washington and its chief protection against the swift-riding Mosby It was not until May, 1861, that the War Department at Washington reluctantly authorized the organization of a regiment ofefore Gettysburg. Six companies left New York State for Washington on June 23d, and took their part in patrolling the rear draft riots. Thereafter they spent their time guarding Washington, when this photograph was taken, and scouting near the ale to the panic-stricken Federal troops in their race to Washington and safety; Mosby's frequent dashes at poorly guarded Unepartment. Stables for six thousand horses Giesboro, D. C.--one of the busiest spots of the war Merritt and Farnswort
raphs show cavalry thus, in column. The wagons with the right of way: the thirteenth New York cavalry drilling near Washington. The ammunition-train had the right of way over everything else in the army, short of actual guns and soldiers, when York, and thereafter they were engaged in pursuing the redoubtable and evanescent Mosby, and keeping a watchful eye on Washington. They participated in many minor engagements in the vicinity of the Capital, and lost 128 enlisted men and officers. ster, and we are after them tomorrow, was Sheridan's exultant wire of September 19, 1864, which electrified the North. Washington breathed a deep sigh of relief, and Sheridan's men started on the pursuit of Early. It was at Fisher's Hill on the 21sry marched up Pennsylvania Avenue on that glorious sunshiny day in May when the Union armies held their grand review in Washington. What a change from the long night rides and the terrible moments of the crashing charge was this holiday parade, when
his chief. But Sheridan, his hand clenched beside him, still gazes resolutely at the camera. These were the leaders who stood between the Confederate army and Washington, the capture of which might have meant foreign intervention. No war of modern times has produced so many able cavalry leaders as the so-called War of Secestheir strength. After taking part in the pursuit of Lee and subsequent operations in central Virginia, he withdrew on sick leave in November, 1863, and died in Washington on December 16th, receiving a commission as major-general only on the day of his death. As a Confederate colonel at the first Bull Run battle, General Earl Vicksburg and Chattanooga, when he was made brigadier-general of volunteers in October, 1863. In February, 1864, he was put in charge of the cavalry bureau at Washington, and later commanded the Third Division of Sheridan's reorganized cavalry. October 5, 1864, he was brevetted major-general of volunteers for gallant and merito
ied Atlanta, in 1864, Sherman was astride of Lexington and after peace was declared, in 1865, the general rode the same horse in the final review of his army in Washington. Sam was a large, half-thoroughbred bay, sixteen and a half hands high. He possessed great speed, strength, and endurance. The horse made one of the longest and most difficult marches ever recorded in history, from Vicksburg to Washington, through the cities of Atlanta, Savannah, Columbia, and Richmond. He had a rapid gait, and could march five miles an hour at a walk. While under fire Sam was as calm and steady as his brave master. He was wounded several times, while mounted, anaph is apparently saddled for an orderly or aide. The little horse remained with General Grant until he died. marched his foot cavalry towards the citadel at Washington, the horse was his constant companion. In 1884, a state fair was held at Hagerstown, in Maryland, and one of the most interesting sights was that of the vete
f Cavalry stables at Arlington. The streets of Washington re-echoed throughout the war with the clatter of horses'l was too far away to be convenient for horses in use in Washington. It is three and a half miles as the crow flies from Ar 1,050 per week for the entire army here and in front of Washington. From this number the artillery draw for their batterie to have the troopers return to the dismounted Camp near Washington to be remounted and refitted. Some coffee-coolers purpoict of Columbia, on the north bank of the Potomac, below Washington, and consisted of a site of about six hundred and twentysical disability as no forage at all. A riding cob in Washington, 1865 not the sort for cavalry This skittish little cddle, photographed at the headquarters of the defense of Washington south of the Potomac, in 1865, was doubtless an excellenhe preservation of all this wealth when Early threatened Washington. hours, the horses remained saddled for sixty hours. D
the following circular letter, addressed by the Secretary of War to the Governors of the States: War Department, Washington, May 1, 1861. To the Governors of the Several States, And All Whom it may Concern: I have authorized Colonel Carl Scbroken-down horse, hundreds of troopers Bread and coffee for the cavalryman The mess-house for cavalry ordered to Washington.--In the field the cavalrymen were glad when they could get the regular rations — bacon and hard bread. During the winbeing made comfortable in winter-quarters, that this mess-house was regarded as a sort of Mecca by the troopers sent to Washington to be organized and remounted. Soft bread was not the only luxury here, and when they rejoined their commands their coan's force alone required 150 new horses a day during the Shenandoah campaign. At Giesboro, the big remount depot near Washington, they handled 170,622 horses in 1864, and in June, 1866, they had only 32 left. This was exclusive of 12,000 or 13,000
Union leaders, and detained an army between Washington and the Confederates. Not until the Union c picket line in 1861-nearly three miles from Washington This typical cross-roads Virginia church, less than three miles from Washington, lay on the end of the line patroled by the Confederate cavalr. While McClellan was drilling his army in Washington and metamorphosing it from an armed mob into in good condition. Along the turnpike from Washington to Winchester, passing through Aldie, Middlet's cavalry, was cutting in between them and Washington. It would have seemed madness to the Union at Catlett's Station, thirty-five miles from Washington, had done damage to Pope's railroad connectiust 26, 1862. His was a perilous position. Washington lay one day's march to the north; Warrenton, causing a diversion by throwing shells near Washington. It was not until the Army of the Potomac r the mess-house at the Government stables in Washington. The Confederacy barely supplied food for t
into Pennsylvania proved that good cavalry can move with impunity through a well-supplied hostile country. This raid had the effect of causing consternation in the National capital, and of drawing off many Federal troops for the protection of Washington. Stuart's successful raids caused some modification of the previous short-sighted policy of always attaching Union cavalry to infantry commands, and although until Sheridan's time, the raids made by the Federal cavalry in the East were not rthe Federal cavalry constantly increased in powers of mobility and independence of action. Early in 1863, General Hooker detached Stoneman with the Cavalry Corps from the main operations of the Army of Cavalry. As Stuart threatened Washington, so Kilpatrick in turn threatened the Capital of the South. He was accompanied by Colonel Ulric Dahlgren who was to leave him near Spotsylvania with five hundred picked men, to cross the James, enter Richmond on the south side, after liberatin
m Fairfax Court House on the north to Culpeper on the south. Hooker followed up Lee closely on the other side of the Blue Ridge, leaving three corps, the Second, Fifth, and Twelfth, held in reserve at Fairfax Court House within twenty miles of Washington, for the protection of the Capital. The Federal cavalry sought and scouted in vain to locate the elusive partisan. It was at this time that Mosby performed one of the most audacious feats of his career. On March 8, 1863, with a small band ofigan, who was attempting to bring down Ashby. Not long after, while leading his men in a cavalry skirmish, at Harrisonburg, during Men who tried to catch Mosby. The Thirteenth New York horsemen were constantly held in the vicinity of Washington endeavoring to cross swords with the elusive Mosby, when he came too near, and scouting in the Virginia hills. This shows their Camp at Prospect Hill at the close of the war. During most of their service they were attached to the Twenty-second
the second battle of Bull Run, by Colonel Lafayette C. Baker, a special agent of the War Department, acting as courier for Secretary Stanton. He was sent from Washington with a message to General Banks, whose troops were at Bristoe Station, and, as was then believed, cut off from Pope's main army. Riding all night, making his we army, and at daylight had reached Banks. Waiting only for a response to the message, the despatch bearer remounted his horse and started the return trip to Washington in broad daylight. For a time he eluded the Confederates, but finally, as he attempted to pass between certain lines, he was seen, and a party of cavalrymen stng on the Confederates, who abandoned their pursuit at the first shot. The messenger made his way into Centreville, and mounting another horse dashed on toward Washington. It was late afternoon when he delivered the messages from Banks to the Secretary. In twenty-four hours the courier had ridden nearly one hundred miles.