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omen, who turned out to greet it. The Sixth Regiment mustered on the 16th at Lowell, at nine o'clock in the morning. Before leaving the city for Boston, it was adyor and others, and cheered by the populace. Four of the companies belonged in Lowell. The inhabitants in mass came from their dwellings, mills, and workshops, to w. Sawtell, captain; Andrew J. Johnson and Andrew C. Wright, lieutenants,—all of Lowell. Company B, Groton Artillery, Groton. Officers: Eusebius S. Clark, captain; Follansbee, captain; Samuel D. Shipley and John C. Jepson, lieutenants,—all of Lowell. Company D, City Guards, Lowell. Officers: James W. Hart, captain; Charles E. Jones and Samuel C. Pinney, Llewellyn L. Craig, lieutenants,—all of Lowell. Company E, Davis Guards, Acton. Officers: Daniel Tuttle, captain; William H. Chapman in; George E. Davis, Andrew F. Jewett, and Benjamin Warren, lieutenants,—all of Lowell. Company I, Light Infantry, Lawrence. Officers: John Pickering, captain; D
n and your husband are two entirely different persons. There is no reason to think that any harm has come to your husband. I have no doubt he is alive and well, and doing his duty like a good citizen and brave soldier. James Keenan and Edward Coburn were wounded in Baltimore, but neither of them fatally. Of the four who were killed, Charles Taylor was buried in Baltimore. No trace of his family or friends has ever been discovered. Needham was buried in Lawrence; Whitney and Ladd, in Lowell. The funeral services at Lawrence and Lowell, over the bodies of these first martyrs of the great Rebellion, were grand and imposing. In each city, monuments of enduring granite have been raised to commemorate their deaths, and to be their sepulchres. On the 2d of May, Governor Andrew wrote to Simeon Draper, of New York, that he had about four thousand troops already in the field, as many more ready at brief notice; probably ten thousand drilling, hoping for an opportunity. Why don't t
r letter, addressed to me from Annapolis. I immediately addressed the Mayors of the cities of Lowell and Lawrence on the subject of your inquiries, and hope to be able to transmit their answers at e Twenty-eighth, to form a part of the command of Major-General Butler, whose headquarters is at Lowell. On the 23d of September, Mr. Cameron telegraphed to the Governor, Will the three regiments fproposed to assign to General Butler the Twenty-sixth Regiment, being raised by Colonel Jones at Lowell, and an Irish regiment. To this General Sherman replied, on the 27th, that he had immediately che determination of General Butler to enlist men. He opened a camp in Pittsfield, and another in Lowell, and commenced recruiting two regiments of infantry, —one designated the Western Bay-State Regicompanies of cavalry, and one new company of artillery, in this State. He established a camp in Lowell, and another in Pittsfield. He promised persons commissions, which no one could issue but the G
the Twentieth Regiment. His other son, Henry L. Abbott, went out a captain in the Twentieth Regiment, rose to the rank of major, and was killed in the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. They were young men of great promise, born and reared in the city of Lowell, graduates of Harvard College, and both now lie beneath a soldiers' monument in the cemetery of their native city. These were all the sons of the family. On the twenty-third day of August, an executive order was issued, of which the followingr Newbern, N. C., with orders to report for duty to Major-General Foster. The Sixth Regiment, the same which had fought its way through Baltimore, April 19, 1861, was recruited and organized for the nine months service at Camp Henry Wilson, at Lowell. It was the determination of the Governor to have the Sixth Regiment the first to leave the State for the nine months service. It received orders to report at Washington, and left Massachusetts under command of Colonel Albert S. Follansbee abou
of service were about to expire; and he had no doubt he would soon fill his battery to the full standard. Second, a letter from Captain Peirson, of the Fifteenth Battery, who represented that he had five officers and sixty-eight men ready for duty; sixteen men had deserted; and seventeen were in confinement, awaiting court-martial, some of whom will be shot. The appointment of Peirson captain of the company was one of the few errors made by the Governor. Captain Peirson was a resident of Lowell. His appointment had been asked for by politicians of high position. He asked that the State would send on sixty men to fill up his company. The request could not be complied with. The third was a letter from Lieutenant Motte, of the Thirteenth Battery, complaining that some of the officers commissioned by the Governor had been notified that they would be mustered out, because an informality of no importance had not been complied with. The fourth was a letter from Lieutenant Dame, of th
when General Corcoran notified Colonel Follansbee that the regiment would that day be relieved, as the term of service would soon expire. Accordingly, it left for Suffolk, arriving after ten days of most fatiguing and exhausting service, which told more on the regiment's health than all the rest of its hardships combined. On the 26th of May, it bade adieu to the scenes of its toils and perils, arriving at Boston, in the steamer S. R. Spaulding, after a delightful voyage, May 29, reaching Lowell the same day, where it was mustered out of service on the 3d of June. Thus ended the second campaign of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, honorably to itself, and with remarkable exemption from death by disease and battle, considering the number of its engagements, and the unhealthy location of its camp on the edge of the Dismal Swamp. All who were killed in battle, or who died of disease, were embalmed, and sent home for interment; a remarkable fact in the history of a regiment. Not
e's farewell address, sent to the Governor by General Russell death of General Russell monument to the First martyrs in Lowell address of the Governor letter to F. P. Blair, Sen. meeting at Faneuilhall letter of the Governor reconstruction Conwealth, in which the public voice spoke forth the public sorrow. Governor Andrew was engaged to deliver an address in Lowell on the 19th of April, on the occasion of the dedication of a monument, erected by the city and the State, at that place tront in the autumn of 1864, published in a preceding chapter. On the 17th of June, the monument erected in the city of Lowell to commemorate the stirring events which transpired in the city of Baltimore on the memorable 19th of April, 1861, and inature, were all invited to be present, and most of them were in attendance. The Governor was to deliver the address. In Lowell, the mills were all closed, and every department of business suspended. A procession was formed, made up of the differen