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The Daily Dispatch: August 3, 1863., [Electronic resource], From Gen. Lee's army — fight in Culpeper county. (search)
d against the rebel force of over 16,000, moving in a north only direction via Crab Orchard. The Gazette's Lexington dispatch says the excitement has subsided. The rebels came to the Kentucky river, at Clay's Ferry. Sunders's command is nearly and troops from Hickman's bridge insure the safety of Lexington. --Generals Carter and Gilbert's commands are in the rear of the rebels. Miscellaneous. Gov. Curtin, of Pa., is about to purchase twenty acres of the battle field at Gettysburg, Pa., as a burial ground for the Yankees who fell there: The draft in Ohio is to be commenced in a few days. In Philadelphia, Wednesday, among those drawn were Morris Harding of the Philadelphia Inquirer, and five telegraph operators. The bounties now paid by the U. S. Government are $100 to new recruits and $400 to veterans. Every single man will be entitled to $2 per month from the State, and the families of married men and widowed mothers of single men dependent on them for su
... 73 74 75 76 77 78