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Brig.-Gen. Commanding First Division Army of the Frontier. Leavenworth Conservative account. near Maysville, Ark., October 23. We overtook the enemy here, yesterday morning, attacked and took from him four pieces of cannon, and drove him from the field. My last, under date of the twentieth inst., written on the battle-field of Pea Ridge, indicated that we were to march that night, the whole army, as I then supposed, under the command of Gen. Schofield, directly south on the Fayetteville road, in pursuit of the enemy. Information, however, coming to hand that they had divided their forces, Marmaduke, Rains, and others, with one portion of it, to proceed south-east, in the direction of Huntsville, and Cooper and Standwaite with the other west, through Bentonville to Maysville, into the Indian country; our forces were therefore divided to meet the emergency. Gens. Schofield and Totten, with the Missouri division, went in pursuit of Marmaduke and company, while Gen. Blun
hat a considerable force had collected near Fayetteville. On Monday, Gen. Totten's entire division Hollows, and equidistant with the latter to Fayetteville. His force moved at three o'clock in the aouth some six miles upon the direct road to Fayetteville, and then, turning to the left or east, madiant affair occurred twelve miles south of Fayetteville, on the Ozark road. Intelligence was brougforce was between the scene of conflict and Fayetteville. General Herron, not relishing the idea of a largely superior force, fell back toward Fayetteville, after resting for an hour upon the well-woe former camp, and equidistant with it from Fayetteville. On the evening of the same day (twenty-seho would move on them from the north-west. Fayetteville is seventeen miles nearly south of the star This little party proceeded rapidly on the Fayetteville road for some six or seven miles, then theyved that the rebels were twelve miles below Fayetteville, on the Huntsville road. General Herron ad[2 more...]
ht, leading to the same point, and also the Fayetteville road, open for the movement of troops. Iavalry, to move rapidly in the direction of Fayetteville, and form a junction with Gen. Herron. He front, and directed to move rapidly on the Fayetteville road. As soon as I determined on this di been instructed to proceed directly on the Fayetteville road, and furnished with a guide, instead oenth instant, at four o'clock, I arrived at Fayetteville, having marched all night, and was pushing Extensive hospitals will be improvised in Fayetteville. Persons returned from the battle-field ad marched about seven miles south-west of Fayetteville, when musketry was heard in the distance, ak, Van Buren and other roads leading toward Fayetteville, and see that the enemy did not pass up on wagons; or he might proceed directly up the Fayetteville road — on which Herron was undoubtedly apprHerron came out, on the mountain road, from Fayetteville in his march to Cane Hill; and it was in th[14 more...]
ine through the woods, while the four howitzers occupied the road in front, with the Kansas Second and Sixth and Rabb's battery in the rear. About every half-mile the enemy made a stand, when the four howitzers and the Eleventh Kansas and Third Indian would as often put them to flight, leaving more or less of their dead and wounded behind them. Thus the fight continued for some three miles, until, on descending partially from the mountain into a valley, the Cove Creek road, leading from Fayetteville to Van Buren, was reached at the point where it intersects the road from Cane Hill to the last-named place. At this point the enemy again brought his artillery into requisition. It was now near sundown and darkness must soon put an end to the pursuit. Down the valley in front of us the ground appeared adapted to the use of cavalry to good advantage, and I determined to make an effort to capture their artillery, of which they had six pieces. A large force of their best cavalry was ac
Doc. 45.-fight near Fayetteville, Va. New-York Tribune account. on the front, near Warrenton Junction, November 16, 1862. onward is still the order of the day, we having, as our part of the great movement now going forward, come to this place to-day, from our last night's camp near Fayetteville. (In speaking of we and our, I refer to the movements of the Ninth army corps, under General Wilcox, to which I am, pro tem., attached.) An attack of the enemy upon the baggage-train oke camp at about seven o'clock A. M. yesterday, to move from the camp at White Sulphur Springs to the neigh-borhood of Fayetteville, then and still occupied by General Doubleday, of Franklin's corps. There was a choice of two roads, one of which ledo enemy in sight. It was a little singular that General Sturgis had not been informed that General Doubleday was at Fayetteville, and, upon our hearing drums in that direction, we marched in some expectation of meeting the enemy in our front. B
ave been killed. During the day's operations the only casualties on our side are five or six men slightly wounded. My long-range guns are now shelling the rebel camp across the river, five miles below this place. If the enemy does not retire during the night, I shall endeavor to cross my troops over the river in the morning, and offer them battle. Respectfully, James G. Blunt, Brigadier-General Commanding. Missouri Democrat account. headquarters, army of the frontier, Fayetteville, Ark., January 3, 1863. Since my last report of the battle of Prairie Grove, another dash has been made by our gallant army of the frontier, which, as I suppose, will be soon again forgotten, like all other efforts for the success of the Flag of our country made by this far-off Western army. In the battle of Prairie Grove, it was principally our artillery and infantry that vindicated their valor as veteran soldiers. The incident of which this is to be but a mere recapitulation, must now
irection of Fort No. 1, taking advantage of the scattered houses to continue tile fight as they retired. After falling back some three hundred yards, they were rallied, and made a spirited charge upon the enemy, driving them back south of the Fayetteville road, being assisted on their left by a detachment of Iowa troops under Colonel B. Crabb. The enemy succeeded in gaining possession of the college building, a strong position, enabling their sharp-shooters to check our further advance until more exposed to our view, in their advance from the south, than they would have been from the east; secondly, because the north and east side of the town were not defended by forts. At the time of the battle the army of the frontier was at Fayetteville, and in that vicinity. The militia, under Generals Brown and Holland, were very much scattered over South-West Missouri. There were in Springfield not more than one thousand five hundred troops capable of service, if indeed there were so man
h then a great portion of the baggage-train. These effected an exit on the night our forces were surrounding the place, and before it could be fully accomplished. The results of the victory are about four thousand live hundred prisoners, about the same number stand of arms, and twenty guns. The post was an important one, and Gen. Churchill affirms he had orders to hold it to the last. Little Rock and the whole State are now open to us whenever we wish to move. Duval's Bluff, on the White River, has probably fallen ere this, under the attack of Gen. Gorman, and thus two tributaries of supply are shut to the rebels. These movements, although presenting no very brilliant victories, are yet the surest way at present of crippling the rebellion. When unable, for want of subsistence, to mass their armies in one or two strongholds, they will have to come out of Vicksburgh and Richmond, and offer battle. The policy of letting them choose their own places for defence, exhaust milita
Fayetteville, Ark. Colonel Harrison's report. Headquarters Post, Fayetteville, Ark., April 19, 1863. Major-General S. R. Curtis, Commanding Department of the Missouri: General: The following report of the battle of yesterday at Fayetteville, is respectfully submitted, in addition to the telegraphic despatches of last ending North-West Arkansas. To Colonel M. La Rue Harrison, Commanding Post of Fayetteville. Headquarters Post, Fayetteville, Ark., April 19, 1863. Brigadier-General WFayetteville, Ark., April 19, 1863. Brigadier-General W. L. Cabell, Commanding. General: In reply to despatches from you by hand of Captain Alexander, bearing flag of truce, I would respectfully state that the dead of rrison, Colonel Commanding. General order no. 16: read at Divine service, Fayetteville, Sunday, April 19, 1863. Headquarters Post, Fayetteville, Ark., April 9, 186Fayetteville, Ark., April 9, 1863. comrades in arms: Let the eighteenth of April, 1863, be ever remembered. The battle of Fayetteville has been fought and won. To-day the brave and victorious so
ng been along with the expedition that has just returned from White River, Bayou de Vieu, and Saint Francis, I will endeavor to give you a slight sketch of the most important incidents, and of the battle at Mount Vernon, Saint Francis County, between Colonel Carter's Texas Rangers and the Fifth Kansas cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins. On the morning of the sixth ultimo, an expedition left this point, having for its object the thorough scouring of the country lying west, to the White River, north to Bayou de Vieu, and east to the Saint Francis, the destruction of all forage likely to subsist the enemy, and ascertaining the whereabouts of General Price's forces, who were reported as marching upon this place from Little Rock. The troops comprising this expedition were the Fifth Illinois cavalry, four hundred men; the Fifth Kansas cavalry, three hundred and twenty-five men; First Indiana cavalry, two hundred and fifty men, and one section of the Dubuque battery; all under c