Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) or search for Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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Committee of Public Safety. A resolution approving the action of the Philadelphia banks in the prompt offer of money to the Government, was also passed. The meeting was addressed by Judge Wilkins, Thomas M. Marshall, the Hon. P. C. Shannon, Dr. McCook, Ex-Governor Johnston, the Hon. A. W. Loomis, and other prominent citizens of all parties. The speeches elicited great applause.--Tribune, April 16. Governor Yates, of Illinois, issued a proclamation to convene the Legislature at Springfield, on the 23d of April, for the purpose of enacting such laws and adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary upon the following subject, to wit: The more perfect organization and equipment of the militia of the State, and placing the same upon the best footing, to render efficient assistance to the General Government in preserving the Union, enforcing the laws, protecting the property and rights of the people, and also the raising of such money, and other means, as may be required to
r proportion of teachers. The regiment is a well-drilled, well-equipped rifle corps, armed with the United States rifle of 1851, with the sabre bayonet.--(Doc. 41.) The Second Regiment of Vermont arrived at New York en route for Washington. The troops are commanded by Colonel Henry Whiting, and number nine hundred and thirty, rank and file. They are a fine body of men, their short encampment at Burlington, Vt., having perfected the man in drill and discipline. They are armed with Springfield muskets of recent manufacture, with the exception of the right flank, or skirmishers, who carry the Enfield rifles with sabre bayonets. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the regiment was formed in front of the City Hall, and E. D. Culver, of Brooklyn, presented the regiment, on behalf of the residents of Vermont in New York, with a magnificent regimental standard. Senator Solomon Foote, of Vermont, replied to the presentation in an eloquent and patriotic manner on behalf of Colonel Whi
ty and devotion, and declaring that while the National Legislature expresses the sympathy of the nation for the bereaved families and friends of the fallen, they commend to a generous people and to the army, which is now eager to renew the contest with unyielding courage, the imperishable honor of their example. General Lyon, with all the infantry, cavalry, and artillery of his command, came up with part of the rebel force under McCullough at Dug Spring, nineteen miles south-west of Springfield, Missouri ; at 4 P. M., Lyon opened upon the enemy with artillery, and elicited but feeble response. A detachment of his cavalry, twenty-seven in number, came suddenly upon a regiment of rebel infantry, charged and broke it, and returned safely to their position. The artillery fire continued till night, when the enemy withdrew. The national infantry was not engaged. Forty rebels were found dead upon the field and forty-four wounded. Lyon's loss was nine killed and thirty wounded.--(Do
r, and accordingly so declares — subject, however, to the ratification of the people at such future time as their impartial and unbiased verdict can be obtained through the ballot-box.--(Doc. 163.) Gen. Lyon with his forces fell back on Springfield, Mo. The rebels were advancing on the latter place by four different roads, and their advance was from ten to fifteen miles distant. Three of the routes on which the enemy were moving, were the Neosho, Carthage, and the Overland roads. Gen. Lyonear. It was expected that the enemy were resolved on an immediate attack, from the fact that their commissariat was in a miserable condition, the rebels depending on forced contributions for temporary supplies. It was generally remarked in Springfield that Gen. Lyon was perfectly confident of success, in the event of an attack. The latest estimate places the rebel force at twenty thousand. Their arms are thought to be very inferior, judged by the specimens taken during the skirmish at Dug
stes, soon enrolled his name in the Fourth Company of the N. Y. National Guards, and served two years under Captain Riblet. On the organization of the Sixty-ninth in '52, Captain Nugent became one of its earliest officers, and has served faithfully in its ranks as Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel down to the present day.--N. Y. Tribune, August 11. General Lyon learned that the rebels, 22,000 in number, under Ben. McCulloch, were on Wilson's Creek, nine miles from Springfield, Mo., and moved against them with his whole force, only 5,200. The force was disposed in two columns. One under Col. Siegel with his own regiment, and that of Col. Salomon's, and six guns, moved 15 miles in a southerly direction to turn the enemy's right flank, and the other under Gen. Lyon moved forward to attack in front. Lyon's column consisted of the Missouri First, Iowa First, Kansas First and Second, part of the Missouri Second, a detachment from Col. Wyman's Illinois Regiment, all
a-Capt. Steele's Battalion. M--Capt. Plummer's Battalion. N--Home Guards-mounted. O--Kansas Rangers--mounted. P--Col. siegel's position. Q--Train of rebels — part. R--Concealed battery — rebel. S--Town of Little York. T--Springfield. U--Fayetteville road — the road by which Col. Siegel advanced upon the rebel camp. V--Rebel cavalry--1,200 strong. W--Siegel's Brigade--Third and Fifth Missouri. X--Road through rebel camp. Y--McCullough's Headquarters. Z--Ra supposed to have been his own act. The fight still continued in front, and the last advance of the enemy, made at one P. M., was driven back by the whole national force in the field. Immediately after, Major Sturgis ordered a movement toward Springfield, and the whole force fell back in good order. McCulloch made no pursuit. The national loss was 800 in killed and wounded. Though the rebel loss is not known, it is thought to have been very large, as the national artillery fire was remarkab<
al will send a troop of horse to Morgan as soon as we leave, and all those men that fail to do their duty will be hunted up, and what the consequence will be I am unable to say. Samuel Johnston, Col. 89th Regiment V. M. July 24, 1861. This is the condition of affairs to which the citizens of Maryland are invited by their legislators and the sympathizers with secession. Early this morning, Gen. Siegel, in command of the force lately under Gen. Lyon at Wilson's Creek, fell back to Springfield in good order, and subsequently to Rolla, Mo.--N. Y. Times, August 15. General Hurlburt, in command of the national forces at Palmyra, Mo., issued an order to the county authorities of Marion County, Mo., requiring the delivery by them of a stated amount of rations to his troops every day, and threatening, if the order was not promptly obeyed, to billet the regiment upon the city of Palmyra.--(Doc. 177.) Capt. Varian, of the Eighth regiment battery, N. Y. S. M., published a stat
Special Order No. 9.--Major-General B. F. Butler is hereby placed in command of the volunteer forces in this department, exclusive of those at Fort Monroe. His present command, at Camps Butler and Hamilton, will include the First, Second, Seventh, Ninth, and Twentieth Regiments, the battalion of Massachusetts Volunteers, and the Union Coast Guard and Mounted Rifles. By command of Major-General Wool. C. C. Churchill, adjutant-General. Sterling Price issued a proclamation at Springfield, Mo., to the effect, that a great victory had been won; that northern oppressors of Missouri had been driven back; that every one belonging to the Home Guard organization would be regarded and treated as an enemy to the Southern Confederacy; but that his protection would extend to such who quietly return to their homes, and allow the Southern sway to prevail, and that whoever recognized the provisional government of Missouri would be considered as an enemy to the State, and dealt with accord
August 26. The Eighteenth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel James Barnes, of Springfield, left their camp at Readville, near Dedham, this afternoon for the seat of war. The regiment numbers eight hundred and seventy men, but will be recruited to one thousand and forty within a few weeks. They are uniformed in the conventional blue and gray of Massachusetts, armed with Springfield muskets of 1842, and fully equipped. They have camp equipage, company wagoSpringfield muskets of 1842, and fully equipped. They have camp equipage, company wagons and ambulances, and sixty horses, a band of twenty-five pieces enlisted for the war, twenty-five thousand rounds of ball cartridges, and twenty-five thousand rounds of buckshot, and, in fact, all the paraphernalia of war ready to fit them for immediate service in the field. Of the officers, many are specially qualified for their positions. Col. Barnes is distinguished for having been in the same class with Jeff. Davis, at West Point, graduating A one, when Jeff. was No. twenty-seven, i
green caps. The dress is made to accord with the colors of nature as much as possible, and is intended to be worn in summer. In winter the uniform will consist entirely of a gray pattern.--N. Y. World, Sept. 6. The Twentieth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel William Raymond Lee, passed through New York on its way to the seat of war. The regiment left Readville, Mass., yesterday. It numbers seven hundred and fifty men, and has been mainly raised in Springfield and Wareham. The men are strong, hardy, and intelligent-looking. They are armed with Enfield rifles, and are uniformed according to the army regulation. They have with them twenty-five baggage wagons, two hospital wagons, five ambulances, and one hundred and twenty horses. A company of sharp-shooters from Massachusetts, Capt. Sanders, with one hundred men, joined the regiment at New York. At the Park barracks the soldiers partook of an excellent dinner. The officers and many disti
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