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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Governor Letcher, of Virginia. (search)
overnor Letcher that Lieutenant-Colonel Hardee, United States Army, be allowed to come to Richmond to drill the Virginia cavalry then encamped at the Fair Grounds, General Scott wrote the following letters. General Hardee complied with the request, and drilled the cavalry several days. New York, October 22, 1860. His Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: My Dear Sir — I have caused a copy of your letter to be forwarded to Lieutenant-Colonel Hardee, who is, I think, still at West Point, though relieved from duty there. It is not competent for a senior to order a junior of the army on any service whatever, not strictly within the line of his official duties, but I think it probable Colonel Hardee will take pleasure in meeting the wishes of your Excellency. With great respect, I have the honor to remain, Your obedient servant, Winfield Scott. Headquarters of the army, New York, October 22, 186<*>. Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. Hardee, First United States Cavalry:
fore our arrival, and were noticed by the enemy, but not molested. Early next morning, (Sunday,) and long before dawn, our line of battle was quietly formed, and as we had no camp-fires our presence was not known. Marching in three grand divisions, commanded respectively by Hardee, Major-General William J. Hardee was brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Second Cavalry, in the old service, and for a long time commandant of cadets and instructor in artillery, cavalry, and infantry tactics, at West-Point, New-York. His famous work on Tactics is the approved text-book, both North and South, and has proved of incalculable benefit to us; for when war commenced, it was our only resource for instruction, and is now in the hands of every one. It was compiled at the desire of, and approved by, President Davis, when Minister of War under President Pierce, being made up of adaptations from the French and English manuals. General Hardee was for a long time on the Southern coast, superintending fortifi
barracks were desirable quarters in Sibley tents. the cooler weather of this latitude, and sheltered many regiments during their stay in the State, a still larger number found shelter in tents prior to their departure for the field. These tents were of various patterns, but the principal varieties used were the Sibley, the A or Wedge Tent, and the Hospital or Wall Tent. The Sibley tent was invented by Henry Sibley, in 1857. He was a graduate of the United States military academy at West Point, and accompanied Capt. John C. Fremont on one of his exploring expeditions. He evidently got his idea from the Tepee or Tepar,--the Indian wigwam, of poles covered with skins, and having a fire in the centre,--which he saw on the plains. When the Rebellion broke out, Sibley cast in his fortune with the South. He afterwards attained the rank of brigadier-general, but performed no services so likely to hand down his name as the invention of this tent. It has recently been stated that Si
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Pea Ridge campaign. (search)
ty of the champion of Missouri, McCulloch became disgusted in meeting the half-starved State Guards of Missouri with their huckleberry cavalry and their great crowd of unarmed, noisy camp-followers. It was therefore fortunate for the Confederates that on the 10th of January, 1862, Major-General Earl Van Dorn was appointed by Jefferson Davis to the command of the Trans-Mississippi Department, and that he took charge of the combined forces about to confront Curtis. He was a. graduate of West Point and had served with honors in the Mexican war as lieutenant of infantry, and was in the United States service as major at the opening of the war. Having joined the Confederacy, he was appointed colonel, and already in Texas had been of great service to his cause. On the 14th of February, 1862,--the very day when the Army of the South-west took possession of Springfield, he wrote to Price from his headquarters at Pocahontas, stating in detail his plan for attempting St. Louis and carrying
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 3: in Mexico. (search)
gled crowd of Americans and Mexicans, the ladies walked the streets in crowds, and the young officers began to cultivate the acquaintance of the most distinguished families. To qualify himself for enjoying this society more freely, Jackson, with a young comrade, addressed himself to the study of the Spanish language. His active mind was, besides, incapable of absolute repose, and he wished to improve his leisure by acquiring knowledge. He was ignorant of Latin, which is not taught at West Point, and the only grammar of Spanish he could find was written in that ancient tongue. Yet he bought it, and nothing daunted, set himself to learn the paradigms of the language from it; and by the help of reading and constant conversation with the people, became in a few months a good Spanish scholar. It was an amusing trait of his character that he appeared afterwards proud of this accomplishment, and fond of exercising it, so far as his modest nature could be said to make any manifestatio
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
y of constructing works for the defense of the harbor of Baltimore, and was so occupied until 1852, when he was made Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, from whose walls he had emerged as a cadet twenty-three years before. At West Point he was employed for three years in watching over the drill, discipline, and studies of cadets, who were one day to become officers of the army. The detail was a complimentary one, and the office of superintendent at that time, by law, could on sagacious administration of its affairs. While so engaged, Mrs. Lee's mother-Mrs. Custisdied. She was a perfect type of the Christian woman: soft in manner, kind in heart, affectionate in nature, and refined and ladylike in everything. From West Point, April 27, 1853, Captain Lee writes to his wife: May God give you strength to enable you to bear and say, His will be done. She has gone from all trouble, care, and sorrow, to a holy immortality, there to rejoice and praise forever the God and
e times so much impressed and absorbed me that my sole wish was to become a soldier, and my highest aspiration to go to West Point as a Cadet from my Congressional district. My chances for this seemed very remote, however, till one day an opportunitd that they were a familiar pattern under another name. At length the time for my departure came, and I set out for West Point, going by way of Cleveland and across Lake Erie to Buffalo. On the steamer I fell in with another appointee en route t my father's uncle. Here I spent a few days, till Stanley reached Albany, when we journeyed together down the river to West Point. The examination began a few days after our arrival, and I soon found myself admitted to the Corps of Cadets, to date and an endeavor to suppress the senseless custom, which an improved civilization has now about eradicated, not only at West Point, but at other colleges. Although I had met the Academic board and come off with fair success, yet I knew so little
at attended his declining years. When I saw him last he told me we would probably never see each other again. Yet I still hoped to meet him once more, but Heaven has refused my wish. This is the second time I have been doomed to receive the heart-rending intelligence of the Death/ of a Friend. God only knows whether or not it will be the last. If all the dear friends of my childhood are to be torn from me, I care not how soon I may follow. I leave in a short time for West Point, State of New York, where it will always give me pleasure to hear from you. Kiss the children for Uncle Jeff. Present me affectionately to Brother Isaac; tell him I would be happy to hear from him; and to yourself the sincere regard of Your Brother, Jefferson. Mrs. Susannah Davis, Warrenton, Warren County, Miss. My oldest brother, who then occupied to me much the relation of a parent, notified me that he had received the news of my appointment as a cadet in the United States Military
e.--N. Y. Times, August 27. Wm. Halsey, hailing from Ithaca, N. Y., was waited upon by a party of citizens at his hotel, in Scranton, Pa., and requested to leave town in three hours, or accept the alternative of riding out on a rail. He had given provocation beyond endurance, by endeavoring to induce parties to take the New York Day Book, and by uttering the rankest treason. He left precipitately.--N. Y. Times, August 27. William B. Taylor, the Postmaster of New York, received orders from Washington that no more copies of the Journal of Commerce, the News, the Freeman's Journal, or the Brooklyn Eagle, should be sent through the mails.--N. Y. Times, August 26. Egbert L. Viele, late Captain of the Engineer corps of the Seventh regiment, received his commission as Brigadier-General in the regular army. General Viele is a graduate of West Point, and served through the Mexican war, but of late years has been engaged in civil life as an engineer.--N. Y. Commercial, Aug. 26.
Ogden Doremus, the celebrated chemist of New York, has made an invention that promises remarkable results in the use of gunpowder. It is made into the form of a paste and is affixed to the Minie ball and becomes hard as rock, so that it can be thrown any distance and not break. The powder is made in the form of a cannon ball, and can be carried in any form that a cannon ball can be. It is also made impervious to water. Experiments have been made, and the matter satisfactorily tested at West Point. A great saving is made in the quantity of powder used, as none is wasted, and the whole is as cheap as common powder. This evening as a Government steamer was conveying prisoners from Lexington, Missouri, to Fort Leavenworth, she broke her rudder and was obliged to land, when the boat was seized by a body of secessionists, the prisoners liberated, and forty Federal soldiers captured.--Baltimore American, September 18. An immense Union war meeting was held in Faneuil Hall at Bos