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and after a sharp fight, were completely routed. In these two skirmishes the rebels had five men killed and twelve wounded. The Union party were uninjured.--(Doc. 161.) Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in Philadelphia, Pa., and Wheeling, Va., for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln for more troops. In the meeting at Philadelphia, resolutions were unanimously adopted recommending the employment of all the power and means the Execanking President Lincoln for the change in policy in the treatment of the property of rebels; pledging the Government their earnest support in resisting any foreign interference, and recommending every able-bodied citizen to unite himself to some military organization, to be ready for any emergency. A large amount of money was subscribed to the bounty fund. In the meeting at Wheeling a memorial was adopted, praying the County Court to make a levy of twenty thousand dollars to aid volunteering.
quired for the sick and wounded came rapidly in, until, at five o'clock, nine freight-cars were despatched, accompanied by six surgeons, for Washton.--(Doc. 197.) The railway-guard at Medon Station, on the Mississippi Central Railroad, Tenn., was attacked by a superior force of rebel cavalry belonging to General Armstrong's command, but were met by such determined resistance that they retreated, suffering great loss.--(Doc. 198.) Yesterday and to-day great excitement existed in Wheeling, Va., caused by the intelligence that Buckhannon had been captured, and that Weston and Clarksburgh were threatened by strong forces of rebel guerrillas. To-day a militia regiment left for Clarksburgh to reenforce the garrison already there.--Wheeling Intelligencer, September 1. William A. Hammond, Surgeon-General of the army, issued the following to the loyal women and children of the United States: The supply of lint in the market is nearly exhausted. The brave men wounded in defence
November 17. Nearly a hundred prisoners captured by General Averill in his engagement with the rebels in Pocahontas County, Va., arrived at Wheeling this morning, and were committed to the Athenaeum. There was scarcely a whole suit of clothes in the party, and many of them were without shoes. Judging from the fact that a fall of snow was lately announced in the vicinity of where the fight took place, these shoeless rebels must have suffered terribly from the cold. The schooner Joseph L. Gerity, on a voyage from Matamoras to New York, with a cargo of cotton and six passengers, was seized by the latter, who overcame the captain and crew; and after keeping them in confinement eight days, set them adrift at sea in a small boat, in which they eventually landed on the coast of Sisal. After the crew and captain were put in the boat the captors hoisted the rebel flag and fired a salute with pistols, declaring that they would carry vessel and cargo into Honduras and sell them.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Hood's second sortie at Atlanta. (search)
d after delivering this order, I met General Dodge riding at full speed. As soon as he got The battle of Atlanta, July 22. from the Painting by James E. Taylor. Fuller's division (of the Sixteenth Corps) rallying to hold their ground after being forced back by the first charge of the Confederates in their flank attack. within hearing distance he called out to me, Go at once to General McPherson, on Blair's left, and tell him I need troops to cover my left. The enemy is flanking us. Wheeling my horse, I started back. As I went, the attack on Dodge's corps was in full force. Out in open ground, in full view as it was, I could not resist checking my horse for a moment to see the grand conflict. I remember yet how the sight of our banners advancing amid the smoke thrilled me as it gave them a new beauty, and the sound of our artillery, though it meant death to the foe, fell upon our ears as the assurance of safety to us and to our flag. General McPherson, from a point farthe
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sigel in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864. (search)
e was laid over the river at Falling Waters, between Harper's Ferry and Williamsport. At the middle of March there were about 24,000 men in the department, most of them guarding the railroad from Monocacy and Harper's Ferry to Parkersburg and Wheeling, while about 3500 under General. Crook were in the Kanawha Valley. Amid great difficulties the work of organization went on tolerably well, so that I expected to have, after the middle of April, a force of about 20,000 men ready for active ser on increased. to five), was concentrated at Martinsburg and put under the command of General Julius Stahel, the senior officer. Besides these troops there remained on the Baltimore and Ohio, from Monocacy and Harper's Ferry to Parkersburg and Wheeling, a total distance of 300 miles, for local defense and other duties, seven regiments of infantry, several batteries, and a few hundred cavalry. It was understood that Crook should commence his movement on the 2d of May, while the troops in the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
e enabled to report a vote of one hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and fifty for secession, and only twenty thousand three hundred and seventy-three against it. This did not include the vote in Northwestern Virginia, where the people had rallied around their true representatives in the Convention, and defied the conspirators and all their power. They had already placed themselves boldly and firmly upon earnest professions of loyalty to the Union, and in Convention assembled at Wheeling, ten days before the voting, they had planted, as we shall observe hereafter, the vigorous germ of a new Free-labor Commonwealth. The conservative State of North Carolina, lying between Virginia and the more Southern States, could not long remain neutral. Her disloyal politicians, with Governor Ellis at their head, were active and unscrupulous. We have already observed their efforts to array the State against the National Government, and the decided condemnation of their schemes by the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 20: commencement of civil War. (search)
n Western Virginia, 488. Union Convention at Wheeling alarm of the conspirators, 489. Government erpont. the Convention of delegates met at Wheeling on the 13th. A large number of counties wereg him to take the train some night, run up to Wheeling, and seize and carry away the arms recently s to cut off telegraphic communication between Wheeling and Washington, so that the disaffected at thinst it. A Convention was accordingly held at Wheeling on the 11th of June, in which about forty couected, and they were summoned to a session at Wheeling on the 1st of July. 1861. soon after its assnvited to become its leader. He had lived in Wheeling, and had been commander of a volunteer Regimer of need they were required. He hastened to Wheeling, and, on the 25th of May, took command of thetrong, immediately thereafter crossed over to Wheeling and moved in the direction of Grafton, where ver, and the Northwestern Railway, leading to Wheeling, have a connection. It was an important mili[9 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
Kanawha Valley, and drive General Cox, of Ohio, beyond the border, while Lee should scatter the Union army, under General Rosecrans (McClellan's successor), See page 5387, volume I. in Northern Virginia, and, planting the Confederate flag at Wheeling, threaten Western Pennsylvania. Floyd took a strong position between Cox and Rosecrans, at Carnifex Ferry, Carnifex is a Latin word, signifying a villain, or villainous. on the Gauley River, just below Meadow Creek, and eight miles from Suy, who had been commissioned a Brigadier-General, Sept. 3, 1861. was kept with a single brigade to hold the mountain passes. Reynolds was ordered to report in person to General Rosecrans, who at the close of the Kanawha campaign had retired to Wheeling, and, in December, Milroy succeeded to the command of the Cheat Mountain division of the army. Milroy had at first established his headquarters on Cheat Summit, and vigorously scouted the hills in that region, making the beautiful little Greenb
West Point and Macon railway, Kilpatrick's expedition against, 3.391. West Point, Va., occupation of by Gen. Franklin, 2.385; skirmish at, 2.385. West Virginia, erection of the new State of, 1.492; troops ordered to, 1.493; military movements in, 1.493-1.497; military operations in under Averill, 3.112. Wyer's Cave, Va., the author's visit to in 1866, 2.400. Wheeler, Gen., attempts to recapture Fort Donelson, 3.116; destructive raid of on Rosecrans's communications, 3.150. Wheeling, Union convention at, 1.489. White House, Va., McClellan's Headquarters at, 2.386; destruction of, 2.425. White Oak Swamp Bridge, battle at, 2.429. White River, capture of Confederate posts on, 2.582. White Sulphur Springs, cavalry fight near, 3.112. Wigfall, Senator, treasonable speeches of in the Senate, 1.81, 84.; at Fort Sumter, 1.327. Wilcox, Richard, a loyal spy at Pensacola, 1.367. Wilderness, battle of the, 3.298-3.303; visit of the author to the battle-field of
ng to West Point, except that I had a very exalted idea of the acquirements necessary to get through. I did not believe I possessed them, and could not bear the idea of failing. He did go. Although he had no military ardour he desired to see the world. Already he had seen more of it than most of the boys of his village; he had visited Cincinnati, the principal city of his native State, and Louisville, the principal city of the adjoining State of Kentucky; he had also been out as far as Wheeling in Virginia, and now, if he went to West Point, he would have the opportunity of seeing Philadelphia and New York. When these places were visited, he says, I would have been glad to have had a steamboat or railroad collision, or any other accident happen, by which I might have received a temporary injury sufficient to make me ineligible for awhile to enter the Academy. He took his time on the road, and having left home in the middle of May, did not arrive at West Point until the end of th
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