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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ners were neglected in sickness; straw and other necessaries were declared contraband. That suffering from thirst was common, right on the shores of the lake-bound prison. That the rations were indifferent in quality and insufficient in quantity to satisfy hunger. Rats were eaten by hundreds of prisoners, who regarded themselves fortunate to get them, such was the reduced condition of the prisoners. That Colonel Hutter's brother, an officer in the Confederate army, on duty in Danville, Virginia, went to Lieutenant Bingham and agreed to furnish him with all of the comforts of life, if he would have the necessaries furnished Colonel Hutter through his friends at home. Colonel Hutter had Lieutenant Bingham furnished with everything he desired, and when arrangements were made to furnish similar articles to Colonel Hutter, on Johnson's Island, Hill would not permit it. When the matter was referred to Washington, the refusal was sustained. The above abbreviated statement has be
y, and from General Tilghman, during the 4th and 5th of February, breathe a confident spirit. In transmitting Colonel Heiman's dispatch, General Tilghman telegraphed, 4 P. M., February 4th, to Colonel Mackall: Better send two regiments to Danville, subject to my orders. An hour later he telegraphed: The landing of the enemy is between rivers, perhaps from both rivers. Give me all the help you can, light battery included. Off for Henry. On the 5th, at 8 A. M., General Tilghseriously. Enemy evidently intend to prevent us landing troops or supplies at fort, and they can do it. If you can reinforce strongly and quickly, we have a glorious chance to overwhelm the enemy. Move by Clarksville to Donelson, and across to Danville, Tennessee River railroad-crossing, twenty miles above Henry. where transports will be ready. Enemy said to be intrenching below. My plans are to concentrate closely in and under Henry. This dispatch was received on February 6th by Gene
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
The plain facts were enough for us: Lee's army was in retreat for Danville, the Richmond government broken up, and the Confederacy at least m to abandon his lines during the night and would endeavor to reach Danville, North Carolina. Davis anticipated him with military promptitude,orps by all the roads leading in the desired direction, either for Danville or for Lynchburg. So Meade was actually sent out with the foregonrkesville, where he expected rations, and possibly a clear road to Danville or Lynchburg. So he pushes the heads of his flying columns along move rapidly enough to make a successful junction with Johnson at Danville, or at least, to reach the mountains of Lynchburg. What would all other bridges which might be used by Lee in the direction of Danville or Lynchburg. This Ord proceeded to do with promptitude and vigor Corps. Thereupon in the belief that Longstreet was moving toward Danville, he was sent up the river towards Farmville, and had a sharp engag
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
parture and its name; an army yet the same in name, in form, in spirit, but the deep changes in its material elements telling its unspeakable vicissitudes; having kept the faith, having fought the good fight, now standing up to receive its benediction and dismissal, and bid farewell to comradeship so strangely dear. We were encamped on Arlington Heights, opposite the capital. As yet there were but two corps up — the Second and the Fifth. The Sixth had been sent back from Appomattox to Danville, to secure the fruits of the surrender, and stand to the front before the falling curtain of the Confederacy. They had fulfilled that duty, and on this very day were setting forth for this final station. Of those that had come up, all the detachments had been called in. My division that left Appomattox five thousand strong now mustered twice that number. The ranks stood full-what there were of the living — for one more march together, one last look and long farewell. Troops that had
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A family rifle-pit: an incident of Wilson's raid (search)
This new and striking view of the subject seemed to produce a deep effect upon the listeners. They paused in their depredations, looked doubtfully around them, and one of them, putting his hand before his mouth, said aside to a comrade: I believe what she says! Mr. Lee can get us all away from here quick enough, and I'm sorry that we ever come! Thirty minutes after the appearance of the enemy, the house and grounds were stripped. Then they disappeared on their way toward the Danville road. Two or three days thereafter, it was known that General Wilson's column had cut the road, but were falling back rapidly before Lee and Hampton; that they had abandoned sixteen pieces of artillery, and were now striving, with exhausted men and horses, to cross the Weldon road and get back to their lines. There was a very brave gentleman, of the Fifth Virginia Cavalry-Captain Thaddeus Fitzhugh--the same who had crossed the Chesapeake in an open boat, with a few men, and captured
ee must move, if he moved at all, on the line of the Southside Railroad toward Danville, and he must move at once; for General Grant, who knew perfectly well the necey credit for intending to do what he ought to do. If Lee moved promptly toward Danville, every effort would be made to come up with and destroy him; if he did not rethe removal of all the stores of the army to Amelia Court-House, on the road to Danville. A movement of this sort is, of course, impossible of concealment, and the whr military judgment had foreseen had come to pass. Between his 40,000 men and Danville were the 140,000 men of Grant. Ii. I should think it impossible even fortion; and if it was General Lee's intention to advance on the east side of the Danville road, he gave it up. I believe, however, that such was never his design. His House by General Lee; that trains containing the supplies were dispatched from Danville; and that these trains were ordered, by telegraph from Richmond, to come on to
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
hem remained there until put under arrest by the authority of the United States. Mr. Davis and myself were captured while endeavoring to make our way to the west of the Mississippi for the purpose of continuing the struggle there, if practicable, long enough to get better terms. General Breckenridge was not sent to confer with General Johnston as soon as Mr. Davis heard of the surrender of General Lee, if that is what the writer means to assert. Mr. Davis and his Cabinet remained at Danville, Virginia, for several days after being informed of the surrender of General Lee, and then went to Greensboroa, North Carolina, where they remained a week or two. It was after we had left Greensboroa for Charlotte, North Carolina, and had gone as far as Lexington, in that State, that Mr. Davis received a dispatch from General Johnston, requesting him to send him assistance in his negotiations with General Sherman. General Breckenridge and myself were then sent back by him to join General Johnst
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
tement rests upon newspaper report, which I have not time to verify. As a matter of course, the starving rebel soldiers suffered, but Davis succeeded in reaching Danville in safety, where he rapidly recovered from the fright he had sustained, and astonished his followers by a proclamation as bombastic and empty as his fortunes wer, and with the intention, as we have already said, of making their way to the Florida coast, and embarking there for a foreign land. The President had clung, at Danville, to the hope that Lee might effect a retreat to Southwestern Virginia, and he had remained there long enough to see that hope disappointed. Again, when he had srebel suppressions, it was supposed the Army of the Potomac had gained a decisive victory. It was stated that Davis and the rebel government had already gone to Danville, but that their cause was not yet lost. On the 14th and 15th information was received confirmatory of Lee's defeat, and the evacuation of Richmond. It was also
ders to remove all government property that could possibly be spared from daily need. First the archives and papers went; then the heavier stores, machinery and guns, and supplies not in use; then the small reserve of medical stores was sent to Danville, or Greensboro. And, at last, the already short supplies of commissary stores were lessened by removal-and the people knew their Capital was at last to be given up! The time was not known — some said April, some the first of May; but the fike wildfire. Grant had struck that Sunday morning-had forced the lines, and General Lee was evacuating Petersburg! The day of wrath had come. Hastily the few remaining necessaries of the several departments were packed, and sent toward Danville, either by railroad or wagon. Ordnance supplies, that could not be moved, were rolled into the canal; commissary stores were thrown open, and their hoarded contents distributed to the eager crowds. And strange crowds they were. Fragile, delic
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 10: operations on the Rappahannock. (search)
jor General G. B. Mcclellan: A dispatch just received from General Pope, says that deserters report that the enemy is moving south of James River, and that the force in Richmond is very small. I suggest that he be pressed in that direction, so as to ascertain the facts of the case. H. W. Halleck, Major General. Washington, July 31, 1862, 10 A. M. Major General G. B. McClellan: General Pope again telegraphs that the enemy is reported to be evacuating Richmond, and falling back on Danville and Lynchburg. H. W. Halleck, Major General. The execution of the order given to McClellan on the 3rd of August for the evacuation of his base on James River, was not completed until the 16th. In the meantime, General Lee had ordered the divisions of Longstreet, Hood (formerly Whiting's), D. R. Jones, and Anderson (formerly Huger's), to Gordonsville for the purpose of advancing against Pope, and the three first named arrived about the 15th of August, Anderson's following later. The