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George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 300 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 260 4 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 250 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Jackson (Mississippi, United States) or search for Jackson (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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on (see Journal of State convention, 1861) were had: On motion of Mr. Chalmers the convention proceeded to the election of a major-general by ballot. The president appointed Messrs. Gholson, Anderson and Beene to act as tellers. Upon the first ballot Jefferson Davis received 88 votes, Reuben Davis 1 vote, Earl Van Dorn 1 vote; whereupon Jefferson Davis was declared major-general. Mr. Davis was then in Washington City. Returning home, he found his commission, dated January 25, 1861, at Jackson, awaiting him. He gave a few days to the work of dividing the State into military districts, apportioning the levy of troops and the formation of a staff, before retiring to his plantation, where he was when called to the Presidency in the following month. It is well known, however, that Mr. Davis neither sought nor desired the latter position. Perhaps it ought to be stated here, in passing, for the benefit of the uninformed only, that while Mr. Davis was a firm believer in the right of s
Southern Crisis, a newspaper published at Jackson, Miss., by that staunch patriot, J. W. Tucker, inays The Mississippi, a newspaper published at Jackson, in March, 1863, in an editorial: The subsistr the army in the whole department. * * * The Jackson manufactory makes 5,000 garments weekly. Theributed in the same way. The hat factories at Jackson and Columbus make 200 hats per day. We also have a manufactory at Jackson which turns out 50 blankets per day. The Pemberton works at Enterprisee Confederacy, and enough of them are made at Jackson and Columbus to supply the army. The legisississippi, embracing all the State west of Pearl river and the Mississippi Central railroad; and Gct of the Gulf, all the country east of the Pearl river to the Apalachicola, and as far north as thid into Tennessee. He took with him parts of Jackson's, Wade's, Pinson's and Slemon's regiments, itain reinforcements, but was obliged to leave Jackson's regiment with him instead, and he proceeded
irst brigade was rallied and led by yourself in person to the same position from which it had fallen back, when it joined with the Second brigade and they moved conjointly through the second encampment, driving the enemy before them through the third and last of their camps to the river, under cover of their gunboats. This being accomplished, which was all that was expected of the land force, the Arkansas failing to make her appearance, nothing remained but to destroy what had been captured . . . and retire from the range of the enemy's heavy batteries on the river. Company I of the Thirty-ninth Mississippi shared the gallant services of the Fourth Louisiana and lost two men. The loss in killed and wounded of the Thirty-first was 47, of the Twenty-second 47. The Federal loss was also heavy, including General Williams, killed. Breckinridge then encamped at Port Hudson and began the fortification of that place, and on August 19th, with a portion of his command, moved to Jackson.
ater, after a brisk fight between Grierson's cavalry regiment and a portion of Jackson's and Pinson's regiments and two companies of Mississippi mounted infantry. on the railroads converging there: Sherman at Memphis with 6, 500 men; Ord at Jackson and Bolivar with 18,ooo; and Rosecrans at Corinth with 23,000, including stronbia, Carruthers' battalion and the Fifteenth Mississippi and some companies of Jackson's cavalry carried off the honors. Among the Mississippi commands especially men made a clean sweep of the enemy and their stores and the railroads north of Jackson, drawing 20,000 Federals from Corinth, Grand Junction and La Grange. On DecPresident and General Johnston then visited Mississippi together, and reaching Jackson on December 19th found the legislature in session, it having been called togeteffective men, for the defense of the valley of the Arkansas. Returning to Jackson, Mr. Davis and General Johnston, December 26th, addressed the legislature and
talion, and one field battery, were sent from Jackson to reinforce Grand Gulf, and Green's brigade d part to Raymond, and an immediate attack on Jackson was ordered by Sherman from Clinton and by Mcmy in position or to attempt to cut my way to Jackson. He also expressed a wish that Johnston woule latter intended to attack him (Johnston) at Jackson; and at 3 a. m. on the 14th, General Gregg, hier-General Gregg and his command to evacuate Jackson about noon to-day. The necessity of taking toners at Jackson tell the truth, the force at Jackson must be half Grant's army. It would decide ts third message, announcing the evacuation of Jackson and conveying the impression that Grant inteno Crystal Springs and united with Johnston at Jackson. Thus Loring's division was lost to Pembere day the first Federal mine was begun on the Jackson road, but the workers were dislodged with haeyard redan, the Third Louisiana redan on the Jackson road, and the lunette on the Baldwin's Ferry [9 more...]
n strong force before his works. Johnston expected an immediate assault and posted his forces on the intrenched line: Loring on the right, then Walker, French and Breckinridge to the left, while the cavalry under Jackson observed the fords of Pearl river above and below the town. Sherman, instead of attacking at once, began intrenching and constructing batteries, finding hills from which he could throw a cross fire of shot and shell into all parts of the town. There was spirited skirmishing line, which was vigorously repulsed, the Federals losing about 500 men, including 200 captured, and the colors of three Illinois regiments. The bombardment was kept up during the following days, the Federals meanwhile extending their lines to Pearl river north and south of the town, and destroying the railroad. On the night of the 16th Johnston withdrew his army toward Meridian, where he subsequently made his headquarters. His loss during the siege was 71 killed, 504 wounded, 25 missing. The
pi and west Tennessee; and Lee in southern Mississippi and east Louisiana, with headquarters at Jackson. The threatened Federal movement against Meridian was preceded by the abandonment of Corintheadily fighting though fully aware of the overwhelming strength of the enemy. Marching through Jackson on the night of the 5th, General Lee turned to the north to cover Loring's division while it could cross Pearl river to Brandon, and was joined by Ferguson's brigade. Early on the 8th, finding that Sherman was crossing Pearl river toward Meridian, Lee sent Ferguson to Morton to cover Loring'sPearl river toward Meridian, Lee sent Ferguson to Morton to cover Loring's front, called Ross up from Yazoo and ordered Jackson with Adams' and Starke's brigades to harass the flank of the enemy. General Polk became convinced that Sherman's object was Mobile, not Meridi expedition was getting ready, 3,000 men moved from Vicksburg under H. W. Slocum, and occupying Jackson, destroyed the railroad bridge which had been built. Gen. Wirt Adams, who skirmished vigorousl
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
ain reigned throughout the land. General Adams returned to his home in Mississippi and resumed the vocations of civil life. On May 1, 1888, he was killed in Jackson, Miss., by John H. Martin. Thus perished a man who had once led Mississippi's sons in the thickest of the fray and who had gone unscathed through many a storm. J of the department of southern Virginia and North Carolina, with headquarters at Petersburg. May 28, 1863, he was ordered to report to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston at Jackson, Miss. There was much discouragement at that time in the Southwest on account of Pemberton's disastrous defeats in the field and because of the fact that Vicksby that State to the Confederate government. It was assigned to the First division (Chalmers') of Forrest's cavalry. In 1864, when the Federals advanced upon Jackson, Miss., Gholson was again wounded. But he was soon in the field again and we find the gallantry of his brigade highly commended in the official reports of the Atlan