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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 740 208 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 428 0 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 383 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 366 0 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 335 5 Browse Search
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 300 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 260 4 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 250 0 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 236 0 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 220 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Jackson (Mississippi, United States) or search for Jackson (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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cavalry, to Beverly, whence he detached Heck's regiment, two guns and the cavalry by the Parkersburg turnpike, across Rich mountain, to a position at the western foot of that mountain, 7 miles beyond Beverly. Garnett himself pushed forward with Jackson's regiment, two guns, and a company of cavalry, and took possession of Laurel hill, the northeastern extension of Rich mountain. Garnett made this strategic movement because he had learned that the enemy was advancing from Philippi, presumably 12th, late in the day, he encamped at Kaylor's ford of Shaver's fork of Cheat river, after a march of some 15 miles from Leadsville, his rear extending back some two miles. He resumed his retreat about 8 a. m. of the 13th, with Taliaferro's and Jackson's regiments, Hansbrough's battalion, a section of Shumaker's battery and a squadron of cavalry in the lead, followed by his baggage train, with the First Georgia, the Twenty-third Virginia, Lanier's section. of artillery, and Captain Jackson's
spent lavishly of her means in the opening of a great waterway, from the head of tide at Richmond, up the James and across to and down the waters of the Kanawha to its head of steamboat navigation; and when the civil war began, the James River & Kanawha canal was in operation for 198 miles, from Richmond to Buchanan, in the heart of the Great Valley. In the same general direction, at an early date, the State co-operated in the construction of a railway, 195 miles of which, from Richmond to Jackson's river, well within the Appalachians, were in operation as the Virginia Central at the beginning of the war, and large numbers of men were then at work constructing the continuation of that line to the Ohio at the mouth of the Guyandotte. That work is now known as the Chesapeake & Ohio railway. The basin of the Big Kanawha as a whole was one of the most important portions of Virginia, rich in agricultural, forest and mineral wealth, especially coal and salt. The coals which underlie t
he famous Stonewall brigade. The period of Jackson's command at Harper's Ferry was marked by fewe, near which, at Camp Stephens, was encamped Jackson's brigade. Finding the fording difficult at be loaded and moved in column to the rear. Jackson's brigade, on the 30th of June, had 128 offiche calls it, Johnston wrote, after describing Jackson's operations, that hearing of this attack, atorward, from the front of Winchester, and met Jackson's brigade, retiring, at Darkesville, about dart, the 1st of July, enabled Johnston to send Jackson's brigade to the assistance of the cavalry noinia, under Col. A. C. Cummings, was added to Jackson's brigade; the Sixth North Carolina to Bee's;eir camp at Winchester about noon, June 18th, Jackson's brigade leading the march. When the rear o ridge, with a favorable report. The head of Jackson's brigade reached Paris, 17 miles from Wincheuld be placed in that State organization. (3) Jackson's twenty-five slays of command at Harper's Fe[2 more...]
to know, in his Memoirs of R. E. Lee, states that Loring's force was 6,000 and Jackson's 5,000; and that Reynolds had 2,000 in front of Jackson and 5,000 in front oft line across numerous ridges of the densely forested Cheat mountain chain, to Jackson's camp on the Greenbrier, 3,000 feet above tide, on the Monterey line. By thethe two camps. A single road, the Staunton and Parkersburg turnpike, led from Jackson's camp some 14 miles westward to the Federal camp on Cheat mountain. Two good ts fell back toward Elkwater, contending all the way with Loring's advance. Jackson's men marched that night, and all the preliminary movements of the campaign weulkerson, in his rear guarding the line of communication to Millboro depot and Jackson's left flank. At midnight of October 2d, Brig.-Gen. J. J. Reynolds, with 5, a strong column from the woods, in which his main body was concealed, to turn Jackson's left. This column crossed the narrow valley and the shallow South Fork and
ich was in the vicinity of Manassas Junction, Jackson's command was, in some respects, an independeashington. On the afternoon of December 6th, Jackson's force reached the dam, and while he kept ups and annoying fire from the Maryland side on Jackson's working party, so that little was accomplisome time a long stretch of the canal. During Jackson's stay to effect the object of this expeditioies, in all nearly 6,000 men, which increased Jackson's entire force, counting 2,000 or 3,000 militates, led by Lieut.- Col. W. S. H. Baylor, of Jackson's staff, dashed into the town. The latter haFederal troops skirmished for some hours with Jackson's advance, then hastily retired, their commannd with those from Romney and Springfield. Jackson's advance encamped on the night of the 13th nvice in the field. General Johnston detained Jackson's letter to Benjamin, which had been sent thr reconsider it. Governor Letcher, learning of Jackson's resignation before the receipt of a letter [2 more...]
as well as of Virginia. The defenses of Washington were to be held by some 18,000 men; some 7,000 were to occupy Manassas, that the railway thence to Strasburg might be reopened, and 35,000 were to help Banks look after Jackson in the Valley. The force that had followed Gen. Ed Johnson as he fell back from Alleghany mountain, and that in the South branch of the Potomac valley were soon to be combined, and thus 16,000 men placed in command of Fremont, in the Mountain department, to menace Jackson's left flank and rear, while the 8,000 under Cox, on the Kanawha line, as well as some Pennsylvania reserves, were ordered to Manassas. A grand total of more than 200,000 troops, of all arms, saying nothing of the large supporting naval force, thus began converging on Richmond from a great bordering sweep that extended northeastward along the mountain ranges that border the valley to the Potomac, then down that great tidal river to Chesapeake bay, Virginia's Mediterranean, and thence to th
of the burning forests, which had now become Jackson's ally instead of his foe. Having used theback from Newtown at dusk, steadily resisting Jackson's pursuit, burning loaded commissary wagons aaiting for them. Maj. John Alexander Harman, Jackson's tireless quartermaster, was busy all day puridge and which was already near at hand when Jackson's men fired it. There was now but one bridge Fremont having ascertained that the rear of Jackson's army was in position near Cross Keys, abouthe morning of the 8th, while quiet reigned in Jackson's camps near Port Republic, and just as the grs preparing to conduct religious services in Jackson's camps at a later hour, hastened to this bathere would be 12 pieces of artillery opposite Jackson's train at Port Republic, and two brigades of, and 128 from Elzey's. During the day all of Jackson's trains were removed to the cove, or amphithrried the news to Washington. The cavalry in Jackson's front, by various devices, spread the intel[26 more...]
is position and began to concentrate opposite Jackson's left. . . . Colonel Walton placed a part ofack was made. While the battle was raging on Jackson's left General Longstreet ordered Hood and Evport of Gen. R. E. Lee.) The battle over, Jackson's men cared for their wounded, gathered theirday, bitter experience of the sharp temper of Jackson's left, massed the whole of Heintzelman's andfled in routed masses, followed by the men of Jackson's old division, from his right, who leaped acn hot pursuit. The fierce attacks of Pope on Jackson's left had, in the meantime, been also repulsroveton Heights cost Lee 8,000 men, mostly in Jackson's command, including many of his noblest and in and mud made the march a difficult one for Jackson's weary and battle worn surviving veterans; bwed their great leader. When Pope learned of Jackson's new flanking movement, although he had in hot be used. Heintzelman supported Reno, but Jackson's well-directed blows forced them both back u[2 more...]
more & Ohio toward Harper's Ferry, was to cross the Potomac at Cheek's ford, and occupy Loudoun heights, connecting with Jackson's right and thus extending the investment from the Shenandoah to the Potomac below Harper's Ferry. Longstreet's commandhe Potomac below Harper's Ferry, opposite Walker's right, and his right on the same river above Harper's Ferry, opposite Jackson's left, thus completing the circle of investment. D. H. Hill was to bring up the rear on the National road, preceded byery, at the same time guarding the rear of both McLaws and Longstreet. Stuart, after furnishing squadrons of cavalry to Jackson, Longstreet and McLaws, was to cover the entire rear of the army with the main body of his cavalry. The conception ofclothing for his army. On the 13th he anxiously awaited news from Walker and Mc-Laws, as they were not yet closed in on Jackson in the investment of Harper's Ferry. To this anxiety was added another when he reflected on the depleted condition of
position in Hooker's south front, discovered Jackson's column moving southward, by way of Catherinrouted by the flood of fugitives, followed by Jackson's fierce soldiery flushed with victory. At t; and thus was held back, for nearly an hour, Jackson's forward movement, giving Schurz's division,his chief engineer, and one of his escort. Jackson's condition required that he be taken at onceervening forests had so deadened the sound of Jackson's attack, which was mainly one of infantry ankirmishers northward from Hazel Grove toward Jackson's front, they were driven back by Hill's skirthat his men had inflicted the fatal wound on Jackson. After Jackson had been removed to the fieproaches from the west and the ground held by Jackson's corps. The eastern side of the salient exth he was holding with his division, all along Jackson's old position down to Hamilton's crossing, u his faith, so exquisite his tenderness, that Jackson's many victories are almost his least claim t[6 more...]