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n. Rape, arson, and theft seem to be the constant attendants of an army professing to fight for the Union. A recital of the horrible murders that mark its bloody attack, one might suppose, would appall the doomed of Hades. Mrs. Fitzhugh, of Ravensworth — mother of the late Andrew Fitzhugh, of the Navy-a lady of distinguished position, and one singularly embodying the graces and virtues of her sex, was brutally murdered in front of her house. Ravensworth, the family-seat of the Fitzhughs, yoRavensworth, the family-seat of the Fitzhughs, you know, is one of the oldest estates in Virginia; it has been in the, family since the reign of Charles the Second, from whom it was received as a grant, and has ever been noted as a place where a profuse hospitality was dispensed by as gentle and refined a people as live. The old lady, who was over eighty years of age, infirm and blind, leaning on the arm of her maid, was taking a little exercise in front of her mansion, when the girl suddenly cried out, 0 mistress there come the Yankees!
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
f July? Bring Sis Nannie and the little ones; I long to see you all; I only arrived yesterday, after a longjourney up the Mississippi, which route I was induced to take for the better accommodation of my horse, as I wished to spare her as much annoyance and fatigue as possible, she already having undergone so much suffering in my service. I landed her at Wheeling and left her to come over with Jim. I have seen but few of our friends as yet, but hear they are all well. Cousin Anna is at Ravensworth. I met Mrs. John Mason yesterday as I passed through W. All her people are well. I hear that that pretty Rhett, hearing of my arrival, ran off yesterday evening to take refuge with you. Never mind, there is another person coming from Mexico from whom she can not hide herself. Tell her with my regrets that I brought muchas cosas from her young rifleman, who is as bright and handsome as ever. No, Sis Nannie, your sister was not here when I arrived. Are you satisfied? She had gone to A
advances of General Sheridan in his Trevilian raid when Wilson was sent out to cut the Weldon and South Side Road; and at the Petersburg campaign his cavalry participated actively, making many valiant assaults on the Federal lines. Before the surrender of Appomattox, General Lee with his cavalry aided General Gordon in keeping back the Union advances and protecting the wagon-trains of the Confederate army. He was paroled at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865, and died at Ravensworth, Fairfax County, Virginia, October 15, 1891. Major-General George Washington Custis Lee (U. S.M. A. 1854) was born at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, September 16, 1832, and was the eldest son of General Robert E. Lee. Upon graduation from the United States Military Academy he joined the corps of engineers, in which he served until May 2, 1861, when he resigned to enter the Confederate Army. The greater part of his service was as aide to President Jefferson Davis. He was appointed major-general se
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
proclaimed his vanity. Foolish man! why could he not have lived in contentment in an ordinary house, built after common designs, without aping those great baronial models, to equal which all his fortune was of course incompetent? Abbotsford looks well enough in a picture; perhaps it would seem imposing to one who had not seen the larger castles of England. I approached it, after having visited Lambton Castle, Auckland Castle (or palace), Raby Castle, Brancepeth Castle, Wytton Castle, Ravensworth, &c., in the North of England, in four of which I have been as a guest. And, after these proud piles, I cannot express to you the littleness of every thing about Abbotsford. Melrose is a beautiful ruin. I passed two days with Sir David Brewster at his seat, directly opposite the Abbey, with the silver Tweed—— that river so illustrious in Scottish history—flowing between; and from my chamber window, while the moon was riding aloft, I looked out upon this venerable ruin, illustrated by p<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical sketch of the Rockbridge artillery, C. S. Army, by a member of the famous battery. (search)
l Porter, of the United States army). October 4th—William S. McClintic, near Centreville. October 7th—Williamson Luke. October 10th—Henry Boteler. A good many South Carolina troops were near us at this camp. General D. R. Jones's Brigade was in the meadow lands below us, and gave pleasant variety to our camp life. On 1st of October a part of the battery, under Captain McLaughlin and Lieutenant Alexander, was sent from this camp to the picket-line on the Accotink, across from Ravensworth, where, on the 10th of September, or thereabouts, they got the full benefit of a terrific thunder-storm, as they were on picket duty, and had left their tents at the camp. Removal to Centreville. On the 16th of October, the company was ordered to march at a very early hour, with the usual three-days' rations. After unusual delay in starting we set out southward, and after frequent delays during the day, waiting for other troops to get into their places (as we supposed), about sunse<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
arged with the conduct of all military operations of the Confederate States army, under the direction of the President; commanding Army of Northern Virginia from June I, 1862, to April 9, 1865. William Henry Fitzhugh Lee, captain corps of cavalry, May 6, 1861; major, corps of cavalry, May, 1861; lieutenant-colonel, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, December, 1861; colonel, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, March, 1862; brigadier-general, September 15, 1862; major-general, April 23, 1864; died at Ravensworth, Fairfax county, Va., October 15, 1891. Regiments, Virginia Cavalry, and Second Regiment, North Carolina Cavalry, and McGregor's Battery of Artillery, Fitzhugh Lee's Division, Army of Northern Virginia; division in June, 1864, composed of the cavalry brigades of Chambers, Barringer and Roberts, and two batteries of artillery, Army of Northern Virginia. R. D. Lilley, major Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiment Infantry, January 28, 1863; lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fifth Virginia Regiment Infantry, Augus