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Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 8 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61 8 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 2 0 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Philippic 1, section 17 (search)
All this is a necessary provision against Philip's sudden raids from Macedonia against Thermopylae, the Chersonese, Olynthus, or where he will. You must present to his mind the consideration that you may possibly shake off your excessive apathy and strike out as you did at Euboea, and before that, as we are told, at Haliartus, and quite recently at Thermopylae.The Athenians sent a force to Euboea in 357 (cf. Dem. 1.8). They helped the Thebans to defeat Lysander at Haliartus in Boeotia in 395. In 352, when Philip tried to march from Thessaly against Phocis, he was checked by the dispatch of an Athenian fleet to Thermopylae.
Demosthenes, On the Peace, section 25 (search)
In the same way by agreement with Philip we have waived our claim to Amphipolis, and we are permitting CardiaCardia, largely inhabited by Athenian colonists, was included in the peace of 346 as an ally of Philip. to be excepted from the rest of the Chersonese, the CarianIdrieus, satrap of Caria, brother and successor of the famous Mausolus, who had helped the islands in their revolt from Athens in the Social War of 357—355. to occupy the islands of Chios, Cos, and Rhodes, and the Byzantines to detain our shipsCorn—ships from the Euxine forced to pay toll at Byzantium. in harbor, obviously because we think that the respite which the peace affords is more productive of advantages than wrangling and coming to blows over these points. Therefore it is sheer folly and
Demosthenes, On the Halonnesus, section 39 (search)
With regard to the Chersonese, it is important to examine the terms of his dispatch to you and also to know what he is actually doing in the matter. For the whole of the land north of Agora, as being his own property and no concern of yours, he has handed over as a private estate to Apollonides of Cardia. Yet the boundary of the Chersonese is not Agora, but the altar of Zeus of the Marches, rtant to examine the terms of his dispatch to you and also to know what he is actually doing in the matter. For the whole of the land north of Agora, as being his own property and no concern of yours, he has handed over as a private estate to Apollonides of Cardia. Yet the boundary of the Chersonese is not Agora, but the altar of Zeus of the Marches, half way between Pteleum and the White Strand,
Demosthenes, On the Halonnesus, section 43 (search)
And there they speak truth, for he did propose such a decree, and when I indicted him for a breach of the constitution, you acquitted him; that is how he has brought your claim into dispute. But if and when you submit your dispute with the Cardians to arbitration, to decide whether the land is yours or theirs, why not extend the principle to the other states of the Chersonese also?
Demosthenes, On the Chersonese, section 2 (search)
The really serious problem is the state of the Chersonese and Philip's Thracian campaign, now in its eleventh month; yet most of the speeches have been confined to what Diopithes is doing or what he is going to do. For my part, when charges are brought against any of those whom you can legally punish whenever you like, I hold that it is open to you either to deal with their case at once or to postpone it; and it is quite unnecessary for me or anyone else to take a strong line on the subject of such charges.
Demosthenes, On the Chersonese, section 16 (search)
“Because,” you say, “the wretched creatures are infatuated and stupid beyond measure.” Quite so, but still we are bound to preserve them in the interests of Athens. And then again we are not certain of another thing, that he will not attack the Chersonese. Indeed, if we may judge from the letter which he sent you, he means to take vengeance on the settlers
Demosthenes, Philippic 3, section 15 (search)
But, in heaven's name, is there any intelligent man who would let words rather than deeds decide the question who is at peace and who is at war with him? Surely no one. Now it was Philip who at the very start, as soon as peace was concluded, before Diopithes was appointed general, before the force now in the Chersonese had been dispatched, proceeded to occupy Serrium and Doriscus and expelled from the Fort Serreum and the Sacred Mount the garrison which your own general had posted there.
Demosthenes, Philippic 3, section 16 (search)
what did that move of his mean? For it was peace that he had swornNot strictly true; for Philip had not yet taken the oath, though the Athenians had. Hence Blass wished to readei)rh/nh . . . w)mw/moto. to observe; and let no one say, “What of all this? How do any of these things concern Athens?” For whether they were small things, or whether they were no concern of yours, may be another question. But religion and justice, whether a man violates them in a small matter or in a great, have the same importance. Tell me now: when he sends mercenaries to the Chersonese, your claim to which has been recognized by the king of Persia and by all the Greeks, when he admits that he is helping the Cardians and writes to tell you so, what does he mean? For he says that he is not at w
Demosthenes, Philippic 3, section 35 (search)
Of our own possessions, not to mention other places, is he not holding Cardia, the greatest city in the Chersonese? In spite of such treatment, we hesitate one and all, we play the coward, we keep an eye on our neighbors, distrusting one another rather than our common foe. Yet if he treats us all with such brutality, what do you think he will do when he has got each of us separately into his clutches?
Demosthenes, Philippic 3, section 73 (search)
I do not, however, suggest that you should invite the rest, unless you are ready to do for yourselves what is necessary; for it would be futile to abandon our own interests and pretend that we are protecting those of others, or to overlook the present dangers and alarm our neighbors with dangers to come. That is not my meaning. But I do contend that we must send supplies to the forces in the Chersonese and satisfy all their demands, and while we make preparation ourselves, we must summon, collect, instruct, and exhort the rest of the Greeks. That is the duty of a city with a reputation such as yours enjoys.
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