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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 4: (search)
, which will be ours when we want it. All that is needful is to combine, push, and whip them. We have whipped, and should now push to the wall, all the forces in Mississippi, and capture the rolling stock of tile railroads west of the Alabama & Mobile. Bragg's army alone could repair the damage we have it in our power to do them. But I beseech you to bend every thing to push them while they are broken, weary, hungry, and ill supplied. Draw every thing from Memphis to help move on Holly Spriot start out to follow but a few days, and are much worn out; and I have information, not only that the enemy have reserves that are on their way to join the retreating column, but that they have fortifications to retreat to in case of need. The Mobile road is also open to the enemy to near Rienzi, and Corinth would be exposed by the advance. Although partial success might result from further pursuit, disaster would follow in the end. If you say so, however, it is not too late yet to go on, an
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 7: (search)
tion was to penetrate as far east as Selma, one of the interior points of greatest value to the enemy, and also turn upon Mobile. This impression was current at General Grant's headquarters and at Washington, and General Grant himself had written toe enemy will not attempt to rebuild them during the rebellion. He will then return, unless the opportunity of going into Mobile with the force he has, appears perfectly plain. And writing on the same subject to Thomas at Chattanooga, on the 19tly destroy the roads east and south from there, and, if possible, will throw troops as far east as Selma; or, if he finds Mobile so far unguarded as to make his force sufficient for the enterprise, will go there. To cooperate with this movement you whom he desired. to cooperate with it. So, while General Sherman insists that he had no intention of going through to Mobile, and that he wanted Banks to keep up a show of attack in that direction, it is evident that Grant had such a move in mind
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 11: (search)
, as our forces had now secured the control of Mobile, he thought Sherman had better move on Augustae next campaign to be that from Chattanooga to Mobile, Atlanta and Montgomery being the important inpoints. I look upon the Tennessee River and Mobile as being the most practicable points from whic Banks. If Banks can at the same time carry Mobile and open up the Alabama River, he will in a mehe Atlanta campaign and the movement beyond to Mobile, as he had in the previous January made them kbridges, destroy Atlanta, and make a break for Mobile, Savannah, or Charleston. * * * * Under d idea that I would not bother with the city of Mobile, which will simply absorb a garrison for you, planned a movement from Chattanooga through to Mobile, and that he then had in mind a cooperation onould the enemy make an obstinate resistance at Mobile, I would fortify outside and leave a garrison force down the Mississippi and operate against Mobile. The importance of these objects is conside[38 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 18: (search)
erious obstacle to the advance of General Sherman's army. General Johnston is of opinion that the enemy's forces now in the field exceed ours in numbers by probably ten to one. Our forces in the South, though still holding the fortifications at Mobile, have been unable to prevent the fall of Selma and Montgomery in Alabama, and of Columbus and Macon in Georgia, with their magazines, workshops, and stores of supplies. The army west of the Mississippi is unavailable for the arrest of the victarolina would render it impossible for Virginia to maintain her position in the Confederacy, even if her people were unanimous in their desire to continue the contest. In the more southern States we have no army except the forces now defending Mobile and the cavalry under General Forrest. The enemy are so far superior in numbers that they have occupied within the last few weeks Selma, Montgomery, Columbus, and Macon, and could continue their career of devastation through Georgia and Alabama
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 20: (search)
, his own orders, then issued, claimed complete success; and while he now declares he never had any intention of going to Mobile, the letters of General Grant (who ordered his movement) to Halleck and Thomas, informed these officers that in certain contingencies Sherman was to push for Mobile. He describes Rosecrans' flanking movement to capture Chattanooga as a march from that city to attack the enemy; and the battle which secured this stronghold, as a defeat before it, and its occupation afte, and had it in his mind's eye by the 21st of September, the records prove that Grant had planned the campaign through to Mobile in the previous January, notified Halleck of it on the 15th of that month, Thomas on the 19th, and that in February Thomaecords show further, that on the 10th of September Grant suggested a move from Atlanta on Augusta or Savannah, instead of Mobile, since the control of the latter had passed into the hands of the Union forces. Concerning Savannah, the records revea