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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Promotion to first Lieutenant-capture of the City of Mexico-the Army-Mexican soldiers- peace negotiations (search)
hey had fought enough. Their authorities of the present day grow enthusiastic over their theme when telling of these victories, and speak with pride of the large sum of money they forced us to pay in the end. With us, now twenty years after the close of the most stupendous war ever known, we have writers — who profess devotion to the nation-engaged in trying to prove that the Union forces were not victorious; practically, they say, we were slashed around from Donelson to Vicksburg and to Chattanooga; and in the East from Gettysburg to Appomattox, when the physical rebellion gave out from sheer exhaustion. There is no difference in the amount of romance in the two stories. I would not have the anniversaries of our victories celebrated, nor those of our defeats made fast days and spent in humiliation and prayer; but I would like to see truthful history written. Such history will do full credit to the courage, endurance and soldierly ability of the American citizen, no matter what
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Promoted Major-General of Volunteers-Unoccupied territory-advance upon Nashville-situation of the troops-confederate retreat- relieved of the command-restored to the command-general Smith (search)
Donelson the way was opened to the National forces all over the South-west without much resistance. If one general who would have taken the responsibility had been in command of all the troops west of the Alleghenies, he could have marched to Chattanooga, Corinth, Memphis and Vicksburg with the troops we then had, and as volunteering was going on rapidly over the North there would soon have been force enough at all these centres to operate offensively against any body of the enemy that might bops. He wrote to Richmond on the 8th of February, I think the gunboats of the enemy will probably take Fort Donelson without the necessity of employing their land force in co-operation. After the fall of that place he abandoned Nashville and Chattanooga without an effort to save either, and fell back into northern Mississippi, where, six weeks later, he was destined to end his career. From the time of leaving Cairo I was singularly unfortunate in not receiving dispatches from General Hall
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Struck by a bullet-precipitate retreat of the Confederates--intrenchments at Shiloh--General Buell-General Johnston--remarks on Shiloh (search)
nelson and Henry were such victories. An army of more than 21,000 men was captured or destroyed. Bowling Green, Columbus and Hickman, Kentucky, fell in consequence, and Clarksville and Nashville, Tennessee, the last two with an immense amount of stores, also fell into our hands. The Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, from their mouths to the head of navigation, were secured. But when Confederate armies were collected which not only attempted to hold a line farther south, from Memphis to Chattanooga, Knoxville and on to the Atlantic, but assumed the offensive and made such a gallant effort to regain what had been lost, then, indeed, I gave up all idea of saving the Union except by complete conquest. Up to that time it had been the policy of our army, certainly of that portion commanded by me, to protect the property of the citizens whose territory was invaded, without regard to their sentiments, whether Union or Secession. After this, however, I regarded it as humane to both sides
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Halleck Assumes Command in the Field-The Advance upon Corinth-Occupation of Corinth- The Army Separated (search)
east, following the line of the Memphis and Charleston railroad. This he was ordered to repair as he advanced-only to have it destroyed by small guerilla bands or other troops as soon as he was out of the way. If he had been sent directly to Chattanooga as rapidly as he could march, leaving two or three divisions along the line of the railroad from Nashville forward, he could have arrived with but little fighting, and would have saved much of the loss of life which was afterwards incurred in gaining Chattanooga. Bragg would then not have had time to raise an army to contest the possession of middle and east Tennessee and Kentucky; the battles of Stone River [Stone's River or Murfreesboro] and Chickamauga would not necessarily have been fought; Burnside would not have been besieged in Knoxville without the power of helping himself or escaping; the battle of Chattanooga would not have been fought. These are the negative advantages, if the term negative is applicable, which would pr
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Headquarters moved to Memphis-on the road to Memphis-escaping Jackson-complaints and requests-halleck appointed commander-in-chief --return to Corinth — movements of Bragg- surrender of Clarksville — the advance upon Chattanooga-Sheridan Colonel of a Michigan regiment (search)
the Mississippi had had control as far east as a line drawn from Chattanooga north. My district only embraced West Tennessee and Kentucky wef the Ohio, had, as previously stated, been ordered east towards Chattanooga, with instructions to repair the Memphis and Charleston railroade, Georgia, with his troops moving by rail (by way of Mobile) to Chattanooga and his wagon train marching overland to join him at Rome. Pricuell. The movement of Bragg himself with his wagon trains to Chattanooga across country, while his troops were transported over a long roeral Buell had left Corinth about the 10th of June to march upon Chattanooga; Bragg, who had superseded Beauregard in command, sent one divismarch could have been made in eighteen days at the outside, and Chattanooga must have been reached by the National forces before the rebels could have possibly got there. The road between Nashville and Chattanooga could easily have been put in repair by other troops, so that comm
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Retrospect of the campaign-sherman's movements-proposed movement upon Mobile-a painful accident-ordered to report at Cairo (search)
still in New Orleans, Halleck telegraphed to me to send all available forces to Memphis and thence to Tuscumbia, to co-operate with Rosecrans for the relief of Chattanooga. On the 15th [17th] he telegraphed again for all available forces to go to Rosecrans. This was received on the 27th. I was still confined to my bed, unable tn's divisions he had still the equivalent. Before the receipt by me of these orders the battle of Chickamauga had been fought and Rosecrans forced back into Chattanooga. The administration as well as the General-in-chief was nearly frantic at the situation of affairs there. Mr. Charles A. Dana, an officer of the War Department, was sent to Rosecrans' headquarters. I do not know what his instructions were, but he was still in Chattanooga when I arrived there at a later period. It seems that Halleck suggested that I should go to Nashville as soon as able to move and take general direction of the troops moving from the west. I received the following
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, First meeting with Secretary Stanton-General Rosecrans-Commanding military division of Mississippi-Andrew Johnson's Address-arrival at Chattanooga (search)
issippi-Andrew Johnson's Address-arrival at Chattanooga The reply (to my telegram of October 16,ved a dispatch from Mr. C. A. Dana, then in Chattanooga, informing him that unless prevented Rosecr the latter's troops where they were or lay Chattanooga open to capture. General Halleck strongly the Tennessee River, and through and beyond Chattanooga. If he had stopped and intrenched, and mader at Chickamauga, some miles south-east of Chattanooga, before the main battle was brought on. Thepossession of Missionary Ridge, overlooking Chattanooga. He also occupied Lookout Mountain, west oh south and north of the Tennessee, between Chattanooga and Bridgeport. The distance between these he described very clearly the situation at Chattanooga, and made some excellent suggestions as to r way by Jasper and over Waldron's Ridge to Chattanooga. There had been much rain, and the roads wer on. The next day [October 23] we reached Chattanooga a little before dark. I went directly to G[5 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Assuming the command at Chattanooga-opening a line of supplies-battle of Wauhatchie-on the picket line (search)
I suppose, they looked upon the garrison of Chattanooga as prisoners of war, feeding or starving th. It would have been folly to send them to Chattanooga to help eat up the few rations left there. On the 24th of October, after my return to Chattanooga, the following details were made: General Hed to act under General Smith directly from Chattanooga. Eighteen hundred of them, under General [ over the Tennessee River — a flying one at Chattanooga and the new one at Brown's Ferry — with thence on the north side to the river opposite Chattanooga. There were several steamers at Bridgeport clothing and provisions. On the way to Chattanooga I had telegraphed back to Nashville for a gcondition. In five days from my arrival in Chattanooga the way was open to Bridgeport and, with thd, insured the enemy's speedy evacuation of Chattanooga for want of food and forage. Possessed of thin a mile or such a matter of the town of Chattanooga, then bears off westerly, then northwesterl[4 more...]<
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Condition of the Army-rebuilding the Railroad- General Burnside's situation-orders for battle-plans for the attack-hooker's position- Sherman's movements (search)
nd, on account of our helpless condition at Chattanooga, caused me much uneasiness. Dispatches werg the enemy from Missionary Ridge and about Chattanooga. On the 4th of November Longstreet leftke it more difficult for him to get back to Chattanooga when the battle should begin. Longstreerepared in advance of Sherman's arrival, Chattanooga, November 18, 1863 Major-General W. T. Sherr thereabouts. U. S. Grant, Maj.-General Chattanooga, November 18, 1863 Major-General Geo. H. Thomas, Chattanooga: All preparations should be made for attacking the enemy's position on Missiohe north side, and to go into camp opposite Chattanooga; with the remainder of the command, Hooker Tennessee at Brown's Ferry and move east of Chattanooga to a point opposite the north end of Missioy was absolutely essential to us so long as Chattanooga was besieged. It was the key to our line ft Bridgeport the night of the 14th, reached Chattanooga the evening of the 15th, made the above-des[6 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Preparations for battle-thomas Carries the first line of the enemy-sherman Carries Missionary Ridge--battle of Lookout Mountain--General Hooker's fight (search)
s there may still be some non-combatants in Chattanooga, I deem it proper to notify you that prudenptured, and his troops there be returned to Chattanooga. During the night of the 21st the rest ified was one to the east of the town, named Fort Wood. It owed its importance chiefly to the factwhere most of the strength of the enemy was. Fort Wood had in it twenty-two pieces of artillery, moan and T. J. Wood commanding, to the foot of Fort Wood, and formed them into line as if going on pdvance was given by a booming of cannon from Fort Wood and other points on the line. The rebel picartillery, kept up from Missionary Ridge and Fort Wood until night closed in, this ended the fightiese operations were going on to the east of Chattanooga, Hooker was engaged on the west. He had thoad, zigzagging up it, connects the town of Chattanooga with the summit. Early on the morning oshed, and a brigade of troops was sent from Chattanooga to reinforce him. These troops had to cross
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