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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 6: (search)
Rosecrans and Thomas, then operating about Chattanooga under its new title, the Army of the Cumber seemingly to surround and capture Bragg in Chattanooga; but the latter, reenforced from Virginia, General Rosecrans' movements which secured Chattanooga resembled in many of their main features thy has driven General Rosecrans back to near Chattanooga, Bragg may throw a force off into East Tennall the assistance you can give him to hold Chattanooga. September 22d.—Yours of yesterday is reyou that it is not necessary to join him at Chattanooga, but only to move down to such a position tbe no more than temporarily lost so long as Chattanooga is firmly held. A. Lincoln. It woulptember 19, 1863. Major-General Rosecrans, Chattanooga. * * * On the 15th Hurlbut says he is motember 11, 1863. Major-Generai Rosecrans, Chattanooga. After holding the mountain passes in thport is pertinent: headquarters near Chattanooga, October, 1863. Our train reached Cato[68 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 7: (search)
etrate the interior, and so break up railroads, and paralyze the rebel forces in that section, as to release a large body of troops for the coming campaign from Chattanooga. Marching from Vicksburg February 3d, 1864, his columns reached Meridian on the 14th, remained there till the 20th, causing much destruction of roads, rollin will then return, unless the opportunity of going into Mobile with the force he has, appears perfectly plain. And writing on the same subject to Thomas at Chattanooga, on the 19th of January, he said: He (Sherman) will proceed eastward as far as Meridian at least, and will thoroughly destroy the roads east and south fro make his force sufficient for the enterprise, will go there. To cooperate with this movement you want to keep up appearances of preparation of an advance from Chattanooga. It may be necessary even to move a column as far as Lafayette. This, it will be observed, was written by the General who ordered the Meridian expedition
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 8: (search)
enemy held a strongly fortified position in front of Dalton. The road from Chattanooga passed from the west through a deep gorge called Buzzard's Roost, in the mouportation had not yet reached me. I had with the entire corps, since leaving Chattanooga, only seventeen wagons, and I had marched out in the morning without rationsissippi, General Thomas, who was in command of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga, telegraphed General Grant at Nashville, proposing the following plan for a the Military Division of the Mississippi, General Sherman came to see me at Chattanooga, to consult as to the position of affairs, and adopt a plan for a Spring camosition. headquarters Military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Chattanooga, May 1, 1864. General Grant, Culpepper, Va. * * * * The first move will eneral. headquarters Military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Chattanooga, May 4, 1864. General Grant, Culpepper, Va. Thomas' center is at Ringgol
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 11: (search)
propose that we break up the rail-road from Chattanooga forward, and that we strike out with our waps was ordered from Gaylesville to march to Chattanooga and thence to report for orders to General hed for Resaca, and there took the cars for Chattanooga. I then knew that General Thomas would hav 19, 1864. Major-General George H. Thomas, Chattanooga. Owing to the presence of Longstreet in pearances of preparation of an advance from Chattanooga. It may be necessary even to move a columnlowing telegram: [By telegraph from Chattanooga, February 28, 1864.] Major-General Grant, enson, Bridgeport, Huntsville, Decatur, and Chattanooga, to keep open our communications, and hold tenant-General, had planned a movement from Chattanooga through to Mobile, and that he then had in eneral situation, it is as follows: Chattanooga, December 7, 1863. Major-General Halleck, to be permanently held by sixty thousand at Chattanooga, one hundred thousand at Atlanta, sixty tho[21 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 13: (search)
. J. Smith, long absent and long expected, and he had drawn from Chattanooga and Decatur (Alabama), the divisions of Steedman and of R. S. Grnd have instructed General Thomas to hold defensively Nashville, Chattanooga, and Decatur, all strongly fortified and provisioned for a long manning the excellent forts that already covered Nashville. At Chattanooga he had General Steedman's division, about five thousand men, besides garrisons for Chattanooga, Bridgeport, and Stevenson; at Murfreesboro he also had General Rousseau's division, which was full five thoushousand, and that corps was ordered from Gaylesville to march to Chattanooga and thence to report for orders to General Thomas; but subsequenorps accordingly marched for Resaca, and there took the cars for Chattanooga. I then knew that General Thomas would have an ample force withrisons to secure the railroad to his rear, and as far forward as Chattanooga. In the earlier quotations of this chapter will be found so