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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Casualties in the First New-Jersey cavalry. (search)
ollowed, but the enemy then had possession of the railroad, having forced the troops occupying the ground to retire. Captain Martin's two guns, with the First brigade, were ordered forward, and took a position south-east of Telegraph Hill. The rebels were soon forced to withdraw their battery, and they moved it across the railroad track to the vicinity of a house, in which it was subsequently ascertained were the rebel Gens. Stuart, Hampton, and Jones, the latter having just arrived from Winchester (the rebel prisoners say) to make arrangements to join the proposed expedition into Pennsylvania and Maryland. Upon this point it appears two rebel colums were approaching. The advance, Colonel Wyndham had attacked and driven back. Following up the advantage thus gained, the First Maryland was ordered to charge, which they did in the most gallant manner, surrounding the house in which the notorious rebel chieftains were plotting. The enemy fought desperately at this point, and several
heir artillery. Our brave troops made many desperate charges, and were often driven back by sheer force of numbers. They as often rallied, and finally succeeded in forcing the enemy to commence to retreat, leaving many of their dead and wounded in our hands. Our losses are heavy, and among them some of our best officers. We took a large number of prisoners, three hundred and thirty-six of whom have already arrived, including two majors. Thirty prisoners also arrived at Richmond from Winchester. These were captured by the forces of General Albert G. Jenkins. Richmond Sentinel account. Richmond, June 12. The cars on yesterday evening brought down three hundred and two prisoners of war, cavalrymen and artillerymen, captured by Stuart's cavalry in the fight near Brandy Station on Tuesday. Twelve of the number were commissioned officers — including one colonel, one major, and sundry captains and lieutenants. Twenty prisoners, captured in the Valley, accompanied those
own that no portion of Lee's army approached Winchester from that direction. The reconnaissance otances the whole command should be united at Winchester, I gave Colonel McReynolds the concerted sign to the instructions under which I occupied Winchester. They were not materially changed from thosozen and wounded over thirty. We arrived in Winchester at night unmolested, and camped in the star of Inquiry relative to the Evacuation of Winchester, Va., by the Command of Major-General R. H. Mial given in the morning, was on the march to Winchester, and reached that place at ten o'clock at nito defend the act of finally retreating from Winchester, although I had no orders to do so. It is nored brave and effective men who started from Winchester, upward of six thousand have been ascertaine bore a conspicuous part in the retreat from Winchester, as well as others who could throw light on with peremptory orders for the evacuation of Winchester. R. H. Milroy, Major-General U. S. Vols. Se[64 more...]
all the Western Virginia campaign; trusted of Shields at Winchester, and of Lander at Romney and Bloomery Gap; through the cce stationed there, to cut off the communication between Winchester and the Potomac. With the divisions of Early and Johnson, General Ewell advanced directly upon Winchester, driving the enemy into his works around the town on the thirteenth. On Berryville fell back before General Rodes, retreating to Winchester. On the fourteenth General Early stormed the works at tOur loss was small. On the night that Ewell appeared at Winchester the Federal troops in front of A. P. Hill, at Fredericksreach, but will not much exceed five thousand . . . . Winchester is very much crowded. There are many persons here lookiOn the thirteenth ultimo, General Milroy was attacked at Winchester by the advance of Lee's army under General Ewell, and flnemy had attacked and routed General Milroy's command at Winchester, and the forces at Harper's Ferry and vicinity had been
ocket-book, etc., and left him lying where he had fallen. On the way to their crossing-place on the Shenandoah they came upon a scouting-party of infantry from Winchester, but escaped by taking to a thicket on the Opequan Creek. Here the prisoner escaped and returned to camp. He states that one of the bushwhackers said he had rternoon, June sixth, a party of rebel horsemen, estimated to number one hundred men, dashed upon a small wagon train on its way to this place with supplies from Winchester. The infantry guard of the train, composed, if I mistake not, of a detail from the Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania regiment, fought bravely against tremendous odds,ith their prisoners and plunder, although closely pursued by detachments of the First New-York cavalry, from this place, and of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania from Winchester. They crossed the Shenandoah near Front Royal. The attack upon the train was made near the Opequan, about three miles from Berryville. Citizens, residents
al Lee has been deceived by his subordinates, or he would never, in the face of the facts now alleged, have made the assertions his report contains. It appears that I was in error in stating that the body of General Pettigrew was left in our hands, although I would not communicate that fact until an officer from the field reported to me that he had seen the body. It is now ascertained from the Richmond papers that General Pettigrew, though mortally wounded in the affair, was taken to Winchester, where he subsequently died. The three battle-flags captured on this occasion and sent to Washington belonged to the Forty-fifth, Forty-seventh, and Fifty-fifth Virginia regiments of infantry. General Lee will surely acknowledge that these were not left in the hands of stragglers asleep in barns. Respectfully yours, George G. Meade, Major-General Commanding. General Kilpatrick's report. headquarters Third division cavalry corps, Warrenton Junction, Va., August 7, 1863. To C
rtained. After the return of General Lee's army to Virginia, the enemy, evidently too much crippled for immediate pursuit, and desirous of ascertaining our movements, and feeling our position, despatched a large body of cavalry down the river to accomplish this object, if possible. They crossed at Harper's Ferry, where pontoon-bridges were thrown across for the purpose, and proceeded up the river as far as Shepherdstown, where they arrived on Wednesday; then coming down the Leetown and Winchester road to the distance of about five miles, halted. Meantime, Fitzhugh Lee, who was in the vicinity, and hearing of their whereabouts, proceeded up the Shepherdstown road for the purpose of checking the enemy's advance. He arrived in sight of the Yankees Thursday morning, which brought on desultory skirmishing and cannonading, which continued throughout the day until about four o'clock P. M. Then dismounting his men and advancing, the fight became general along both. lines, the enemy havi