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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 717 1 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 676 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 478 10 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 417 3 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 411 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 409 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 344 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 332 2 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 325 5 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 320 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) or search for Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), A midnight scene at Vicksburgh. (search)
A midnight scene at Vicksburgh. by Horace B. Durant, Company A, One Hundredth Regiment Penn. V., First Division Ninth Army Corps. By Mississippi's mighty tide, our camp-fires flick'ring glow, O'er weary, tented, slumb'ring men, are burning dim and low; Calm be their rest beneath the shade of bending forest bough, And soft the night-wind as it creeps across the dreamer's brow; The hot glare that to-morrow shines Within this Southern land May drink its draught of crimson life that stains the bh all their hopes, thy stubborn strength must topple to the dust; These waters, mingling from afar, as they sweep to the sea, Proclaim that they must still unite, that they must still be free! The time shall come when these proud hills no more shall quake with dread; Beneath their peaceful breast shall lie the heaps of gory dead; Redeemed from slavery's blighting curse, the battle's war shall cease, And all Columbia's broad domain shall smile in golden peace. Vicksburgh, Miss., June 21, 1863.
A brave Pennsylvanian. Cairo, June 23, 1863.--Permit me to note to you some of the incidents I witnessed at the siege before Vicksburgh. At the battle and capture of Port Gibson, Sergeant Charles Bruner, a Pennsylvanian, of Northampton County, with a squad of fifty men of the Twenty-third regiment Wisconsin volunteers, was the first to enter said fort. The flag-sergeant being wounded, Sergeant Bruner seized the colors, and, amid cheers and a rain of bullets, planted the Stars and Stripes upon the ramparts. Again, at Champion Hill, the Twenty-third was about breaking, when Sergeant Bruner took the colors in his hand and cried, Boys, follow! Don't flinch from your duty! and on they went, following their brave color-bearer; and the intrenchment was taken. Again, at the battle of Big Black, company B, of the Twenty-third Wisconsin, got orders from General Grant to plant a cannon and try to silence a battery, which was bravely done, when the cannon was dismantled, captain a
the river trumped up a very ingenious theory some time ago, by which the writers proved — to their own great satisfaction — that Colonel Ellet was lost, with every body else on board the ram Lancaster, while attempting to pass the batteries at Vicksburgh. On Tuesday morning, April fourteenth, Lieutenants H. B. Skinner and C. C. Dean of General Dudley's staff, and Lieutenant Tenney, Quartermaster of the Thirtieth Massachusetts volunteers, went up from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson in the Richmon accomplish. The Admiral is well, and has seen considerable service since passing the port. He reports heavy batteries erected at Grand Gulf, which fired on him in going up and coming down. There are batteries also at Warrenton, just below Vicksburgh. The ram Switzerland is with him. He is now blockading the mouth of Red River, down which a large amount of the enemy's supplies come. He reports that the rebels have only four days provisions at Port Hudson, and is of opinion that there are
June 1. The sharp-shooters at Vicksburgh intersperse their crackling fire with frequent passages of polite conversation. One of the rebels three days since asked if he could have a drink of coffee if he came over and was allowed. His comrades calling to him to return, he replied that the coffee was so tempting he intended to remain. This was the first coffee he had tasted in a twelvemonth.
National war-song. air--John Brown. Oh! say, and is the Union gone, O countrymen! for aye? Alas! the starry Flag is rent that floated once on high! But shall the Southern rebel rag e'er mock our Northern sky? O Northmen I answer, Nay! Chorus. To arms! ye heroes of the nation! To arms! and stay the conflagration! Come from high or lowly station! To arms! we'll conquer yet! We hold the forts that frown above the Mississippi's tide. Though Vicksburgh yet may mock us, we will soon her strength deride. Shall rebels keep our commerce from that current strong and wide? O Northmen! answer, Nay! Shall we give up the city, friends, where Jackson boldly fought? Shall Farragut's wild gallantry be thrown away for naught? Shall New-Orleans belong to those who have our ruin sought? O Northmen! answer, Nay! Louisiana is our own, we bought her with a price; Ours her fields of sugar-cane; ours her swamps of rice! Shall rebels win her from us, friends, by any base device? O Northmen!
battle on, And forced the traitors, in a day, To cross again the rubicon! At Gettysburgh, 'twas “Yankees” too, That memorable triumph gained; And there the victor's trumpet blew, While o'er them shell in torrents rained! 'Twas “Yankees” there, who forced to flee, With over “thirty thousand” loss, Their best and ablest General, Lee, And back to Jeff's dominions cross! 'Twas “Yankees,” too, boldly attacked The Mississippi's strongholds well, Where two score thousand arms were stacked, When Vicksburgh and Port Hudson fell! 'Twas “Yankees” there — all “Yankees” brave! The rebels' great domain did sever, And planted, on its wreck to wave, Their flag, forever and forever! Call me a “Yankee!” --who but they Tore down the vile oppressor's rag! And hoisted there — auspicious day! O'er New-Orleans the freeman's flag! And who but they, pray tell me ye Who know, perhaps, the future more, Will keep it spread, till unity Shall bless our land as heretofore? Then call me,
Incidents of Vicksburgh. A Vicksburgh letter, describing the meeting of General Grants and Pemberton, on the day before our occupation of the rebel stronghold, says: Thousands of soldiers looked upon the strange scene. Two men who had been lieutenants in the same regiments in Mexico now met as foes, with all the worldmen treated the rebels with kindness, giving them coffee, which some had not tasted for a year. The city is much dilapidated, and many houses are injured. The Vicksburgh paper of July second admits the eating of mule meat and the pilfering of soldiers. In private houses there seems to be much suffering from sickness and our Vicksburgh paper of July second admits the eating of mule meat and the pilfering of soldiers. In private houses there seems to be much suffering from sickness and our missiles. The river batteries at Vicksburgh are composed of thirty-six guns of the Blakely, Whitworth, and Brooks pattern. All these fell into our hands.
A rebel bill of fare. J. H. Early, Surgeon of the Seventeenth Iowa regiment, found the following copy of a bill of fare in the rebel camps at Vicksburgh. While it is a capital specimen of burlesque, it is no less a melancholy specimen of burlesque upon the rebel rations of mule flesh indulged in by them during the last day of the siege: Hotel de Vicksburgh: bill of Bare for July, 1863. Soup. Mule Tail. boiled. Mule bacon with poke greens. Mule ham canvassed. Roast. Mule sirs. China berry tart. Dessert. White oak acorns. Beech nuts. Blackberry leaf tea. Genuine confederate coffee. Liquors. Mississippi Water, vintage of 1492, superior, $3. Limestone Water, late importation, very fine, $2.75. Spring Water, Vicksburgh brand, $1.50. Meals at all hours. Gentlemen to wait upon themselves. Any inattention on the part of servants will be promptly reported at the office. Jeff Davis & Co., Proprietors. Card.--The proprietors of the justly celebrated Hotel
The dead at Vicksburgh. They lay in all positions; some with musket grasped as though still contending; others with the cartridge in the fingers just ready to put the deadly charge where it might meet the foe. All ferocity had gone. Noble patriots! uninhabited tenements! ye rest here now in security! Your portals whence the spirits fled are as calm and pale as moonlight upon snow — as though no sweet love had ever woven for ye myrtle wreaths, nor death draped your hearts in ivy — as though mirth had never smiled nor sorrow wept where all is now silent. War with its dangers, earth with its perplexities, neglect and poverty with their pangs, slander with its barb, the dear heart-broken ones at home — all fail to call ye back to strife. A dark and fearful shadow has crept over the land and gathered ye in its gloom. O the tears that will be shed! O the hearths that will be desolated! Eyes will look in vain for your return to the hearths that ye once gladdened, while Fame crow<
Hurrah! by Alfred B. Street. Vicksburgh is ours, Hurrah! Treachery cowers, Hurrah! Down reels the rebel rag! Up shoots the starry flag! High, like a beaconed crag, Let its light flash around All through the Union's bound! Flash, till the welkin gleams! Flash, till the hills and streams, Cities and hamlets, throw Back a responsivhe great Union: shout All the broad Nation then! Let the joy ring about, So to be known of men Wherever men shall see Glory in Liberty. Triumph is ours, Hurrah! Vicksburgh is ours, Hurrah! Arch the green bowers, Hurrah! Arch o'er the hero, who Nearer and nearer drew, Letting wise patience sway, Till, from his brave delay, Swift ases, as high and bold, All round the shout is rolled! As on each roof and hold Banners from every fold Flash joy in sunny gold. As in tones uncontrolled, Still is the gladness told, Shouted o'er wood and wold, In the bell's music knolled, Vicksburgh is ours, Hurrah! The valley is ours, Hurrah! Grant, Banks, and Meade ours, Hurrah!