Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Appomattox (Virginia, United States) or search for Appomattox (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Horrible deed. --We learn that a most horrible deed was committed on Monday last by a widow lady of Appomattox county, named Mrs. Sinclair, while laboring under a of derangement. Conceiving, as she said, that herself and little boy, aged about five years, would die in a short time from starvation, she carried the boy to an upper room of her house and hung him by the neck from a joist, and then attempted to cut her own throat with a razor. She, however, was prevented by the timely presence of some member of her household from taking her own life, but not until she disclosed it herself was the hanging of her little boy made known, she making the request that some one should go up stairs and see if her boy had not been hanging long enough. Upon going up stairs, it was then found that the little boy had been hanging at least an hour, his feet a short distance from the floor, and that life was entirely extinct. The poor demented mother, it is said appeared delighted when informe
ion be rendered necessary or proper before the adjournment of the General Assembly in the event of the adoption of the new Constitution. Special report Mr. Conrad, from a special committee, reported a bill for the revision of the military laws of the present session. Mr. Brannon, from the Committee for Courts of Justice, reported a resolution in relation to certain coupons held by C. W. Purcell & Co. Bills reported. A bill for the relief of Wilson Hix, Sheriff of Appomattox county. A bill for the relief of Robert Cook. A bill paying to John Kelly, surviving partner of the firm of Kelly & Largner, the amount of a judgment of the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond against the Board of Public Works. The stay law On motion of Mr. Whittle, the bill providing for a stay law was taken up. Mr. Collier moved that the bill and amendments be laid on the table and made the order of the day for Monday next. The motion was agreed to. Bills pas