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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 78 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 48 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 40 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 28 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 22 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 22 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 20 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray) 20 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 16 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 16 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 681 (search)
, what was the manner of your death? by what fate do you lie here? by whose hands? Maid-servant I do not know. I found him on the sea-shore. Hecuba chanting Cast up on the smooth sand, or thrown there after the murderous blow? Maid-servant The waves had washed him ashore. Hecuba chanting Alas! alas! I now know the vision I saw in my sleep; the dusky-winged phantom did not escape me, the vision I saw of you, my son, now no more within the bright sunshine. Chorus Leader Who slew him then? Can your dream-lore tell us that? Hecuba chanting It was my own, own friend, the knight of Thrace, with whom his aged father had placed the boy in hiding. Chorus Leader O horror! what will you say? did he slay him to get the gold? Hecuba chanting O dreadful crime! O deed without a name! beyond wonder! impious! intolerable! Where are the laws between guest and host? Accursed of men! how have you mangled his flesh, slashing the poor child's limbs with ruthless sword, lost to all sense of pity!
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1 (search)
Scene: Before Agamemnon's tent in the Greek camp upon the shore of the Thracian Chersonese. The Ghost of Polydorus appears. Ghost I have come from out of the charnel-house and gates of gloom, where Hades dwells apart from gods, I Polydorus, a son of Hecuba, the daughter of Cisseus, and of Priam. Now my father, when Phrygia's capital was threatened with destruction by the spear of Hellas, took alarm and conveyed me secretly from the land of Troy to Polymestor's house, his guest-friend in Thrace, who sows these fruitful plains of Chersonese, curbing by his might a nation delighting in horses. And with me my father sent much gold by stealth, so that, if ever Ilium's walls should fall, his children that survived might not want for means to live. I was the youngest of Priam's sons; and this it was that caused my secret removal from the land; for my childish arm was not able to carry weapons or to wield the spear. So long then as the bulwarks of our land stood firm, and Troy's battlemen
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 402 (search)
hter of a free-born father, a slave I am to die. Hecuba Not one of all my fifty children left! Polyxena What message can I take for you to Hector or your aged lord? Hecuba Tell them that of all women I am the most miserable. Polyxena Ah! bosom and breasts that fed me with sweet food! Hecuba Oh, my daughter—your wretched, untimely fate! Polyxena Farewell, my mother! farewell, Cassandra! Hecuba “Fare well!” others do, but not your mother, no! Polyxena You too, my brother Polydorus, in Thrace, the home of steeds! Hecuba Yes, if he lives, which I doubt; so luckless am I in every way. Polyxena He lives; and, when you die, he will close your eyes. Hecuba I am dead; sorrow has forestalled death here. Polyxena Come veil my head, Odysseus, and take me away; for now, before the fatal blow, my heart is melted by my mother's wailing, and hers by mine. O light of day! for still I may call you by your name, though now my share in you is only the time I take to go between Achilles' tom<
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 59 (search)
night! why am I thus scared by fearful visions of the night? O lady Earth, mother of dreams that fly on sable wings! I am seeking to avert the vision of the night, the sight of horror which I learned from my dreams about my son, who is safe in Thrace, and Polyxena, my dear daughter. You gods of this land! preserve my son, the last and only anchor of my house, now settled in Thrace, the land of snow, safe in the keeping of his father's friend. Some fresh disaster is in store, a new strain of Thrace, the land of snow, safe in the keeping of his father's friend. Some fresh disaster is in store, a new strain of sorrow will be added to our woe. Such ceaseless thrills of terror never wrung my heart before. Oh! where, you Trojan maidens, can I find inspired Helenus or Cassandra, that they may read me my dream? For I saw a dappled deer mangled by a wolf's bloody fangs, torn from my knees by force, piteously. And this too filled me with fear; over the summit of his tomb appeared Achilles' phantom, and for his prize he would have one of the luckless maids of Troy. Therefore, I implore you, divine powers,
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 35 (search)
Meanwhile all the Achaeans sit idly here in their ships at the shores of Thrace; for the son of Peleus, Achilles, appeared above his tomb and stopped the whole army of Hellas, as they were making straight for home across the sea, demanding to have my sister Polyxena offered at his tomb, and to receive his reward. And he will obtain this prize, nor will they that are his friends refuse the gift; and on this very day fate is leading my sister to her doom. So will my mother see two children dead at once, me and that ill-fated maid. For I, to win a grave, ah me! will appear among the rippling waves before her servant-maid's feet. Yes! I have begged this from the powers below, to find a tomb and fall into my mother's hands. So shall I have my heart's desire; but now I will get out of the way of aged Hecuba, for here she passes on her way from the shelter of Agamemnon's tent, terrified at my spectre. Alas! O mother, from a palace to face a life of slavery, how sad your lot, as sad as o
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 953 (search)
r city thus, and your daughter lately slain. Ah! there is nothing to be relied on; fair fame is insecure, nor is there any guarantee that prosperity will not be turned to woe. For the gods confound our fortunes, tossing them to and fro, and introduce confusion, so that our perplexity may make us worship them. But what use is it to lament these things, and make no advance ahead of trouble? If you are blaming me at all for my absence, stop a moment; I happened to be away in the very heart of Thrace when you came here; but on my return, just as I was starting from my home for the same purpose, your maid fell in with me, and gave me your message, which brought me here at once. Hecuba Polymestor, I am held in such wretchedness that I blush to meet your eye; for my present evil case makes me ashamed to face you who saw me in happier days, and I could not look on you with unfaltering gaze. Do not then think it ill-will towards you, Polymestor; there is another cause as well, I mean the
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1107 (search)
ing her with gore. Agamemnon You creature, what are you about? Polymestor By the gods I entreat you, let me vent on her the fury of my arm. Agamemnon Hold! banish that savage spirit from your heart and plead your cause, so that after hearing you and her in turn I may fairly decide what reason there is for your present sufferings. Polymestor I will tell my tale. There was a son of Priam, Polydorus, the youngest, a child by Hecuba, whom his father Priam sent to me from Troy to bring up in my halls, suspecting no doubt the fall of Troy. I killed him; but hear my reason for killing him, how cleverly and wisely I had planned. My fear was that if that child were left to be your enemy, he would repeople Troy and settle it afresh; and the Achaeans, knowing that a son of Priam survived, might bring another expedition against the Phrygian land, and then harry and lay waste these plains of Thrace, for the neighbours of Troy to experience the very troubles we were lately suffering, O king.