Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for P. F. Thomas or search for P. F. Thomas in all documents.

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el Dailey. Company D. "Ambler Grays."--Wounded: Privates G R Hargrave, W E Thomas, J B Johnston, Wm Hall, John Tranham, W W Jennings, Captain John S Anderson, SeT Pace, John W Asblar. Wounded: Capt John T Martin; Privates J J Jennings; W E Thomas, Thos W Harlowe; Corp'ls W G McLane, John W Sadler; Privates Collins J Winston,d Rifles."--Killed: Corp'l A T Sullivan, Private E A Carey. Wounded: Sergt J W Thomas, in both arms; Sergt R B Garland, in hand, Corp'ls John T Smith, in shoulder; W G Thomas, in shoulder; Privates F F Cardwell, in leg; J W Thomas, in hip; E B Anderson, in thigh, W T Newcomb, in hip; Travis Newcomb, in side. Company K, "FluvThomas, in hip; E B Anderson, in thigh, W T Newcomb, in hip; Travis Newcomb, in side. Company K, "Fluvanna Rifle Grays."--Killed Private Dan'l Bashaw. Wounded: Lieut J M Hardin, Serg't S G Kidd, R A Blackburn, Corp'l J M Haldip, Private N. L Johnson, Lieut J M HughesM Hardin, Serg't S G Kidd, R A Blackburn, Corp'l J M Haldip, Private N. L Johnson, Lieut J M Hughes, Corp'l W G Pettit, Privates J W Tilman, J G Thomas, S L Priall.
with the swamp, and towards nightfall Thursday two of his brigades, (Pryor's and Featherstone's,) bivouacked in the woods to the right and left of a very heavy battery that was sweeping the whole horizon at the moment of their advance. At twilight the enemy opened fire upon our troops, and broke their short repose. Almost simultaneous with Gregg's attack on Ellyson's mills, Pryor and Featherstone also commenced. As all approach to this battery was through an open field, some few pieces of Thomas's the Donaldsonville, and Carter's batteries were brought up which vigorously replied to the enemy and drew off their attention from the Mississippians and Louisianians who were endeavoring to flank it. At the foot of the rise was a wide and deep (natural) ditch, unbridged. A temporary one was made by the 19th Mississippi, under fire, while St. Paul's battalion busily occupied the enemy's skirmishers. All being in readiness, our artillery moved up closer, and redoubled their enemy, while P
Runaways. --Runaway from Second Section Richmond and Danville Railroad, the following slaves. The legal reward will be paid for their return at the office of the company in Richmond, or at any Station on the road — viz: Washington; very dark, five feet nine or ten inches high; stammers a little when spoken to. Nelson; stout built, dark color, five feet seven or eight inches high. Thomas; yellow complexion, rather slow in his movements, five feet nine or ten inches high. All the property of Wm. H. Buckner, of Caroline county, Va. je 27--ts
The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1862., [Electronic resource], Kentucky and the abolition War policy. (search)
Thirty Dollars reward. --Left me, while at Yorktown, my boy Dave, who is about 25 years old, black complected, spare made, will weigh about 140 pounds, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches in height. Last heard from was at Williamsburg, time of the fight. I will pay the above reward for his delivery at camp, or at some safe jail, so that I get him. P. F. Thomas. je 24--6t* Co. K, 6th Reg't Ala, Vols.