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The privateers then stripped the ship of all the valuable articles on board, and at four P. M. set fire to the vessel. On arriving on board the steamer the captain of the Virginia asked Semmes to release him, as he was doing no harm. His answer was: You Northerners are destroying our property, and New Bedford people are having their war meetings, offering two hundred dollars' bounty for volunteers, and send out their stone fleets to block up our harbors, and I am going to retaliate! --Captain Tilton's Account. This evening, before dusk, a scouting-party of fifty-three of the Tenth Kentucky cavalry, under Major Foley, when near Florence, Kentucky, engaged a party of rebels one hundred and one strong. The rebels, after a short engagement, were routed, with a loss of five killed and seven wounded. Among those killed was one citizen, a rebel sympathizer. The National loss was one killed and one wounded. The enemy sent in a flag of truce, asking permission to bury their dead and t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
tle Round Top. Seeing his commander fall, Lieutenant Hazlett hastened to his side. The expiring General seemed desirous of telling something, and, while Hazlett was bending over him with his ear near his lips, the bullet of a sharpshooter killed the Lieutenant, and he fell upon the then dead body of his commander. during the struggle on the extreme left, there was also a fierce contest more toward the center, which assisted in securing little Round Top to the Nationals. The brigades of Tilton and Sweitser, of Barnes's division, had been sent to the aid of Birney, and shared in the disaster that befell that line. When it fell back, the remainder of Sickles's Corps (Humphrey's division and Graham's brigade) swung Round back by the left, its right still clinging to the Emmettsburg road, the battery of Major McGilvray at the same time firing and falling back. Then Caldwell's division was advanced from Hancock's front to check the incoming Confederates, and a patch of open woods and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
e tunnel at Buzzard's Roost, and captured the Union garrison at Dalton. On his arrival at Resaca, Oct. 14. Sherman determined to strike Hood in flank, or force him to fight. He was now puzzled by Hood's movements, and knew no better way to force him to develop his designs. General Howard moved to Snake Creek Gap, and skirmished with the Confederates there, for the purpose of holding them while General Stanley, with the Fourth and Fourteenth Corps, should move round to Hood's rear, from Tilton to the vicinity of Villanow. But the Confederates gave way and withdrew to Ship's Gap, and on the following day Oct. 16. Sherman's forces moved directly toward Lafayette, with a view of cutting off Hood's retreat. That leader was watchful, and being in lighter marching order than his pursuer, outstripped and evaded him. Sherman still pressed on and entered the Chattanooga Valley, and on the 19th, his forces were all grouped about Gaylesville, a fertile region in Northern Alabama. Sherm
: Sherman followed to Rome, Oct. 11. and dispatched thence Gen. Cox's division and Garrard's cavalry across tle Oostenaula to harass the right flank of the enemy, as he moved northward. Garrard chased a brigade of Rebel cavalry toward the Chattooga, capturing 2 guns. Hood, moving rapidly, had by this time appeared before Resaca, summoning it; but Sherman had reenforced it with two regiments, and Col. Weaver had held it firmly, repulsing the enemy; who had moved up the railroad through Tilton and Dalton, destroying it so far as the Tunnel. Sherman, on reaching Resaca, Oct. 14. was evidently puzzled to divine what his adversary meant in thus employing the second army of the Confederacy on a raiding expedition, but resolved to strike him in flank and force him to fight a battle. Accordingly, Howard was impelled westward to Snake creek gap, where he was to skirmish and hold the enemy, while Stanley, with the 4th and 14th corps, moved from Tilton on Villanow, with intent to gain
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
eft resting on the Oostenaula. Hood's corps extended from Hardee's right across the railroad to the Connesauga, facing to the northwest. There was brisk skirmishing all the afternoon of May 13th on Polk's front, and that of Hardee's left division-Cheatham's. The Fourth Corps had been left in front of Mill-Creek Gap, probably to prevent or delay the discovery by us of the withdrawal of the main body of the Federal army. Major-General Wheeler, falling back before that corps, reached Tilton at three o'clock in the afternoon. He received instructions there to do every thing possible to prevent it from passing that point before nightfall, to give Lieutenant-General Hood time to dispose his corps carefully, and make other preparation.s to hold his ground. For this object his cavalry was reenforced by Brown's brigade. These instructions were executed, and the enemy delayed until night-quite long enough for the object in view. The skirmishers became engaged along our whole li
ain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundred and seventy-five to five hundred tons, are all old whalers, heavily loaded with large blocks of granite, and cost the Government from two thousand five hundred d
Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732. Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797; Pratt, 1791. Rand, 1789; Reed, 1755; Richardson, 1796; Robbins, 1765; Rouse, 1770; Rumril, 1750; Rushby, 1735; Russul, 1733. Sables, 1758; Sargent, 1716; Scolly, 1733; Semer, 1719; Simonds, 1773; Souther, 1747; Sprague, 1763; Stocker, 1763; Storer, 1748. Tebodo, 1757; Teel, 1760; Tidd, 1746; Tilton, 1764; Tompson, 1718; Trowbridge, 1787; Turner, 1729; Tuttle, 1729; Tyzick, 1785. Wait, 1725; Waite, 1785; Wakefield, 1751; Walker, 1779; Ward, 1718; Waters, 1721; Watson, 1729; White, 1749; Whitney, 1768; William, 1762; Williston, 1769; Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798; Wright, 1795. As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of Batavia, was born in Boston, Feb. 9, 1799, and baptized at Medford, July 7, 1805. Charles Dabney's child, whic
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 16: Gettysburg: the first day (search)
r Infantry and Artillery and 15 per cent for Cavalry. Army of the Potomac. Present for duty, June 30, 1863 corps STRENGTHDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY Batts.Guns 1st CorpsWadsworth Meredith, Cutler ReynoldsRobinsonPaul, Baxter 10,355RowleyBiddle, Stone, Stannard523 2d CorpsCaldwellCross, Kelley, Zook, Brook HancockGibbonHarrow, Webb, Hall 13,056HaysCarroll, Smyth, Willard524 3d CorpsBirneyGraham, Ward, De Trobriand Sickles 12,630HumphreysCarr, Brewster, Burling530 5th CorpsBarnesTilton, Sweitzer, Vincent SykesAyresDay, Burbank, Weed 12,211CrawfordMcCandless, Fisher526 6th CorpsWrightTorbert, Bartlett, Russell SedgwickHoweGrant, Neill 15,710NewtonShaler, Eustis, Wheaton848 11th CorpsBarlowVon Gilsa, Ames HowardSteinwehrCoster, Smith 10,576SchurzSchimmelpfennig, Krzyzanowski526 12th CorpsWilliamsMcDougall, Lockwood, Ruger Slocum 8,597GearyCandy, Cobham, Greene420 2,568TylerArtillery Reserve21110 corps STRENGTHDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY 2,580Engineers, Provost
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 17: Gettysburg: second day (search)
hat Meade, being on the left with Sickles at the time of Longstreet's attack, had at once begun to bring up reenforcements. It is interesting to note the number thus brought forward before the fighting ceased at dark. The first help sent Sickles, when his six brigades were attacked by Longstreet's eight, was Barnes's division of the 5th corps, three brigades, — Tilton's, Sweitzer's, and Vincent's. Vincent fought Oates on Little Round Top and repulsed him, Vincent, however, being killed. Tilton and Sweitzer attacked Law and Anderson, but were themselves soon driven back. The losses of this division were: Vincent's, 352; Tilton's, 125; Sweitzer's, 427; total, 904. As Barnes retreated, Caldwell's division of the 2d corps came up, with four brigades under Cross, Kelley, Zook, and Brook. The battle seesawed, but Caldwell was driven back with the loss of half his division. Cross and Zook were killed and Brook wounded. The brigade losses were: Cross, 330; Kelley, 198; Brook, 389;
t the reader may see what they amount to. It is the master of the Virginia who speaks first—a Captain Tilton. He says:— I went on the quarter-deck, with my son, when they ordered me into the lee valence of gales, they were, no doubt, a little disturbed in their slumbers by the water, as Captain Tilton says. But I discharged them all in good physical condition, and this is the best evidence I could give, that they were well cared for. It was certainly a hardship that Captain Tilton should have nothing better to eat than my own crew, and should be obliged, like them, to wash in salt water,assage, which were consumed. We were all put in irons, and received the same treatment that Captain Tilton's officers and crew did, who had been taken the day before. While on board, we understood traids in the South, merely for the love of grand moral ideas. The terrible drenchings, that Captain Tilton got, did not seem to have made the same impression upon Captain Gifford. Few of the maste
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