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while in person he led Fitz Lee's brigade across the historic Raccoon ford of the Rapidan, and placed his cavalry in position to protect Lee's left. This brought him into conflict with the Federal cavalry advance on the morning of the 30th, near Todd's tavern, not far from Anderson's left at Tabernacle church. Meade's corps of the Federal army, the Fifth, reached Chancellorsville during the night of the 29th, and by sunset of the 30th, Hooker had there concentrated 50,000 men, while 18,000 al cavalry. By early dawn of the next morning, Jackson sent his topographical engineer, Capt. Jed. Hotchkiss, to Catherine furnace to ascertain whether there was a shorter road around Hooker's front and right to his rear, than the one by way of Todd's tavern. Informed, at an early hour, of the shortest way, Jackson, after a short conference with Lee, in which he secured permission to take his whole corps with him in his flank movement, promptly marched, first southward, then southwestward, t
into the main roads leading directly to Richmond. Gregg's cavalry, moving along a parallel road to the southwest, toward Todd's tavern and Spottsylvania Court House, protected his flank from the incursions of Stuart's cavalry. Warren's corps had luart's cavalry were already skirmishing with those of Gregg, on the Brock road, in front of and far to Lee's right, toward Todd's tavern, while Ewell's skirmishers were in lively engagement with those of Warren, advanced to protect his flank on the Gn the same general direction, and Sedgwick to close up at the Wilderness tavern. Hancock, obeying his orders, had reached Todd's tavern, on the Brock road, and was turning to the southwest, by the Catharpin road, toward Shady Grove church, scarcely sition assigned for the first day's march will stand thus: General Warren's corps at Spottsylvania Court House; Hancock at Todd's tavern; Sedgwick on the road from Piney Branch church to Spottsylvania, and General Burnside at Aldrich's. It is not dem
held at the plank road, near Parker's store, until the early morning of the 8th, when the Second corps, with the exception of Early's division, which was left near Todd's tavern in support of Hill, marched to a junction with the First corps near Spottsylvania Court House. Grant, in person, tarried with Hancock until noon, after ssecond Federal attack, which he had driven back, and Ewell, in a countercharge, had gained an advance of a half mile, on the right of the Catharpin road leading to Todd's tavern, while the First corps held his right, across the Brock road, leading to the same point along the divide between the Ny and the Po rivers, the two most no toward Richmond, as he had planned on the 7th. Held back by Hampton and Early, the most. of Hancock's corps had been detained on the Brock road, near and behind Todd's tavern, during the 8th, while Anderson with the First and Ewell with the Second corps were engaged with Grant's advance near Spottsylvania Court House. On the