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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the Wilderness. (search)
things combined proved that both men and officers acted well and gallantly. For the part each regiment performed in the action, I have the honor to refer you to the accompanying report of the colonels. I cannot close this report without mentioning the efficient aid rendered me by Captain Walker, my Inspector-General, and the judicious assistance rendered me by Captain Kibbee, Tenth Georgia regiment, acting Assistant Adjutant-General, and to the gallantry shown by my personal aid, Lieutenant Townsend, who was wounded early in these battles. To Couriers Morris and Dobbs I am indebted for much assistance in the fight, for their bravery and energy, forcing to the front the few men who manifested a disposition to straggle to the rear. The command lost killed 31 men and officers and 102 wounded. I am, Goode Bryan, Brigadier-General. Report of General William Mahone. headquarters Mahone's brigade. Major — In obedience to orders, this brigade broke camp on the 4th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
gue of the War Department, it might be seen what was wanted to complete the files of each collection. This catalogue was completed on Monday last, and I took it on to Washington, where I had a most satisfactory interview with Adjutant-General Townsend, who now has charge of the whole matter of the archives and their publication; Colonel R. N. Scott, who is in charge of the compilation of the records; Mr. A. P. Tasker, who is keeper of the archives; General Wright, and other gentlemen connected with the War-record office. General Townsend received me with every courtesy and kindness, and we had a long talk on the whole question. He assured me that so far from desiring to suppress. he is exceedingly anxious to obtain, in order to publish,. full files of all of our Confederate reports and other official documents; that he is pushing the work of compilation as rapidly as possible, and that he is ready to give our Society every facility in his power to secure copies of whatever we m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Annual meeting of Southern Historical Society, October 28th and 29th, 1878. (search)
n. We certainly agree with the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, that no library, public or private, which pretends to historical fulness can afford to be without these volumes. Confederate archives at Washington. We published in the November number of the Papers so full an account of our relations with the Archive Bureau, and our efforts to obtain access to the documents, &c., on file there, that little need be said here concerning it. We continue to receive from General Townsend and his subordinates every kindness and courtesy, and our arrangements for the exchange of papers are entirely satisfactory. It will be readily seen that this access to the Record office, while it greatly increases our facilities for obtaining the material for a true history of the war, will impose upon us additional work, and at the same time render it more desirable that our friends should furnish us increased means for copying and publishing the records for the use of the future h
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
lowing our trumpet. You will bear us witness that we have done little of this heretofore, but this is the last number of the year, and — well, we had as well tell the whole truth--we want you to renew and to get us some new subscribers. Our relations with the Archive office in Washington continue to be of the most pleasant and satisfactory character, and we have received from all of the officers connected with the department the most courteous and accommodating kindness. Adjutant-General Townsend seems deeply interested in the work of completing — with a View to the ultimate publication of — the files of his Bureau, and manifests not only an intelligent zeal but a sound judgment in the direction of the whole business. He is also diligently collecting for the library of the War Department such books, documents, photographs, relics, &c., as shall illustrate the military history of the whole country, from colonial times down to the present. We do not hesitate to urge any of <