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everal regiments to dislodge the Southerners at Great Bethel, nine miles from Hampton. At Little Bethel, a German regiment, mistaking the signal, fired on Col. Townsend's column, marching in close order, with two pieces of artillery. Other accounts say Townsend's regiment fired first. T. a fire was harm less, but the GermansTownsend's regiment fired first. T. a fire was harm less, but the Germans' fir killed one and wounded two. The Albany regiment being behind, discovered by the accoutrements on the field that the supposed enemies were friends, but previously they had fired nine rounds. --Duryea's Zouaves hearing the firing, fired on the Albanyans. At daybreak two regiments moved from the fortress to support the main bo00 wounded. Major Winthrop, aid to Gen. Butler, and Lieut. Col. Grinnell, of the New York First Regiment, are missing. The attacking force was Duryea's Zouaves, Townsend's Albany Regiment, Col. Burdick's Regiment, detachment of the Vermont and Massachusetts Regiment, Col. Allen's Regiment, and Col. Harris's Regiment. The defende